The bulb mite (Rhizoglyphus echinopus) is damage garlic, shallot, onion in the bulbs, corms, tubers. It has recently become a serious problem because of the continuous use of acaricides resulting in resistance among bulb mite population. Thus, there is need to find alternative control measures to suppress bulb mite population. Initial screenings were performed using 352 isolates of pathogenic fungi from Korea soils. As results, 9 strains of acaropathogenic fungi were cadavers of bulb mite supporting fungal conidiation. These isolated were identified as 8 strains of Metarhizium anisopliae (4-1, 4-3-1, 4-3-2, 4-8-1, 4-4-1, 4-14-2, 4-16-1,and 4-31-2), 2 strains of Beauveria bassiana (4-4-2) by microscopic examination and genetic sequencing of the ITS region. However, ITS sequence analysis was consistent with the Metarhizium anisopliae (4-1, 4-3-1, 4-4-1, 4-31-2; a, 4-8-1, 4-14-2, 4-16-1; b, 4-3-2; c). Therefore, genetic diversity of selected in vitro isolates was characterized by Universally Primed (UP) PCR. The divided with Metarhizium anisopliae 4strain by UP-PCR. Of the 5stain isolation tested, 5stain resulted in mortality rates ≥20% within 6 days and all fungal treatment was detected mycosis. Thus these species of acaropathogenic fungi can be considered promising for biological control of bulb mite.
수변완충림으로 조성된 3년생 포플러 4클론에 대하여 biomass 생산능력과 주요 비점오염원 중 하 나인 질소의 저장능력을 조사하였다. 현사시 72-31 및 미루나무 교잡종 Dorskamp 클론의 지상부 biomass 구성 비율은 줄기, 가지, 잎의 순으로 높았으며, 잎과 가지의 비율은 두 클론간에 차이를 보 였다. 지상부 biomass의 질소 함량은 잎, 가지, 줄기의 순으로 높았고 72-31 클론의 잎과 가지의 질 소함량은 Dorskamp에 비해 높았으나 줄기의 질소 함량은 낮게 나타났다. 3년생 Ay48 클론의 지상 부 biomass 추정량은 37.5 ton․ha -1로 가장 높았으며, 72-31 클론이 가장 낮았다. 3년생 포플러 클론의 지상부 biomass의 질소 저장능력은 biomass 생산량의 순위와 일치하였다. 지상부 biomass 생산능력 이 가장 우수한 3년생 Ay48 클론은 218.3 kg․ha -1의 질소를 지상부 biomass에 저장할 수 있는 것으로 추정되었다.
Polyimide is a well-known organic dielectric material, which has not only high chemical and thermal stability but also good electrical insulating and mechanical properties. In this research, the electric conduction mechanism of PI Ultra-Thin Films was investigated at room temperature. At low electric field, ohmic conduction (I∝V) was observed and the calculated electrical conductivity was about 4.23×10-15~9.81×10-15 S/cm. At high electric field, nonohmic conduction (I∝V2) was observed and the conduction mechanism was explained by space charge limited region effect. The dielectric constant of PI Ultra-Thin Films was about 7.0.
Das Medienrecht ist permanent der sturmischen technischen Entwicklung und dem damit verbundenen Strukturwandel des Marktes anzupassen. Die aus dem Zusammenwachsen der Telekommunikations- und Computertechnik entstehenden Multimediadienste eroffnen einerseits eine breite Palette von Moglichkeiten des Informationsaustausches, aber verursacht neue wettbewerbsrechtliche Probleme, die mit dem herkommlichen Regulierungssystem nicht uberwunden werden konnen. Diese Probleme klassifzieren sich in drei Gruppen: Regulierungsmangel, doppelte Regulierungen und ungleiche Regulierung. Das neue Regulierungssystem unter Konvergenzbedingungen, das die o.g. Probleme bewaltigen soll, ist nach der Ergebnis der vorliegenden Arbeit grundsatzlich auf zwei Prinzipien aufzubauen. Erstens sollen die Regulierungsinstrumente bzw. -intensitat nach die jeweiligen Gefahren des zu regulierenden Objektes zu orientieren. Zum zweiten soll das neue Regulierungssystem die durch Regulierungssystem entstandene Rente vermeiden bzw. abschaffen und somit Bedingungen fur den fairen Wettbewerb verschaffen.