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        검색결과 395

        2013.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this article is to investigate the understanding on the workers of mission in ecumenical theology. Since mission is an action for the Kingdom of God, it is important to understand who is in charge of this work for an effective ministry. In the past, the church thought that the major agents of mission are ‘the church’ or ‘the chosen people.’ However, after the second world war, the ecumenical theology started to see the worker of mission more in a wider view including various organizations in the world. In this paper, first I tried to find out from what motivation the new view came out. They were the following perceptions: 1) the church realized that the church, the major agent of mission, committed serious sins especially during the two world wars, 2) due to the impact of Missio Dei, the church came to see that the workers of mission are not just the church but also many other institutions in the world, 3) the church came to change its view on the world from a target of mission to a coworker of mission. With this kind of background, the ecumenical theology tends to see the workers of mission as the triune God himself, the various institutions in the world used by God, lay people, and the poors. This kind of understanding contains various strengths and weaknesses. It might be helpful for the church to break its arrogance and self-centered attitude. Also it can help the church to cooperate with the world in carrying out the mission, and to keep going forward toward the ideal direction of mission. However, this view contains some weaknesses as well. As it emphasizes God as the major worker of mission too much, it can reduce the church's responsibility and enthusiasm for mission. As it pursues cooperation with the world, it can bring a result of weakening the identity of the church also. As it includes the world, which is not concerned and interested about God, as a major worker of mission, the church can fall into a trap of idealism and as a result of this it can cause enfeeblement of mission. If these kinds of weaknesses are compensated properly, the ecumenical view on the workers of mission would be helpful for building up the church for world mission.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        If a missionary does not fully comprehend the concept of the mission of God, he can be said to live a second or third dimension of a missiological life. Thus, he always worries about what to eat, what to drink, or what to wear, and the mission of God cannot be fulfilled when he is tempted with these worries. The Will of God which constantly processes from the Genesis until present day surpasses the third dimension, meaning that it exceeds a line formed by connecting a dot and dot, the surface formed by these lines, and the space formed through those surfaces. In the midst of this, the Will of God should be comprehended under the universal concept that surpasses the time and space. The writer names this as the Holistic Missio Dei, or something that goes over, for “finite human mind cannot fully comprehend infinite and eternal God.” When the Will of God comprehended under the universal notion is applied to His creatures, the true mission of God can be accomplished. Through this, we can find out every element relating to mission, such as the principal agent, purpose, direction, strategy, and more. The first chapter of Genesis, which belongs to the introduction of the Old Testament, clearly demonstrates that God is the agent of mission. In the Holy Bible, New Korean Revised Version, the subject of every sentence is God. For 32 times, God is expressed in subjective or possessive. Considering that the first chapter of Genesis consists of 31 verses, every verse includes the word ‘God,’ and here, the word ‘God’ indicates Elohim. In this point of view, the Bible and church history clearly demonstrate us that God created the world and that in the midst of this, the Church was developed. The writer acknowledges that “Today’s Salvation,” which was discussed together with conservative mission perspective in the late 20th Century, should be established as the theme of mission. The conservative mission perspective always was ‘God ⟶ Church ⟶ World.’ Yet, as this proceeded to the modern mission perspectives, it was changed to ‘God ⟶ World ⟶ Church.’ In the conservative mission perspective, modern church was always a community of people with callings and an agent of dispatch. Nonetheless, in the mission of God, the agent of dispatch is God the Trinity, and Church is a community that gathers and scatters as Charles Van Engen asserts. The writer perceives that, by going one step further from the conservative mission perspective and by interpreting the mission in a declaration and participation perspective of the Gospel, the true mission can be erecting the church in the world—where Gospel is declared and God exists— and changing the world through Church. The chart based on the comparison of aforementioned mission of God and biblical foundation of the Old Testament with conservative mission perspective illustrates how missionaries should carry out the ministry work in 21st century mission field.Moreover, God’s work of salvation can not be restrained by a continent, cultural characteristic, or group. Thus, the incarnation of Christ or the declaration of Gospel should be accomplished in a place where includes all nations and races, from one person to the whole ethical group and the world. There, people who confess Jesus as Christ the Lord should have a relationship and love in the name of the Lord by establishing a community of faith such as ל 󰕗󰙌(Kahal) or ekv klhsia, and should live for the glory of God by rejoicing in the grace of Salvation. To understand the mission of God, the comprehension of the Gospel is required. The mission which Jesus Christ, who is the Gospel Himself, claims is the mission of God. Jesus Christ had a clear recognition of both the concept of God and the mission of God. Hence, that same God and the mission of God which Jesus comprehended should be appreciated. Jesus Christ perceived God as Elohim. Especially, based on Deuteronomy 6:4, He said, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD”. From the beginning, Jesus Christ incarnated to accomplish the mission of God manifested in Elohim. Philippians 2:6-11 illustrates God the Father who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped and incarnated. Jews did not understand Christ who descended to the world with the heart of God the Father. They did not apprehend the heart of Elohim, but rather said, ‘Luke 23:21.’ Christ prayed at the cross, ‘Matthew 27:46.’ Jesus Christ did not pray to God Yahweh but to God the Father Elohim. With the heart of God and through the Will of God the Father, the mission of Christ can be comprehended. The ministry of accomplishing the Will of God the Father, who earnestly desired the salvation of the world even before the Old and New Testaments were determined as Scriptures, is indeed the mission of God.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find out the introduction process of western sports and sports activities of mission schools from the entrance of Christian missionaries in modern times of Korea to Gyeongsulgukchi (thirty years in Daehan Empire from the p
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Peace should be approached by inclusivism, consisted of politics, economy, international relationship, social welfare, community health care, education, and culture. For the current government of South Korea has been obsessed with ideology rather than national interests during the last five years, the relationship between South Korea and North Korea is in crisis. Theological foundations for reconciliation are truth, memory, repentance, justice, forgiveness, and love. The presupposition of reconciliation is to know what happened to the victim. The truth of the victim can be recognized through memory, that is the center of one’s identity. Repentance of the perpetrator is necessary for the process of reconciliation. In return the victim should forgive the perpetrator. In the whole process of reconciliation, love is a dominant factor. Theological foundations for peace are justice, reconciliation, nonviolence, just peace, and economic justice. Justice is the precondition for peace. And reconciliation is the way to peace. Nonviolence is the hope for peace. Just peace is suggested by the WCC as an alternative to the just war and pacifism. Economic justice is identified as an essence for peace. Tasks of the peace mission of the Korean Church for reconciliation and peace reunification of South Korea and North Korea are such as nonviolent communication, nurturing of the peacebuilders, the peace education for encouraging the culture of peace, the care for the victim of violence and programs for violence prevention, media as a peace messenger, the peace mission in the public area, and strategies of peace mission in the troubled areas. The peace mission should be approached by inclusivism and Christian realism as well. For practicing the peace mission the Korean Church can learn about important lessons from the various examples of the peace mission done by the member churches of the WCC during the Decade to Overcome Violence, from 2001 to 2010. The Korean Church is encouraged to study the precious experiences of the Peace Church (the Mennonites, the Quakers, and the Brethren Church) for enacting the peace mission.