
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 206

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Haemaphysalis longicornis는 사람과 동물에게 여러 심각한 병원체를 전달하는 주요 매개체로, 한반도에 널리 분포하고 있다. H. longicornis는 Rickettsia spp., Borrelia spp., Francisella spp., Coxiella spp., 그리고 중증열성혈소판 감소증후군 바이러스 (SFTS virus) 등을 매개하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 국내에 서식하는 H. longicornis의 미생물 군집과 관련된 연구는 많이 진행되지 않은 것으로 확인되었다. 이 연구는 한반도 내 다양한 지역에서 채집된 H. longicornis의 미생물군집 다양성을 지역별, 성장 단계 및 성별에 따라 분석하였다. 2019년 6월부터 7월까지 질병관리청 권역별기후변화매개체감시거점센터 16개 지역에서 채집한 H. longicornis의 16S rRNA 유전자 V3-V4 영역을 PCR로 증폭 후 Illumina MiSeq 플랫폼으로 시퀀싱하였다. Qiime2를 활용한 미생물 다양성 분석을 통해 총 46개의 샘플에서 1,754,418개의 non-chimeric reads를 얻었으며, 평균 126개 의 operating taxonmic unit (OTU) 을 식별하여 총 1,398개의 OTU를 확인하였다. 대부분의 지역에서 Coxiella spp.가 우점종으로 나타났으며, 특히 Coxiella endosymbiont는 가장 높은 우점도를 보이며, Coxiella burnetii와 계통 발생 학적으로 유사한 것으로 확인되었다. 이 연구를 통해 분석된 결과는 각 지역의 H. longicornis 미생물군집 데이터 베이스 구축에 활용되었으며, 이를 통해 지역별 미생물군집의 특이성을 식별할 수 있게 하였다. 이는 한반도의 H. longicornis에 의한 질병 전파 연구와 이를 통한 공중보건 개선에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 기후변화 등으로 인한 꿀벌의 폐사가 증가하고 있으나 관련 데이터가 부족하여 이에 대한 연구가 어려움 을 겪고 있어 학습용 인공지능 데이터를 구축하여 양봉 산업 발전에 기여하고자 한다. 학습용 데이터로 생애주기 별 5단계(알, 애벌레, 번데기, 숫벌, 여왕벌), 종봉별 4가지(이탈리안, 카니올란, 한봉, 호박벌), 발생질병 1종(백묵 병) 총 10가지 클래스를 데이터 수집장소 6곳(장성, 포천, 칠곡, 완주, 의령, 장흥)에서 학습용 데이터를 274,206장 구축하였다. 수집된 데이터는 원시데이터, 원천데이터 가공, 라벨링 데이터 결합, 가공데이터 검수 등을 통해 만들어졌으며 관측지에서 온습도, CO, CH4, NH3 등 환경데이터를 200,000건 확보하여 데이터 라벨링을 수행하 였다. 데이터는 AI Hub(www.aihub.or.kr)에서 다운받을 수 있다. 확보된 데이터는 꿀벌의 생애 단계별, 종별, 건강 상태별 이미지 데이터로 구성되어 있어 양봉 관리 자동화, 꿀벌 질병 예측, 양봉 기술 개발 및 연구 등 다양한 분야에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        식용곤충은 미래식량 자원으로써 우수한 가치를 지니고 있어 해외에서는 사육자동화, IoT 및 AI 기술적용, 수직재배시스템 구축 등 많은 연구가 진행되고 있지만 국내에서는 대규모 사육농가나 곤충스마트팜 기술개발 이 부족하여 이를 위한 AI/빅데이터 인프라 구축이 시급한 실정이다. 학습용 인공지능 데이터는 식용곤충으로 활용되고 있는 장수풍뎅이, 흰점박이꽃무지, 갈색거저리, 백강잠, 메뚜기, 풀무치의 생애 주기별 총 6종의 RGB 사진데이터와 분광이미지 데이터 408,000장을 구축하였으며 온도, 습도, CO,, 암모니아, 조도, 수분 등 환경 데이 터 200,000세트를 수집하였다. 수집된 데이터는 원시데이터 수집, 원천데이터 가공, 라벨링 데이터 결합, 가공데 이터 검수 등을 통해 만들어졌으며 관련 데이터는 AI Hub(www.aihub.or.kr)에서 다운받을 수 있다. 확보된 식용곤 충 6종의 데이터는 곤충 종별 성장단계, 환경 변수에 따른 최적의 사육환경 조성, 생산시기 예측, 스마트대량사육 시스템 개발, 제품 가공시 추적이력제 도입, 식용곤충 스마트팜 기술 개발 및 연구 등 다양한 분야에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        갈색거저리 유충의 사료인 밀기울은 대부분 수입에 의존하고 있는데 일부 국가의 식량 수출 중단 조치 등에 따른 국제 곡물가격 상승으로 밀기울 가격은 인상되고, 식용곤충 판매가격이 하락하면서 생산비 절감을 위한 사료 개발이 요구되고 있다. 농업부산물 3종을 50% 이상 급이하게 되면 유충 생육이 저하되었기 때문에 본 연구는 적정한 배합비율을 선정하기 위해 첨가사료 20, 30% 함량으로 밀기울과 혼합하여 사료를 급이하였을 때 갈색거 저리 유충의 생육 특성과 영양성분 변화에 대해 밀기울만 제공한 대조구와 비교하였다. 부산물 A와 B, C를 각각 30% 함유한 처리구에서 갈색거저리 유충 무게는 대조구와 차이가 없음을 확인하였다. 먹이소화율은 부산물B를 20% 함유한 처리구가 80.5%로 대조구에 비해 높았고, 부산물C 30% 처리구에서 72.6%로 가장 낮았다. 갈색거저 리 유충의 생육일수 100일 기준으로 부산물B 30% 처리구에서 용화율이 76.1%로 대조구보다 1.6배 높았으며, 부산물A 20% 처리구는 29.2%로 용화율이 가장 낮았다. 갈색거저리 유충의 조단백질 함량은 부산물 C 30% 처리 구에서 대조구보다 10.3% 증가하여 아미노산 분석을 진행한 결과 sarcosine과 ornithine이 2.5배 이상 증가하였다. 이를 통해 부산물 B나 C를 30% 함유한 사료를 급이하였을 때 사육 원가를 절감하여 유충을 생산할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study is to select various insect species for healing resources and develop a healing program in order to use insect as a healing agriculture. In this study, there are two kinds of breeding kit were developed, one for Gryllus bimaculatus and the other for Oxya chinensis sinuosa. Using these insect breeding kits, we conducted a survey of 60 children and the elderly. In the case of children, the results of the insect breeding satisfaction showed that 30.6% said that the sound of crickets was very good, and 11.1% said that it was good. In