
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The morning ritual was a rite whereby a morning audience with the emperor was held for feudal lords sovereigns and subjects living in the precincts, monarchs or foreign envoys of the outskirts of the capital, and other ethnic group. Distinction between the main and subordinate rituals, changes in the ceremony according to the times, and the position or rank of those participating in the rite, were factors that directly affected the costumes worn for ritual. Accordingly, in this paper, the costumes worn by members of the Ming dynasty (emperor, prince imperial, prince) were examined in terms of the period and detailed ceremonies with a focus on the morning ritual and costume systems presented in the official historical records. Through this study, only Mian-fu (冕服) and Pi-bian-fu (皮弁服) were defined by the costume system ase costumes worn in the morning ritual. However, through comparative analysis with the morning ritual system, it was confirmed that Tongtian-guan-fu (通天 冠服), Yishan-guan-fu (翼善冠服), and Bianfu (便服: slightly casual wear) were also worn. It is worth noting that the color of Gunlong-pao (袞龍袍) was differentiated according to status; the Emperor wore yellow, the Prince Imperial and lower levels wore red, which was the traditional perception of academia. However, following confirmation of the custom costume for the morning ritual, it was confirmed that the color of this differentiation appeared during the 3rd year of Emperor Yongle of Ming (1305). Previously five traditional colors (blue, red, yellow, white, and black) were used for the season.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, road cave-in and depression in urban area due to subsurface cavity are emerging as a social issue in Korea. These phenomena enable to cause not only damage to human lives and properties, but also an anxiety of the citizens. Furthermore, it is a problem that needs more fundamental solution to countermeasure. The objective of this study is to evaluate the stiffness characteristics of asphalt pavement with existence of subsurface cavity using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) deflection and backcalculation analysis using GAPAVE program developed the KICT. The characteristics of FWD deflections are analysed for cavity and intact asphalt pavements. The stiffness reduction in the asphalt pavement due to subsurface cavity was evaluated as a result of this FWD test. The Seoul Metropolitan Government has conducted a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) test, coring, and image photographing in four different locations to determine the presence of the cavity and figure out the cavity depth and size underneath asphalt pavements. The cavity depths measured in this section range between 17cm to 51cm, and its lengths are at least 70cm to up to 310cm. It is found from this analysis that the deflections measured from cavity section are generally higher than intact section in same locations. As results of backcalculation analysis, it appears that the backcalculated moduli are generally decreasing with increase of cavity depth. After comparing with AC moduli obtained from intact and cavity section, it is observed that about 80% of moduli was reduced with existence of subsurface.