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is to study historical characteristics of social service mission in Korea church before the 1945 liberation of Korea. The classification of an era for historical analysis about social welfare in Korea church is not only necessary, but also is dangerous. Because it could be depended on subjective classification of the researcher, simplified complicated historical processes, and there would be a possibility to classify it individually or selectively. Nevertheless, a missiotheological reflection about christianity society service in the Korea mission history will be meaningful to many people who study social service mission according to the classification of an era and important to Korea church which is in stagnation. In this context, the summingup to social service mission of Korea church before the 1945 liberation of Korea according to period features is necessary. There are two kinds of mission service characteristics in the protestant. One of these is Luther, Calvin and Knox as an ‘ecclesiastical’ type, and the other is sure salvation by individual experience of faith as a ‘nonecclesiastical’ type. Mission movement after Pietism mainly took the 'nonecclesiastical' type. The United States of America which preached the gospel to Korea also was offsprings of the ‘nonecclesiastical’ type. The faith of these people, as a type of pious Puritan, thought a concept of church is the same as an ark separated from the world. It shows at the constitutional law of the separation of religion and politics and the guideline of mission agency. Despite their spiritual salvation separated from the world, nonpolitical actions, and irrational and dualistic faith as what is called an ‘evangelist,’ these people began education and medical works as a starting point of mission at the beginning of Korea mission. These were based on the considerate help and charitable service by each missionary. This type of faith made emotional bond with Koreans in unhappiness as a method for propagating the gospel even though there was not an attempt grasping the underlying and structural problems which were causing miserable lives and political suppression to the pioneer missionaries. So, the local section was set up in ‘Christian Council’ in 1925 and the rural section was set up in 1930, but these were only recognized as ‘something for mission works.’ For example, the local section of ‘Christian Council’ in 1930 was limited only for the dormitory foundation, missionary sending, sewage factory demolition, temperance movement and combined execution of help works. This kind of early mission, which was an unstructural service has the same basis with pious ‘Mitleid’ to the lost souls. Pietism against protestant’s legitimism in the 17th century and illuminism in the 18th century was an important movement that awakened stagnated mission work newly, but focusing on an individual’s complacency and conversion it became the important motivation of mission and the important goal of mission only to save each person from corrupted world. Therefore, the mission of unstructural service has some limitations that restrict missionary works only as a province of converted spirit, given Missio Dei erecting the sovereignty of Jesus Christ and expending the kingdom of God in this world. It was from 1920 that Korea church started to recognize the basic cause of social problems systematically. And also this is originated from the development of international missiotheology. As the first World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910 predicted the world evangelization hopefully, it was based on mission for a human being’s spirit salvation. Consequently, it did not develop the christianity's influence beyond individual spirit salvation. But after Edinburgh conference the world’s history was changing by contraries because of World War. So the World Missionary Conference after 1910 was not held. In Jerusalem conference in 1928 the recognition about the social responsibility of gospel, secularism and other religions was on the rise strongly. Thus, Korea church in the 1920s was interested in social welfare mission according to the stream of world missionary and the social change of Korea(Chosun). Since this was the creed copy of churches of the United States of America and Japan, this social welfare mission had a problem not to include independency and a demand of the times. Many social service movements such as roll back of tuberculosis, medical work, settlement work and moderation movement, and service for women and children’s welfare, therefore, showed the limitation. During the Japanese colonial period Korea church tried to find a clue of national problem solution from a rural community movement because it was based on a type of national church against Japan. The rural community movement also developed actively for about 10 years from the 1920s to the mid of 1930s. However, it should be stopped due to the oppression in and out of church from 1938, for it should choose either religious martyrdom or a conversion to rural community movement. Korea church have experienced a special period in which it practiced society service jointly with Korean people who were in poverty, diseases, oppression and discrimination under the Japanese colonial rule. Nevertheless, Korea church separated from the society due to the limitation of its conservative theology that could not catch fundamental social problems structurally and the faith that salvation is restricted within the individual spirit. This is why Korea church is experiencing its stagnation since the 1990s.