addition, the higher the child's awareness of insects, the higher the proportion of children who wanted to raise insects in the future. As a result of a survey of seniors, 45.2% do not like insects and 51.6% are not interested, meaning that most seniors are not very interested in insects. However, the emotions after breeding insects showed positive results, with 45.2% saying their personality became brighter, 48.4% reducing their anger, 48.4% relieving their irritation, 54.8% relieving loneliness, 58.1% feeling more responsible, and 51.6% developing intimacy.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Silage inoculants, crucial in modern silage production, comprise beneficial microorganisms, primarily lactic acid bacteria (LAB), strategically applied to forage material during ensiling. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of various inoculants produced by different companies. Five treatments were evaluated, including a control group: T1 (Lactobacillus plantarum), T2 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus), T3 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus + Lactobacillus buchneri), T4 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Lactobacillus acidophilus + Lactobacillus bulgaricus), and T5 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus + Enterococcus faecium). Italian ryegrass was harvested at the heading stage and treated with these silage inoculants. Samples were collected over a 60-day ensiling period. Co-inoculation with L. plantarum and P. pentosaceus (T2) resulted in significantly higher CP compared to the control group co-inoculation exhibited with resulted in Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus in the T2 treatment exhibited higher CP content of 106.35 g/kg dry matter (DM). The T3 treatment, which included heterofermentative bacterial strains such as Lactobacillus buchneri, exhibited an increase in acetic acid concentration (11.15 g/kg DM). In the T4 treatment group, which utilized a mixed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the NH3-N/TN content was observed to be the lowest (20.52 g/kg DM). The T5 containing Enterococcus faecium had the highest RFV (123) after 60 days. Expanding upon these findings, the study underscores not only the beneficial effects of particular inoculant treatments on silage quality but also underscores the potential of customized inoculation strategies in maximizing nutrient retention and overall silage preservation.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서는 2021년 분홍색계 소 형 호접란 ‘Arihong’을 육성하였다. 2014년 밝은 분홍색 소형 품종 Phalaenopsis ‘Wedding’와 백색 바탕에 분홍빛을 가지는 소형종 P. ‘[{KT1398-1×(KM-6)-4}×Chiangbeauty-88]-23’ 를 모본과 부본으로 교배하였다. 2018년 실생 120개체 중 잎자세, 화색, 화형, 꽃대수 등 특성이 우수한 ‘14104-1’ 개체를 선발하여 기내 화경배양을 통해 증식하였다. 2018년부터 2021년에까지 1차, 2차특성검정을 통해 품종의 안정성과 균일성을 확인한 후 ‘Arihong’로 명명하였다. 이 품종은 백색(WG155B) 바탕에 중앙 에는 보라빛 분홍색(PVG80B)을 띄며, 진한 자주색(PG78A) 순판 을 가지는 것이 특징이다. 꽃대가 2대씩 발생하고 꽃대 길이는 평균 42.1cm 소형 분화로 적절한 크기를 가지고 있다. 평피기 형태의 꽃은 길이와 폭이 각각 5.1, 5.7cm이며, 분지가 발생하여 1개의 꽃대에 13.0개의 소화가 착생한다. ‘Arihong’의 잎은 수평으로 자라며 길이와 폭이 각각 13.0cm, 4.9cm였다. 