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        검색결과 6

        2021.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Littlemore (2015) claims that metonymy can perform a wide range of communicative functions in different forms and modes of expressions. This paper examines the visual metonymies observed in Green Book, the 2019 Best Picture Oscar Academy Award-winner, elucidating how the movie integrates its narrative with visual metonymy to express abstract and profound themes. Exploring various types of visual metonymy utilized in this movie, this paper reveals how the visual metonymy contributes to the communication effect of a movie. The paper also demonstrates that analysis of visual metonymy in movies enriches the current research on both visual metonymy and movie studies.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Several researchers have discussed which element is preferably chosen as a vehicle in metonymic constructions Langacker (1993) claims that, all other things being equal, these cognitive principles govern the choice of metonymic vehicle: human over non-human, whole over part, concrete over abstract, visible over non-visible. This claim has been made, but no previous case studies regarding these principles have been conducted. To remedy this gap, this paper examines 510 instances of PART FOR WHOLE metonymy in the names of events and accidents in Korean newspapers from 2010 through 2019. The result shows that AGENT is most frequently utilized to refer to whole events, supporting one principle of Langacker, human over nonhuman. CAUSE, PATIENT, and PLACE follows AGENT. INSTRUMENT is not very frequently used unless it achieves its salience through contexts. TIME is observed only once. Considering that TIME was used frequently to name past events, as in the 4.19 Revolution, 5.18 Democratic Movement, the 4.3 Events, the infrequent use of TIME reflects a cultural change in its cognitive salience.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Metaphor is a mapping between elements of source and target domains. When the mapping arises, rich background knowledge of source elements, which is called metaphorical inference, is mapped onto a target domain, resulting in metaphorical entailment. Since Lakoff and Johnson (1980), the mapping has been considered as being partial. It has been claimed that some of the elements are highlighted in the mapping and others are hidden. However, the partial nature of the metaphorical entailment has not been discussed so far. Bridging the gap, this paper observes the partial nature of metaphorical entailment, conducting the case study with the metaphor LIFE IS A BASEBALL GAME. The detailed investigation of the metaphor reveals that there are four different types of the partial entailment and that the partial nature of the entailment is due to the metonymic highlighting of various inferences.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Youngju Choi. 2016. Corpus-Driven Investigation of Meaning Pattern Association: The Case of Stand By. Studies in Modern Grammar 90, 137-158. It has been claimed that a polysemous expression will occur in different patterns depending on the specific meaning intended. This suggests that, conversely, the pattern in which an expression is used should reveal which of its meanings are intended by the speaker/writer. In the paper, the meaning-pattern association of the phrasal verb stand by is investigated, based on the observation of the corpus, Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The result shows that each meaning of the phrasal verb stand by occurs in a separate set of preconstructed patterns so that it can be easily distinguished from the others. One meaning of stand by, ‘to be present but fail to stop something bad from happening’ is set apart from other meanings, ‘to support’ and ‘to be ready,’ which are more closely linked together. This contrastive meaning has a more restricted set of preconstructed patterns than the other meanings. That is, a meaning that sets itself apart will have a more restricted set of patterns to reflect its specialized usage.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It has been claimed that a polysemous expression will occur in different patterns depending on the specific meaning intended. This suggests that, conversely, the pattern in which an expression is used should reveal which of its meanings are intended by the speaker/writer. In the paper, the meaning-pattern association of the phrasal verb stand by is investigated, based on the observation of the corpus, Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The result shows that each meaning of the phrasal verb stand by occurs in a separate set of preconstructed patterns so that it can be easily distinguished from the others. One meaning of stand by, ‘to be present but fail to stop something bad from happening’ is set apart from other meanings, ‘to support’ and ‘to be ready,’ which are more closely linked together. This contrastive meaning has a more restricted set of preconstructed patterns than the other meanings. That is, a meaning that sets itself apart will have a more restricted set of patterns to reflect its specialized usage.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper argues against micro-parametric approaches to Korean macro-micro type multiple accusative constructions. It has been argued that macro-micro type multiple accusative constructions are derived through movement and deletion or through late merge of the second accusative marked nominal. However, the approaches cannot explain case alternation facts when the target construction is combined with -ko siphta. The paper claims that if the construction is explained under the assumption that dependent marking languages like Korean and Japanese use a different mode of syntactic combination from English, the case alternation facts in the ko-siphta construction are readily explained. Dependent marking languages use dependent markers (i.e., case markers) in deriving syntactic derivation and using accusative marked nominals consecutively without having intervening predicates in a sentence is interpreted as a very convenient device for squeezing ideas into one clause without explicitly expressing the relationship between the nominals.