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Early mission history to Latin America has been seldom studied by Korean mission scholars. Western scholars’ investigations on early violent contacts between Europe and New World have been focused on either ‘sorrymode’ (for Iberian scholars) or ‘wearesomebody mode’ (for Hispanic scholars). In the paper, the author argues a story of Christian mission, rather sad and dramatic: the life of native Peruvian Jesuit, Blas Valera. He was born mestizo between conquistatores father and mother from Inca royal family. His profound knowledge about Inca native culture and acute sensitivity of native languages made this Jesuit priest excellent missionary translator and later, missionary to native people himself. However, his theological openness to local culture and audacious identification between Inca’s supreme being and the Christian God caused a lot of troubles and controversies. During the Third Lima Council, the clash between Jose de Acosta, a Jesuit Provincial and adamant advocate of eradicating native component of the Christian faith, and the flexible Blas Valera was not avoidable. Jose de Acosta and the European Jesuit community in Peru charged Valera with sexual abuse and put him into jail. Later, it is said that Valera was sent to Spain, by the repeated request of Jose de Acosta, and was kill by English pirate in 1597. However, new discoveries of Valera’s writing possibly reveals that he was not killed in Spain; rather, he returned to Peru and wrote an important treatise, called Nueva coronica y buen gobierno, under the authorship of Guaman Poma. The author of this paper supports the authenticity of Vakera’s newlydiscovered documents and new theory, due to the same missionary points of Valera and Poma.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        If you want to write a mission history, academic dilemmas hinder you to sustain objective perspectives due to your confessional orientation. We mission historians believe that God has a grand plan of salvation for humankind and we are witnessing His story in the history of mission. Secular historians, however, do not believe in this kind of confession orientation. Rather they despise this kind of approach as the lack of academic objectivity. We mission historian must find the third way for writing mission history which could be shared not only with our fellow Christian scholar but also secular historians who believe in the objectivity as the primal condition for writing history. This paper suggests the method of Jacob Burckhardt(18181897) who proposed a flexible approaches in historiography. He criticizes that history is neither logic nor philosophy which is logical framework is firm and decisive. History writing should, according to Burckhardt, flexible because the interpretation of history should be open. The present author shows that this kind of flexible historiography could be accommodated in a new way of mission historiography. To show an example the author interprets the early Jesuit Missionary Matteo Ricci from the flexible mission historiography: Push factor and Pull factor. The author claims that writing mission history in more flexible historiography could be achieved by comparing push factor of missionary sending and pull factor of missionary receiving. Early Jesuit mission history will be more flexible if we approach the Jesuit mission from politics(of missionary sending from 16thcentury Europe and missionary receiving from the late Ming China's political situation), culture, and religion.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper explores central Asia's area studies and mission strategy focused on culture and islam's identity. This articles attempts significance of the area studies in taking pursuit of mission strategy in Central Asia. By researching Central Asia's historical surroundings, cultural identity, islam’s ideas after break up Soviet Union, it enables us to take out the essence of the mission’s methods in this areas. This article explores examining particularly Central Asia's historical meaning of the Mongolian tradition and the origin of the Central Asia's peoples, study the ideas of the religious essence, above all Islam's fundamentalism and the religiopolitical strategies as a politics of discourse focused on the concept in Central Asia. The history of Central Asia has been about empires and tribes. The concept of nation to denote a triangular relationship among territory, ethnocultural identity, and political authority is very recent in this region. The causeandeffect links between geopolitics and national identification in Central Asia were revealed by religion and national identity. By this conception, we must design