또한 초세가 우수하고 생육 속도가 빨라 엽수 확보가 용이한 특성을 보였다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KHNP is conducting research to decommission Wolsong Unit 1 Calandria. Establishment of preparation and dismantlement processes, conceptual design of equipment and temporary radiation protection facilities, and waste management are being established. In particular, the ALARA plan is to be established by performing exposure dose evaluation for workers. This study aims to deal with the methodology of evaluating exposure dose based on the calandria dismantling process. The preparation process consists of bringing in and installing tooling and devices, and removing interference facilities to secure work space. The main source term for the preparation process is the calandria structure itself and crud of feeders. In the case of the dismantlement process, a structure with a shape that changes according to the process was modeled as a radiation source. It is intended to estimate the exposure dose by selecting the number of workers, time, and location required for each process in the radiation field evaluated according to the preparation and dismantlement process. In addition, it is also conducting an evaluation of the impact on dust generated by cutting operations and the human impact of C-14, H-3, which are specialized nuclides for heavy water reactors. KHNP is conducting an exposure dose evaluation based on a process based on the preparation and dismantlement process for decommissioning Calandria through computation code analysis. If additional worker protection measures are deemed necessary through dose evaluation according to this methodology, the process is improved to prepare for the dismantling of worker safety priorities.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, Bacillus velesensis TJS119, isolated from freshwater, demonstrated growth inhibition against insect pathogenic fungi. The culture medium of the B. velezensis TJS119 strain underwent sequential fractionation with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and water. Notably, the n-butanol fraction exhibited significant antifungal activity against Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana. LC/MS analysis of antifungal peaks identified the production of various lipopeptides by B. velezensis TJS119, including two types of iturin A (C14, C15), four types of fengycin A (C14, C15, C16, C17), and two types of fengycin B (C16, C17). The antifungal efficacy of Iturin A and Fengycin against insect pathogenic fungi was further validated using the paper disc diffusion method. These findings underscore the potential of B. velezensis TJS119 as a promising candidate for future research and applications in the realm of agricultural biological controls against fungal diseases.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        단단한 자구를 가진 적색 비모란선인장 ‘Gangjeok’ 품종 은 ‘Isaek’품종을 모본으로, ‘Suyeon’ 품종을 부본으로 하여 2018년에 교배하여 육성하였다. 교배 후 획득한 종자는 조직 배양실에서 기내파종하여 획득한 유묘를 기내에서 삼각주선 인장에 접목하여 ‘1802001’ 등 20계통을 양성하였다. 2019 년에 기내에서 양성한 20계통을 온실에서 삼각주선인장 대목 에 접목하여 재배하면서 ‘1812005’ 계통을 1차 선발하였다. 2020년부터 2022년까지 3차에 걸쳐서 특성을 검정한 후, 농 산물직무육성품종 심의회에서 최종 선발하여 ‘Gangjeok’으 로 명명하였다.‘Gangjeok’ 품종은 편원형의 적색 구를 가진 다. 혹(tubercle)이 돌출된 형태의 모구는 8.4개의 능(rip)을 가지며, 3.5mm 짧은 회색 가시가 발생한다. 정식 10개월 후 ‘Gangjeok’ 품종의 직경은 46.1mm이며, 자구는 평균 18.3 개 발생한다. 2022년 육성계통 평가회에서 ‘Gangjeok’ 품종 은 높은 기호도 점수 4.0을 받았다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to IAEA PRIS, there is no record of dismantling commercial heavy water reactors among 57 heavy water reactors around the world. In Canada, which has the largest number of heavy water reactors, three of the 22 commercial heavy water reactors with more than 500 MW are permanently suspended, Gentilly unit 2 (2012), Pickering unit 2 (2007), and Pickering unit 3 (2008), all of which chose a delayed decommissioning strategy. On the other hand, Wolsong unit 1, which will be the world’s first heavy water reactor to be dismantled commercially, will be immediately carried out as a decommissioning strategy. KHNP has established various cooperation systems with advanced