본 연구에서는 대마난류(Tsushima Warm Current, TWC)의 유동 변화에 영향을 주는 요소를 파악하기 위하여 TWC의 수송량과 태 평양 순년진동(Pacific Decadal Oscillation, PDO) 및 엘니뇨 남방진동(El Niño - Southern Oscillation, ENSO)의 상호 관계 분석을 실시하였다. 25 년(1993~2018년) 동안의 TWC의 월별 수송량을 계산해보면 하계에 가장 크고 동계에 가장 작게 나타나는 계절변동 주기가 뚜렷하다. TWC 수송량과 PDO 및 ENSO의 한 척도인 Oceanic Niño Index(ONI) 각각의 주기성 파악을 위한 power spectrum 분석결과, TWC 수송량은 1년 주기 에서 peak를 보이지만 PDO 및 ONI는 뚜렷한 주기가 나타나지 않았다. 또한, TWC 수송량과 PDO 및 ONI의 상호 관계 파악을 위해 coherence 추정 방법을 이용하여 분석하였다. PDO 및 ONI의 coherence는 3년 이상의 장주기 변동에서 상호 기여도가 높으나 1년 이내의 단주기 변동 에서는 상호 기여도가 낮다. 그러나 TWC 수송량과 PDO 두 요소 간 0.8~1.2년 주기에서 coherence 값은 0.7로 상호 기여도가 높다. 한편 서수 도를 통과하는 TWC 수송량과 PDO는 Ⅰ기간(1993~2002년)과 Ⅲ기간(2010~2018년)에 역상관 관계성을 가진다. TWC 최대 수송량 (2.2 Sv 이 상)이 높게 나타나는 시기에 PDO 지수가 –1.0 이하의 음의 값, 2.2 Sv 이하로 작은 시기에 PDO 지수가 양의 값을 나타낸다. 따라서 장기적 인 PDO 지수 자료를 이용하면 TWC 수송량 변동 및 동해 연안역의 수온변화를 예측 또한 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
Draft is defined as an unwanted local cooling of the human body caused by air movement. It is a serious problem in many ventilated or air conditioned buildings. Often draft complaints occur although measured velocities in the occupied zone maybe lower than prescribed in existing standards. Purpose of this study is to clarify the evaluation of thermal comfort based on temperature and air velocity in winter. Experiments were performed in an environmental chamber in winter. Indoor temperature and air velocity was artificially controlled. The experiments were performed to evaluate temperature conditions and air velocity conditions by physiological and psychological responses of human. According to physiological responses and psychological responses, it was clear that the optimum air velocity is about 0.15 m/s and 0.30 m/s.
CFD code are used for numerically testing a new concept of large space air control system. A workshop with air-conditioners products lines and air-conditioned by several floor type air-containers is tested. The whole room air distribution is controlled by boosters installed in a middle height horizontal plane. First, calculated results are compared with measured data to confirm the validity and applicability of the prediction method. Next, the method is applied to case studies heating seasons. Results under some operating conditions show effectiveness in avoid the temperature stratification in winter.
When the city water was heated for the optimum use of unused energy, the energy flows and losses were calculated and evaluated to improve the value of heated water systems at dwelling side. To obtain this purpose, It was simulated on heat flows under two conditions like with heat pumps or not and calculated the energy savings. Furthermore, recycling water system was suggested for enhancing the value of heated water system. From this results, the energy flows without heat pumps showed that it was 3-4 percents of heat losses from pipes, 62 percents of energy savings from hot water uses and 34 percents of unutilized heat. When the heated water system adopt the recycling water system at dwelling side, it was improved 12 percents of total energy savings.
In order to make use of the protection effect against wind by the vegetation, it examined whether it should make what vegetation form and arrangement using the 2-dimensional non-hydrostatic model. When the foliage shielding factor increases, it becomes hard to take in protection effect against wind in a residential section. When it makes height of vegetation high, it becomes hard to take in protection effect against wind with height. In the comparison in the case where vegetation high is gradually made low toward wind-stream from a vegetation, and the case of making it low gradually, although former tends to receive the protection effect against wind by the vegetation, attenuation of wind velicity becomes large. In the comparison in the case where foliage shielding factor and distribution of density of leaf are gathered gradually toward wind-stream from a vegetation. It has been understood to evaluate to height the influence that the vegetation multi-layer model by which the heat revenue and expenditure in the direction of the vegetation height is considered is used, and to characterize the vegetation group by the parameter setting.
The research on potential energy was conducted to conserve the high-exergy energy like primary energy and utilize waste heat from sewage. From the point of view in using the waste heat, the energy potential of waste water from the model house was simulated.
From the results,when the heated water was supplied to the model house side in order to put unused energy to practice use, heated water had higher energy potential than unheated water, which was due to the discharge of most of unused energy.
The possessing heat capacity of sewage from heated water was increased to 40-70 percents in comparison with that from the unheated water. Therefore, it can be used as energy source for improving coefficient of performance of heat pumps. By adopting the multiple heat pump into a model house, It showed that the possessing heat capacity of sewage was reduced. It was also found that the heat was recovered as energy source for multiple heat pump in a model house.
How to plan the energy system is one of the keys for constructing the Environment -Friendly City. For this reason, a great number of surveys for utilizing unused energy have conducted by a planner. In regard to unused energy, the heat from incineration plants classify as a unused energy having high-exergy-energy. From this point of view, It is studied about the plant systems providing heat to district heating & cooling(D.H.C) and producing electric power. It is divided four system models as system I (10K [kgf/cm2] vapor as outlet of boiler, supply for 10K vapor and return to 60℃ as supply condition of district heating), system Ⅱ (30 K vapor as outlet of boiler, supply for 5K vapor and return to 60℃ as supply condition of district heating), system Ⅲ (30 K vapor as outlet of boiler, supply for 85℃ hot water and return to 60℃ as supply condition of district heating), system Ⅳ (30 K vapor as outlet of boiler, supply for 47℃ hot water and return to 40℃ as supply condition of district heating).
The results from the upper condition of four system, System Ⅱ got a proper on economical benefits and system Ⅳ calculated as benefiting on energy saving effects, and suggest indifference curve as the total evaluation method of both economical benefits and energy saving.
Ecological society and energy conservative systems has become a subject of world wide attention. To examine the technologies of such systems as resource recycling society, this study is proposed for using rainwater as energy source and water resources in urban area. Useful informations for planning of utilizing rainfall as energy source, water resources, emergency water and controlling flood are discussed with model systems in urban area. It is calculated that the rate of utilizing rainwater, amounts of utilizing rainwater, substitution rate of supply water, amounts of overflow rainwater according to rain storage tank volume. By applying the past weather data, The optimum volume of rain water storage was calculated as 200m3 which mean no benefits according to the increase of storage tank volumes. For optimum planing and control method at the model system, several running method of rainwater storage tank was calculated. The optimum operating method was the using weather data as 3hours weather forecast.