
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we examined the effects of gamma irradiation dosage on the mycelial growth of Auricularia auriculajudae and performed analyses of fruiting body yield, growth characteristics, taste, fragrance, and mineral composition. Assessments of mycelial growth in response to gamma irradiation at different intensities revealed an enhancement in the growth of fungi exposed to irradiation at 200 Gy. Fruiting body yield was also highest at 200 Gy, followed by 800 Gy and the control group. On the basis of these observations, we subsequently applied gamma ray doses of 200 and 800 Gy to examine the effects of irradiation on fungal quality characteristics. In terms of the taste of fruiting bodies, we detected no significant differences among the control, 200 Gy, and 800 Gy groups. Contrastingly, with respect to fragrance, we found that fungi treated with 200 Gy were characterized by a pattern that differed from those of the control and other treatment groups. Furthermore, whereas we detected no significant difference among treatments with respect total dietary fiber content, calcium content was found to be higher in the treatment groups compared with the control group, with the highest content being measured in fungi exposed to 800 Gy irradiation. Copper content was confirmed to be higher in the control group, whereas there were no significant differences between the fungi irradiated with 200 and 800 Gy. Contrastingly, the highest levels of zinc were detected in response to 200 Gy irradiation, followed by 800 Gy. Collectively, our findings thus indicate that gamma irradiation can contribute to promoting increases in the fruiting body yield and mineral contents of mushrooms.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we aimed to compare the mycelial growth of Pleurotus ostreatus after medium supplementation with various amino acids at different concentrations to select the optimal medium nutrient composition for mycelial growth. The mycelial growth of P. ostreatus was investigated after adding four amino acids (tryptophan, threonine, methionine, and lysine) at 0.5% or 1% to the medium.The rate of P. ostreatus mycelial growthwas faster in the potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium supplemented with threonine at 0.5% or 1% than that of the control, whereas it was inhibited by tryptophan treatment. Supplementation of sawdust mediumwith all amino acids, except tryptophan, at 0.5% did not alter the mycelial growth, compared to the controls. However, addition of any amino acid to sawdust medium at a higher concentration (1%) inhibited the mycelial growth. The laccase acitivity of P. ostreatus mycelium cultured in PDA medium was the highest when threonine was added, and the lowest when tryptophane was added, consistent with the results of the mycelial growth. Therefore, the addition of threonine, methionine, or lysine to PDA medium at a concentration of 0.5-1%was effective for increasing the mycelial growth of P. ostreatus; however, it inhibited mycelial growth insawdust medium, suggesting that the effects of amino acids dependedon the medium nutrient composition.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the culture characteristics of Cryptoporus volvatus, whichis grow naturally in Korea, to determine the suitable environmental conditions for its cultivation. The physiological characteristics of the mycelia were assessed according to the cultivation conditions, to determine the optimal conditions for artificial cultivation. The visual characteristics of the hyphae of Cryptoporus volvatus KACC52303 included an irregular and uneven surface and a fuzzy or cotton-like texture. Under the microscope, its microstructure showed pre-chlamydospore formation, but no clamps were seen. The appropriate culture temperature was found to be a medium/high temperature of approximately 25–30oC, and the optimal pH was found to have a wide range from weakly acidic (pH 4) to neutral (pH 7). In the optimal nutrient source experiment, hyphal growth was shown to be fair in a mixed medium with 2.5% dextrin as the carbon source and 0.1% yeast extract as the organic nitrogen source. Among the various amino acids, organic acids, and inorganic salts tested, the fastest hyphal growth was observed in the presence of leucine, acetic acid or gluconic acid, and KCl or KH2PO4, respectively. The column test showed that the best mycelial growth occurred in a mixed medium of 80% pine sawdust, 10% rice bran, and 10% corncob sawdust.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the growth and antioxidant activity of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelia grown in medium supplemented with Aronia. The diameter and dry weight of the mycelia were increased in the medium supplemented with Aronia compared with the untreated medium. The total polyphenol content of mycelia grown in medium supplemented with Aronia and untreated medium was 6.54 mg GAE/g and 5.77 mg GAE/g, respectively. The 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity of mycelia grown in medium supplemented with Aronia and untreated medium was 61.81% and 49.65%, respectively. Moreover, the 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical scavenging activity of mycelia grown in medium supplemented with Aronia and untreated medium was 59.83% and 52.66%, respectively. These results confirmed that P. ostreatus mycelial growth and antioxidant activity were increased when Aronia was added to the culture medium.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        흑타리 UV-B조사시간에 따른 저장특성과 에르고스테 롤함량의 변화를 조사하였다. 중량감모율은 조사시간이 길어질수록 중량의 감소율이 증가하는 경향을 보였다. CO2/O2 조성의 경우 UV-B 조사시간이 길어질수록 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. ΔE는 Lightness와 Redness에서 30분처리와 무처리에서 큰 차이를 보이지 않았지만, Yellowness에서 무처리가 15분처리보다 2.7, 30분처리보다 1.6 높은 값이 나온 것을 확인할 수 있다. 경도에서도 마찬가지로 UV-B 조사시간이 길어지면 빠르게 물러지는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 에르고스테롤의 함량변화의 경우 30분처리가 무처리보다 약 2배 정도 높은 값이 나온 것을 볼 수 있었다. 전자현미경으로 관찰한 결과 UV-B조사시 간이 길어지면 길어질수록 세포벽이 부서지는 경향을 나타냈으며, 30분처리에 비해서 15분처리의 세포벽이 좀 더 양호한 것을 볼 수 있었다. 전체적인 결과로 보았을 때 UV-B 조사시간이 길어지면 저장특성이 나빠지며, 세포벽이 파괴되지만, 에르고스테롤의 함량이 증가하는 것으로 보인다. 하지만, 30분처리의 저장특성에 비해 15분처리의 저장특성이 높았으며, 에르고스테롤의 함량 차이가 크게 나지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서, UV-B 30분처리를 하게 되면 에르고스테롤의 함량은 증가하지만, 중량의 감소율이 증가하며, 색차값이 달라지며, 세포벽이 많이 부서지는 경향을 나타내었다. 추후 UV-B의 적정조사시간에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.