companies and international organizations related to overseas NPP decommission and is actively exchanging technologies. Among them, the most important focus is on research cooperation related to COG (CANDU owners Group). The first case is a joint study on Conceptual Calandria Segmentation. Four areas of process, waste management, ALARA, and cost for decommissioning reactors to be submitted to Canadian regulators for approval of Pickering and Gentilly-2’s preliminary decommissioning plan have been evaluated, and research on Wolsong unit 1 is currently underway. The second case is Decommissioning and long-term waste management R&D. Although the technical maturity is low, it studies the common interests of member companies in the decommissioning of heavy water reactor power generation companies and long-term waste management. Robotics for dismantling high-radiation structures, C- 14, H-3 measurement and removal methods, and concrete decontamination technology, which are characterized by heavy water, are being actively studied. KHNP is strengthening international cooperation with COG to prepare for the successful decommissioning of Wolsong unit 1. Based on previous studies by Pickering and Gentilly-2, an evaluation of the decommissioning of Wolsong unit 1 reactor is being conducted. In addition, it is preparing for decommissioning through experience analysis of the pressure tube replacement project.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KHNP is carrying out international technical cooperation and joint research projects to decommission Wolsong unit 1 reactor. Construction data of the reactor structures, experience data on the pressure tube replacement projects, and the operation history were reviewed, and the amount of dismantled waste was calculated and waste was classified through activation analysis. By reviewing COG (CANDU owners Group) technical cooperation and experience in refurbishment projects, KHNP’s unique Wolsong unit 1 reactor decommissioning process was established, and basic design of a number of decommissioning equipment was carried out. Based on this, a study is being conducted to estimate the worker dose of dismantling workers. In order to evaluate the dose of external exposure of dismantling workers, detailed preparation and dismantling processes and radiation field evaluation of activated structures are required. The preparation process can be divided into dismantlement of existing facilities that interfere with the reactor dismantling work and construction of various facilities for the dismantlement process. Through process details, the work time, manpower, and location required for each process will be calculated. Radiation field evaluation takes into account changes in the shape of structures by process and calculates millions of areas by process, so integrated scripts are developed and utilized to integrate input text data. If the radiation field evaluation confirms that the radiation risk of workers is high, mutual feedback will be exchanged so that the process can be improved, such as the installation of temporary shields. The results of this study will be used as basic data for the final decommissioning plan for Wolsong unit 1. By reasonably estimating the dose of workers through computer analysis, safety will be the top priority when decommissioning.