mission strategy. The process of religious identity and national identity and Central Asia’s geopolitics have been connected each other, and I emphasized strong significance on the connection of domestic political surroundings and mission strategy. The leap from culture to politics is made by portraying the nation at one moment as a cultural community, and at another, as a political community. Nationalists can build up the nation from different political events and economic surroundings to be fot their country have special culture identity. Chapter II examines cultural mapping as the essence in Central Asia's study. Chapter III reviews islam's identity in Central Asia. Chapter IV analyzes politics factor focused on international relations between the west, USA and the Russia government. The aim of this article is to present a general overview of the mission strategy in examining culture and the ideological concept of the newly governments in Central Asia dealing with the process of the Nation building and State building in this areas.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article is to focus on the approach and application in practical strategy for Rwanda's culture and society. The understanding of Rwanda has so rapidly changed from their history. The missionaries did not understand about Rwanda situation. Also Korean church is not interested in Africa culture and mission. This situation has some important mission fields as the Rwanda church and Christian are being considered. The practical alternatives for Rwanda mission are very significant sphere of Africa mission. This paper is analyzed understand and practices for Rwanda mission through field experience and reference books. The Korea church should be realized the missional direction toward the Africa culture. This article explains social, political, economic, and religious understanding as well as their musics, worldview, and language. For this Rwanda mission practice and method, I want to recommend several suggestions to Korea church. Firstly, we can be recognized mission of passion of Gospel. We should be understood that the church must practice important vocation for Africa mission. Secondly, We should be changed paradigm shift about Rwanda mission. We can use materially, financially, culturally practical resources in the Korea church toward Rwanda mission. We can develop contact point for Rwanda strategy and plan in various missional direction.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The article explores the lifegiving holistic mission and strategy for the community in the Korean context in the global and ecological crisis era. The main body of the article consists of three parts. First, the paper deals with the issues of the Korean society in the global context and the responses of the Korean churches against them. The issues are as follows: the climate change and ecological crisis, widening of gaps between the rich and the poor in the globalization market system, conflicts of two Koreas, multicultural immigrants society issues in Korea, rapid emergency of the civil society as mission partners of the churches. Against the issues the Korean churches which have been fallen into scandals of bipolar tensions between the super and big churches and the small and selfsupportless churches in Korea, have lost energy to drive missionary activities to take measures to the issues. Formation of a new missional church in the view of community mission is asked in the Korean context. Second, the article discusses the lifegiving holistic mission for the community in which various organizations including faithbased organizations are active together for common good. The church mission for the community is necessary to be based on the mission of the trinitarian God of which the Holy Spirit leads the missions of churches for the community in the diverse ways of networks. The lifegiving holistic mission works for elevating quality of life of the community even in the ecological destruction crisis. Third, the paper suggests some strategies of the holistic mission for the community, analyzing mission experiences of three churches such as Bupyung Church (a small church in the city), Kwangyang Deakwang Church (a medium size church in the city) and Boryung Zion Church (a small church in the rural area) which are oriented to drive a lifegiving holistic mission for the community. In order to do mission activities in unity for the community the churches need to understand the solidarity concepts such as the covenant, responsibility for the other, and the conciliar process. Further the paper emphasizes the mission spiritualities for the lifegiving holistic mission for the community: incarnation of Jesus Christ and selfemptiness spirituality, integrity of worship in communication with community life, and the works of the Holy Spirit among the people of God.