
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2000.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Compaction of asphalt pavement is one of the important processes to make good quality one. There are many laboratory-compaction methods to simulate field compaction, including Marshall compaction, Hveem compaction, gyratory compaction, and etc. The most common method used to determine the fundamental properties of asphalt mixture for design is Marshall method which is using impact energy. However, there is major difference between field compaction using kneading compaction and Marshall compaction using impact energy. Therefore, the gyratory compactor, which currently is the best to simulate the field compaction, was employed. The fundamental properties of asphalt specimen compacted by gyratory compactor and Marshall compactor were determined using laboratory test. From the tests, slag mixture with carbon black or pyrolyzed carbon black showed better performances, such as, in low susceptibility to temperature, high resistance against water and rutting, and high resilient modulus and indirect tensile strength.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Compaction of asphalt pavement is one of the important processes to make good quality one. There are many laboratory-compaction methods to simulate field compaction, including Marshall compaction, Hveem compaction, gyratory compaction, and etc. The most common method used to determine the fundamental properties of asphalt mixture for design is Marshall method which is using impact energy. However, there is major difference between field compaction using kneading compaction and Marshall compaction using impact energy. Therefore, the gyratory compactor, which currently is the best to simulate the field compaction, was employed. The fundamental properties of asphalt specimen compacted by gyratory compactor and Marshall compactor were determined using laboratory test. From the tests, slag mixture with carbon black or pyrolyzed carbon black showed better performances, such as, in low susceptibility to temperature, high resistance against water and rutting, and high resilient modulus and indirect tensile strength.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the field construction with the prefabricated lightweight plastic foundation using recycled plastic forsewage pipeline and triple wall PE sewer pipe was carried out to verify the construction workability of prefabricated plasticfoundation and deformation resistance potential of triple wall PE sewer pipe. The construction procedure in field wasfollowed the KS standard. The measured vertical deformations of PE pipe are average 2.35mm which means around 1%of deformation for 300mm diameter of PE pipe. Judging from the type of foundation, the use of plastic foundation (CaseB & Case C) showed lower deformation due to differential settlement than that of sand bedding foundation. Especially,the plastic foundation made a relatively uniform deformation of PE pipe. However, the sand foundation represented thenon-uniform deformation of PE pipe.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to utilize waste wood chip for pavement, a polyurethane resin that is both eco-friendly and suitable for bindingwood chip was developed as the binder, and workability was examined through laboratory experiment for characteristicsof waste wood chip mixture using the polyurethane resin and through test pavement on the field. The new resin was aVOC reduction type free from plasticizer and solvent classified as endocrine-disrupting chemicals and environmentalhazardous substances, and NCO equivalents were set at 8, 9, 10 and 11% by modifying the polyisocyanate-polyol ratio.Laboratory experiment showed that polyurethane resin with NCO equivalent of 9% and 10% had excellent characteristicsas binder for waste wood chip. In the field experiment applying waste wood chip and polyurethane resin in the massratio of 1:0.8, tensile strength of the pavement system was about 30% higher than that using polyurethane resin currentlybeing sold, and permeability coefficient and elasticity thereof were the same as that using the resin currently being sold.Also, examination of compaction methods for waste wood chip pavement system showed that non-heating hand rollerand compactor had the problem of the “waste wood chip - resin mixture” sticking to the roller during the compaction but that heating hand roller had excellent workability and could achieve good planation surface relatively easily.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the prefabricated lightweight plastic foundation which was made of recycled plastic for sewage pipeline was developed and PE triple flexible pipe was used to evaluate the fundamental characteristics of foundation for sewage pipeline. Two types of prefabricated plastic foundations were adopted. The basic properties of each plastic material were evaluated, such as density, elastic modulus, unconfined compressive strength, and bending stress. The allowable load at 5% of pipe deformation was 1.49 ton for 100% new plastics foundation, and 1.35 ton for composite plastic foundation. The use of fabricated lightweight plastic foundation shows 100% of higher load support than without foundation.