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Prevention of radiation hazards to workers and the environment in the event of decommissioning nuclear power plants is a top priority. To this end, it is essential to continuously perform radiation characterization before and during decommissioning. In operating nuclear power plants, various detectors are used depending on the purpose of measurement. Portable detectors used in power plants have excellent portability, but there is a limit to the use of a single measuring device alone to quantify radioactive contamination, nuclide analysis, and ensure representation of measurement results. In foreign countries, gamma-ray visualization detectors are being actively used for operating and decommissioning nuclear power plants. KHNP is also conducting research on the development of gamma-ray visualization detectors for multipurpose field measurement at decommissioning nuclear power plants. It aims to develop detectors capable of visualizing radioactive contamination, analyzing nuclides, estimating radioactivity, and estimating dose rates. To this end, we are developing related software according to the development process by purchasing sensors from H3D, which account for more than 75% of the US gamma-ray visualization detector market. In addition, field tests are planned in the order of Wolsong Unit 1 and Kori Unit 1 with Research reactor in Gongneung-dong in accordance with the progress of development. The detector will be optimized by analyzing the test results according to various gamma radiation field environments. The development detector will be used for various measurement purposes for Kori unit 1 and Wolsong
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Wolsong unit 1, the first PHWR (Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) in Korea, was permanent shut down in 2019. In Korea, according to the Nuclear Safety Act, the FDP (Final Decommissioning Plan) must be submitted within 5 years of permanent shutdown. According to NSSC Notice, the types, volumes, and radioactivity of solid radioactive wastes should be included in FDP chapter 9, Radioactive Waste Management, Therefore, in this study, activation assessment and waste classification of the End shield, which is a major activation component, were conducted. MCNP and ORIGEN-S computer codes were used for the activation assessment of the End shield. Radioactive waste levels were classified according to the cooling period of 0 to 20 years in consideration of the actual start of decommissioning. The End shield consists of Lattice tube, Shielding ball, Sleeve insert, Calandria tube shielding sleeve, and Embedment Ring. Among the components composed for each fuel channel, the neutron flux was calculated for the components whose level was not predicted by preliminary activation assessment, by dividing them into three channel regions: central channel, inter channel, and outer channel. In the case of the shielding ball, the neutron flux was calculated in the area up to 10 cm close to the core and other parts to check the decrease in neutron flux with the distance from the core. The neutron flux calculations showed that the highest neutron flux was calculated at the Sleeve insert, the component closest to the fuel channel. It was found that the neutron flux decreased by about 1/10 to 1/20 as the distance from the core increased by 20 cm. The outer channel was found to have about 30% of the neutron flux of the center channel. It was found that no change in radioactive waste level due to decay occurred during the 0 to 20 years cooling period. In this study, activation assessment and waste classification of End Shield in Wolsong unit 1 was conducted. The results of this study can be used as a basis for the preparation of the FDP for the Wolsong unit 1.
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