We have made an extensive mapping of the 13CO 13CO J=1-0 transition line in the dark cloud L1535. We also constructed the 100μm 100μm IRAS map in the region. We found a semi-detached cloud component of 13CO 13CO in the northeast direction of the 13CO 13CO main cloud which forms a dumbbell-like structure. This additional component with an angular size of 20′×16′ 20′×16′ has not been observed before in any molecular surveys of the cloud. The IRAS map shows a similar structure with two intensity peaks whose positions coincide with those of the 13CO 13CO clouds.
The effects of acetic acid (AA) on aerobic plate counts (APC), gram-negative bacterial counts (GNC), and generation time (GT) in chicken wings stored at 4℃ were assessed. Chicken wings were treated with 0.5-1.5% (v/v) AA at exposure times of 5 min. Treatments of AA for 5 min significantly (P$lt;0.05) reduced aerobic plate counts (APC) and gram-negative bacterial counts (GNC) on the surface of chicken wings for 8 days, respectively. After 4 days of storage, treatments of 1.0% AA and 1.5% AA for 5 min completely (P$lt;0.05) inhibited APC and GNC compared to initial controls. Based on these results, treatments of 1.0% AA and 1.5 % AA for 5 min prolonged the microbiological shelf-life for 8 days compared to those of 0.5% AA and the controls. All treatments of AA increased the lag phase and GT of aerobic microorganisms.
보리잎 중에 존재하는 항산화 물질을 여러 용매로 추출하여 그 항산화 효과를 비교하고, methanol추출물의 preparative TLC에 의한 분획물의 항산화 효과, UV-Visible spectrum, 총페놀 함량 및 수소공여능과의 관계를 조사하였다. 각 용매추출물의 항산화 효과의 크기는 methanol > ethyl ether> methylene chloride ≥ ethyl acetate≥ acetone > hexane순으로 나타났다. 메타놀추출물의 분획물인 fraction 1, 2및 3의 항산화 효과는 fraction 2>fraction 1>fraction 3의 순이었으며 이들의 효과는 모두 α-tocopherol보다 강한 것으로 나타났다. 자외선 흡수스펙트럼을 조사한 결과, Traction 1, 2사 3에서 페놀성 물질의 존재를 나타내는 280㎚에서의 강한 흡수가 보였으며 이들의 흡수는 fraction 2에서 가장 강하게 나타났다. 가시광선의 홉수스펙트럼의 경우 fraction 1, 2와 3는 각각 660㎚, 460㎚ 및 450㎚에서 최대흡수파장을 보였다. 자외선 스펙트럼과 총페놀 함량의 조사 결과, 보리잎의 항산화효과는 phenolic group을 함유하는 flavonoids에 기인되는 것으로 생각되었다.