The IRR(internal rate of return) is often used by investors for the evaluation of engineering projects. Unfortunately, it has serial flaws: (1) multiple real-valued IRRs may arise; (2) complex-valued IRRs may arise; (3) the IRR is, in special cases, incompatible with the net present value (NPV) in accept/reject decisions. The efforts of management scientists and economists in providing a reliable project rate of return have generated over the decades an immense amount of contributions aiming to solve these shortcomings. Especially, multiple internal rate of returns (IRRs) have a fatal flaw when we decide to accep it or not. To solve it, some researchers came up with external rate of returns (ERRs) such as ARR (Average Rate of Return) or MIRR (MIRR, Modified Internal Rate of Return). ARR or MIRR. will also always yield the same decision for a engineering project consistent with the NPV criterion. The ERRs are to modify the procedure for computing the rate of return by making explicit and consistent assumptions about the interest rate at which intermediate receipts from projects may be invested. This reinvestment could be either in other projects or in the outside market. However, when we use traditional ERRs, a volume of capital investment is still unclear. Alternatively, the productive rate of return (PRR) can settle these problems. Generally, a rate of return is a profit on an investment over a period of time, expressed as a proportion of the original investment. The time period is typically the life of a project. The PRR is based on the full life of the engineering project. but has been annualised to project one year. And the PRR uses the effective investment instead of the original investment. This method requires that the cash flow of an engineering project must be separated into ‘investment’ and ‘loss’ to calculate the PRR value. In this paper, we proposed a tabulated form for easy calculation of the PRR by modifing the profit and loss statement, and the cash flow statement.
단감을 재배하는 농가에서 저장성을 향상 시킬 수 있는 값싸고 쉬운 방법을 개발하기 위해 본 연구를 수행 했다. 농가 관행 LDPE 포장재 내에 동봉할 수 있는 천연소재(대나무활성숯, 왕겨숯, 겔라이트)를 선발하여 상온과 저온환경에서 가용성 고형물 함량, 경도, 식미, 부패도, 연화도의 변화를 1주일 또는 2주일 간격으로 조사 하였다. 대나무활성숯을 동봉한 LDPE 포장 방법이 단순 LDPE 포장 방법 보다 저장성 및 품질을 을 좋게 유지하였다. 대나무활성숯을 동봉한 LDPE 포장 방법은 관행 농법 농가와 유기 농법 농가 모두에서 장기 저장 시 그리고 유통 중 온도변화 시 저장성을 향상 시킬수 있는 값싸고, 손쉬운 방법으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
The subject of this experiment is to supply basic data to inhibit non-productive tillers which are uneconomical for mechanical harvesting and to evaluate optimum planting density and sowing date in central district. Total number of tillers and effective first and second of tillers according to different planting density was higher in 80 ㎝ ridge than 60 ㎝ ridge in proso millet. The wider between plant distance on the ridge, the more increased total number of tillers and effective first and second of tillers. The highest effective tillers (91.7 %) in the first tillers was obtained from the second sowing date (23 May) among different sowing date and next is in the order of 3 rd (13 June, 89.8%) > 1 st (2 May, 85.6%) > 4 th (4 July, 85.2%). The percentage of effective tillers in the second tillers was decreased in the order of 2 May (53.7%), 23 May (40.7%), 13 June (22.2%), 4 July (0%) as the sowing date was delayed. There was no significant difference in days to heading and days to ripening according to different planting density. Although culm length was increased as planting density was increased, whereas number of tillers, stem diameter, ear length, grains per ear and 1000 grain weight was decreased. In the growth and yield characteristics of proso millet according to different sowing date, days to heading and days to ripening, culm length, stem diameter, ear length, grains per ear and yield per 10a were decreased. After the sowing date of 13 June, the reduction of growth and yield characteristics were higher because of excess-moisture injury.
The aim of this study is to select the superior resources of high yield, high content of functional material optimal to mechanical harvesting by the evaluation of crop growth and yield characteristics in sorghum germplasm. One hundred accessions of sorghum germplasm were used in this experiment. Days from seeding to heading date showed the range from 68 to 94 days with the highest frequency proportion was the group from 80 to 85 days, which occupied 34% (34 plant resources) of 100 germplasm. Ear types of 100 sorghum germplasm could be classified as 7 types of broom-tillering, half broom-tillering, extreme open-loose type, open-loose type, intermediate type, compact type, extreme-compact type of which intermediate type was the highest ratio of 28% (28 plant resources) of 100 germplasm. Yield showed the range from 106 to 365 ㎏/10a with the highest frequency proportion of it was the group from 150 to 200 ㎏/10a, which occupied 44% (44 plant resources) of 100 germplasm. Among 100 sorghum germplasm, 18 ideal resources of high yield and short plant height appropriate for mechanical harvesting were selected. In order to evaluate high content of functional substance, selected 18 resources were analyzed for total polyphenol content, DPPH radical scavenging activity and total anthocyanin content. Finally, we selected 5 resources of short plant height, high yield, high content of total polyphenol and high DPPH radical scavenging activity among 18 genetic resources.
The medicinal constituents contained in Korean and Chinese Angelicae dahuricae Radix were compared by confirming their qualities. From the extracts of Angelicae dahuricae Radix, oxypeucedanin, imperatorin, and alloisoimperatorin etc. furanocoumarin derivatives were identified by GC/MS analysis. Through GC/FID analysis, the furanocoumarin derivatives content of Baizi cultivated in Korea was more than that cultivated in China, except for one cultivated at Ankuk province, and so confirmed to possess, on the whole, good quality medicinal constituents by content, as compared with the ones cultivated in China.