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is to propose the possibility of new issues in mission studies by examining new religions in a phenomenological way. The phenomenology of religion emphasizes the stopping of value judgment and the empathetic understanding of religious essence. Though scholars in mission studies pay attention to the study of world religions including Islam and Buddhism, they seem to have overlooked the necessity and importance of the study of new religions such as Unification Church and Mormonism. The scholars in the West, especially, the USA, UK, Italy, and Sweden, initiated the study of new religions in order to give proper information on new religions to the public, government, and churches. Anticultist's criticism on new religions often distorted the contents and image of new religion, so we need more objective research on new religions based on the analysis of text analyses, interviews, and field works. The death of Mun Sun Myung(19202012), the founder of the Unification Church, recently increased the public concern to new religions. Considering its influence on Korean society and the world, scholars should study new religions existing in the world. According to tradition, the six classification of new religions is possible: ① Christian tradition, ② Islamic tradition, ③ Asian religious tradition, ④ UFO tradition, ⑤ selfcultivating tradition and ⑥ New age tradition. New religions have different views on religious authority, scriptures, family, and the role of women from existing majority religions. Their mission strategies focus on the youth group and the elite intellectuals seeking for the new meanings through individual contacts and mysterious experiences. Like the case of 1978 mass suicide of the People's Temple, new religions sometimes shows the destructive respect. Therefore, more objective and scientific studies on new religions are necessary for us to protect the security of society and the health of religion from its fanaticism. In conclusion, the author proposes three possible issues related to new religions in mission studies. First, the updated information on new religions is needed. Second, the publication of documents, the training of religious experts, and the establishment of academic institutes on new religions are necessary. Third, rather than theological debate, ethical engagement should be considered.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Mission ist die Auslegung der von der Kirchen gefuehrten Taten”. Das bedeutet: die von der Kirche gefuehrten Taten sind Mission, aber alle Taten der Kirche koennten nicht als Mission bestaetigt werden. Das heisst, es gab Mission, die in der Kirchegeschichte falsch oder ungerecht gefuehrt worden sind, obwohl man eigentlich keine boese Absicht gehabt haette. Es wird dadurch ein falsches Bild von der Mission entstanden. Das ist eine Gefahr fuer Kirche und dere Mission. Was koennte ein Missionstheologer tun, um dies Gegafahr zu vermildern oder sogar beseitigen. Es koennte durch die Bibel und dein richtjge Tradition der Mission korrigiert werden. Aus dieser Ueberlegung moechte ich hier ein beispienhaftes Missionstat in der koreanischen Kirche und dessen biblischer Begrundung herauszustellen versuchen. Das ist eine Missionsgeschichte von William Benton Scranton, der erste Missionar der methodistischen Kirche in Korea. Das ist eine biblische Untersuchung vom Gleichnis vom barmherzigen Samariter (Lk 10, 2537). Scranton ist ein ArztMissionar, der sich seine Arbeit als “ein good samaritan hospital projekt” bezeichnet hat. Das Ergebnis dieser Missionsarbeit gibt der koreanischen Kirche ein erstaunliches Bild. die drei wichtigen Gemeinde: Ahyun Gemeine, Sangdong Gemeinde und Dongdaemun Gemeinde, deren Anfang Scranton aus einer “Apotheke” fuer die armen, kranken und zum Tode verschobene Untereschichten gemacht hat. Problem ist es, dass die koreaniche Kirche (Methodisten!) eine solche gute Tradition von Scranton heut zu Tage nicht mehr besezt zu haben und sogar nicht mehr daran interessiert zu haben erscheint. Diese Arbeit versucht deshalb die Missionsgeschichte von W.B. Scranton darzustellen und eine Auslegung vom Gleichnis vom barmherzigen Samariter (Lk 10, 2537) zu machen. Dies soll dahin zufuehren, dass die Kirche und deren Mission von der richtigen Tradition vom Gotteswort und Missionstaten sich bewusst sein sollen und dazu gerechte Richtlinien verschaffen sollen. Die Arbeit beschaeftigt sich besonders an einen Begriff von “ChingChingu Mission”. Das ist ein missionstheologischer Begriff, der eine Auslegung vom Gleichnis vom barmherzigen Samariter entstanden ist. Es geht bei der Mission darum, dass eine richtge Mission, die bei dem eine Mission treibende Missionar ein ewiges Leben verschenkt weren soll, liegt an folgendes: Ein Urteil von der richtig gefuehrte Mission liegt nicht daran, was der Mission treibende Person sich selbst behauptet, sondern daran, was der Mission betroffene Person besagt. Das heisst. das von einer Schriftgelehrter befragte ewige Leben wird gegeben dem barmherzigen Samaritaer, der durch den von den Raeubern ueberfallenen Menschen als sein Freund besagt worden ist, aber nicht dem Schriftgelehrter, der sich selbst als ein Freund fuer die von den Raeubern ueberfallenen Menschen behauftet.