This study tests the influence of multi-visual dimensions and textual features of electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) on its perceived helpfulness on a sample from Saudi Arabia. This investigation is conducted in the context of Twitter through an online factorial experiment. The design incorporates a 3 (visual inclusion to text: with product-only photo, with product and face photo, without product photo) × 3 (EWOM valence: positive, positive and negative, and negative) between-subjects experiment (n = 540). It is concluded that when evaluating EWOM helpfulness, pictures do in fact contribute substantial value. For females, this effect is more pronounced when the EWOM is two-sided at the product-only photo level, and when EWOM is negative at the product with a face photo level. Thus, this study adds to the body of existing theories by arguing that EWOM helpfulness largely depends on how the textual and visual features of EWOM are communicated.
Price has always had a key role in the luxury fashion market, because high prices are linked to the prestige of luxury products. Because of this, scholars have neglected the possible existence of unintuitive and controversial pricing strategies followed by luxury firms. This article deals with this literature gap, analysing the odd even price strategy. With the direct observation of physical and digital store windows of 20 luxury brands, this research examines the relationship between odd even price strategy and the luxury level of fashion brands considering both offline and online channels
Chemically pure, hydride/dehydride titanium powders were cold pre-compacted then extruded at and under argon. The extrusions were 100% dense with a narrow band of surface porosity and equiaxed microstructure of similar magnitude to the starting material. The tensile properties of the bars were better than conventionally extruded CP titanium bar product. Outcomes from this study have assisted in the identification of a number of key characteristics important to the extrusion of titanium from pre-compacted CP titanium powders, allowing the elimination of canning and hot isostatic pressing (HIPping) of billets prior to extrusion as per conventional PM processes.
We present preliminary numerical simulations of tilted-disk accretion around a rotating black hole. Our goal is to explore whether hydrodynamic instabilities near the Bardeen-Petterson radius could be responsible for generating moderate-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray binaries. We review the relevant general relativistic hydrodynamic equations, and discuss preliminary results on the structure and dynamics of a thin, Keplerian disk.
Essential ideas, successes, and difficulties of Areal Density Analysis (ADA) for color-magnitude diagrams (CMD’s) of resolved stellar populations are examined, with explanation of various algorithms and strategies for optimal performance. A CMDgeneration program computes theoretical datasets with simulated observational error and a solution program inverts the problem by the method of Differential Corrections (DC) so as to compute parameter values from observed magnitudes and colors, with standard error estimates and correlation coefficients. ADA promises not only impersonal results, but also significant saving of labor, especially where a given dataset is analyzed with several evolution models. Observational errors and multiple star systems, along with various single star characteristics and phenomena, are modeled directly via the Functional Statistics Algorithm (FSA). Unlike Monte Carlo, FSA is not dependent on a random number generator. Discussions include difficulties and overall requirements, such as need for fast evolutionary computation and realization of goals within machine memory limits. Degradation of results due to influence of pixelization on derivatives, Initial Mass Function (IMF) quantization, IMF steepness, low Areal Densities (A), and large variation in A are reduced or eliminated through a variety of schemes that are explained sufficiently for general application. The Levenberg-Marquardt and MMS algorithms for improvement of solution convergence are contained within the DC program. An example of convergence, which typically is very good, is shown in tabular form. A number of theoretical and practical solution issues are discussed, as are prospects for further development.
엽녹소형광측정에 의한 수도 내냉성검정의 가능성을 검토하기 위하여 내냉성이 다양한 11개 품종을 1 /5000a pot에 원형직파하여 육성된 재료들을 수잉기에 10℃ 의 저온에 8 일간 처리하여 저온처리전후의 가변형광량( FVAR)과 형광증가속도(F/sun R/)의 변화를 비교하였다. 내냉성이 약한 품종들에서 저온처리에 의한 형광특성들의 감소가 커서 각 품종들의 저온장해정도와 가변형광량 및 형광증가속도의 저온처리전후의 대비지수는 부의 유의상관을 나타내어 이들 형광특성들은 도체형양기관에 나타나는 저온장해의 정도를 판단하는데 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. 엽록소형광을 이용한 내냉성검정방법은 다량의 육종재료 검정에 정밀성, 경제성, 신속성과 함께 검정에 공시된 개체를 계속 육종에 이용할 수 있어 이의 활용이 기대된다.다.