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The author visited Asia Minor in Turkey and Patmos Island in Greece. In the midst of the once passionate mission fields of the seven churches of the Book of Revelation, the author received flashes of missiological insight and inspiration. The seven churches represent the churches of the apostolic age and in some way represent churches in every age. The risen Christ’s messages to the seven churches could be Christ's suggestions to today's crosscultural missionary. To interpret the messages the author uses missional hermeneutic instead of using the existing methods (the continuoushistorical, preterist, futurist, and idealist methods). This article can be classified as theology of mission, not a biblical commentary on the messages of the seven churches. Chapter 2, consisting of five sections, covers the messages to the seven churches and crosscultural mission. The five subtitles are as follows: 1. Messages to the churches in Ephesus; mission as an act of faith. 2. Messages to the churches in Smyrna; mission as being faithful even to the point of death. 3. Messages to the churches in Pergamum; mission as power evangelism starting from repentance. 4. Messages to the churches in Thyatira, Sardis, and Philadelphia; mission as holding what an awakened one has. 5. Messages to the churches in Laodicea; mission as being either cold or hot. The author concludes this article by emphasizing that the messages to the seven churches of the Book of Revelation are prophecies which speak to churches in every age. The author takes the seven messages as prophecies to crosscultural missionary, and emphasizes that the results will be determined by the attitude of crosscultural missionary.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Veterinary Epidemiology Division of The Animal, Plant, and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency (QIA) was established in 2002. It is the first governmental organization in the Republic of Korea to be charged with the epidemiological task of managing veterinary public health. In commemorating the previous efforts of this organization, this paper describes the brief history, concept, tools, and approaches of veterinary epidemiology. The mission of veterinary epidemiology, as a leader of 'One Health', to improve the public health status of human and animal is also discussed.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hendrik Kraemer (18881965) was one of the outstanding Christian thinkers and activists in the 20th century. He studied linguistics and relgions in University of Leiden, Netherlands, and Islam and Arabic in University of Al Azhar, Egypt. After acquiring those academic training, he went to Indonesia to help translating Alkitab, the Indonesian Bible. In 1937 Kraemer came back to Netherlands and became a professor of comparative religion in University of Leiden. After spending 10 years in there, he was appointed as the first director of the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey near Geneva. In his latter years (19561957) he was invited from Union Theological Seminary in New York as a guest lecture. The most significant contribution of Kraemer is to define the meaning of revelation of God in relation to other religions. He insisted that God is only and perfectly revealed himself in Jesus Christ according to the Bible. Any other religion or philosophy cannot influence to the revelation of God at all. This is the basic concept of Biblical Realism. Christianity is clearly distinguished from other religions, but simultaneously Kraemer warned a superiority of Christianity over them. Kraemer claimed that the nature of church is both mission and diakonia. In and through missionary activity church reveals her reason for existence. Church should be “WorldCentered” rather than “Being ChurchCentered.” If she mainly emphasizes her own organization instead of ‘World,’ it is a betrayal of calling. In that sense, the role of lay people is crucial. According to Kraemer, the definition of lay people is different. They are not a group of people who contrast to ordained pastors, but a chosen people of God. As a lay person, Kraemer paid attention to roles of them in relation to mission in Islamic context. They should participate in the mission of God in everyday and everyplace.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article aims to analyze the features of early christianity mission and mission tasks in Jeonju region. The mission in Jeonju started with the seven missionaries who were sent by the overseasmission department of the Southern Presbyterian Church of America(SPCA) in 1892. They arrived in Jemulpo in November 1892, and were assigned to Honam area. And they started their mission works in 1893. At that time, people in Jeonbuk were in the depths despair under the failure of Donghak revolution. In this dark period, people were lured to newlyemerged religions such as Jeungsangyo, Cheondogyo( Donghak), and Wonbuddhism. These religions were surprisingly originated in Jeonbuk area when the Buddhism and Confucianism were hopeless and became weak. So, the first feature of mission in Jeonju is that christianity started the mission work and approached to people as hope under this situation. Another feature of mission in Jeonju is that the triangle mission station which are based on the church, school and hospital was formed in Jeonjumission station. SPCA in 1893 purchased a house in Eunsongri, Jeonju for future purpose. This house became the place for worship later and gave birth to motherchurch( called as Seomoon church) in Honam. In 1902, Mattie B. Ingold and Mr. Harrison established Jeonju hospital on the mission site which is known to ‘Jesus’ hospital now. In 1899, missionary Harrison taught a few boys churcheducation on Sunday and he also started training 8 boys with his language teacher. From 1900, missionary Reynolds, the founder of ‘Shinheung’ school, started the regular curriculum at his house with his wife, Bolling. From April 24, 1900, Mattie Tate started training 12 girls churcheducation and regular curriculum twice a week at her house. This was the beginning of ‘Kijeon’ girls’ mission school. The third feature is that the activity of local layman missionaries were great. The early mission strategy of protestant in Korea adopted the ‘Nevius’ plan which are based on the ‘Three Self Principles’. This Nevius plan was very helpful to mission work by the layman at that time because there were absolutely short of leaders like pastor. Therefore, there are some mission tasks to solve for world mission in Jeonju region. First of all, churches in Jeonju region are to change their goals from expansion of each denomination to Missio Dei. In Missio Dei, the subject of mission is God, not the church. Also, the purpose of mission is the expansion of kingdom of God, not the church. And it is not the glory of church but the glory of God through His Son in Holy Spirit. Therefore the authentic mission is expanding the kingdom of God, not the church and setting the sovereignty of God firmly. Thus Missio Dei made the theological cofoundation between evangelical and ecumenical and opened up the interdenominational cooperation for world mission. Second, the mission needs to be shifted from the salvation of soul to holistic mission. The early christianity mission in Jeonju was the mission based on the social service with the church, school and hospital, but it was different from the Missio Dei which builds up the sovereignty of Christ. Early missionaries enlightened the people by education, evangelism, and bible distribution, and also they did medical work for aid and service. But it was a way for the salvation of soul, not today's holistic way. The holistic mission through social welfare is just to help the poor, to heal the wound, and to fill the poverty, and it is the anticipation about a new life, a new community and a freely world in the kingdom of God. The Missio Dei, which aims for the kingdom of God, should be the holistic mission. It should be changed from an individual salvation to a whole man salvation and social salvation. Third, It should be ecumenical mission with local people together. There was a surprising revival in the early Korean church but it was relatively slow in Jeonju which was assigned as the mission region to SPCA because it was the local culture of confucianism and rooted male domination and the antiecumenical theology of SPCA. Mattie Ingold who laid the foundation of Jesus hospital, is an example. Therefore, Mission plan has to be made in a most appropriate way to do the ecumenical cooperation among the ministers. Especially, the overseas Korean missionaries have reported that the biggest problem is the conflicts among themselves. It shows us how desperately urgent the ecumenical cooperation needs.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 지구가 신음하고 한국의 환경지수가 최악에 떨어져 있는 상황에서 한국교회가 참여한 생태계를위한 생명봉사적 통전 선교를 논의하려는 것이다. 지구가 신음하는 상황은 인구폭발, 가난의 확대, 다양한종의 멸종, 벌목, 물의 부족과 오염, 토양의 침식과 퇴화, 넘쳐나는 쓰레기, 에너지 소비의 확산, 대기오염, 민물과 해수의 오염, 기후변화와 지구온난화 등으로 드러난다. 오늘날 한국의 환경 생태계 상황은 새만금 사업, 4대강사업, 제주도 강정마을의 평화와 생태계 지키기 갈등, 그리고 지난 10월에 개최된 유엔사막화방지회의에서 드러난다. 본 논문은 한국교회의 환경생태 선교를 논의하되 생명봉사적 통전 선교 관점에서 접근한다. 이미 논의된 통전선교는 이원론적인 복음주의 선교와 에큐메니칼 선교를 통전시키는것으로 사회정치적차원에서 논의된것이기 때문에 오늘날 생태계 위기의 상황에서 한계를 갖는다. 생명위기의 시대에는 유기적, 총체적, 관계적특성을 유지하는 생명봉사적 통전 선교가 필요하다. 본논문은 환경과 생태문제를 다루는 방식으로 환경주의와 생태주의를 동시에 취하고 있다. 기존 질서에 대한 이해와 변혁 지향의 정도를 기준으로 볼 때 환경주의는 위기 관리 차원에서 보다 손쉽게 적용이 가능하고 생태주의는 신학적 논의는 깊게 하였으나 현실변혁은 쉽지않은 상황에 있다. 본 논문의 구조는 먼저 환경생태계의 위기 상황을 지구적 차원과 한국의 국지적 차원에서 논의하면서 레스터브라운의 미국의 환경대응안을 검토하고, 한국교회의 생태환경 관련 주요 사건을 다룬다. 그리고 성경이 제시하는 창조를 이해하면서 생태청지기직을 강조하고, 한국신학자들과 선교학자들이 천착한 생태 환경관련 논문을 분석한다. 여기에서는 한국연구재단 등재지로서 「한국기독교신학논총」, 「선교신학」, 「선교와신학」에실린것으로, 선교적으로 실천가능성을 비치고 있는 논문은 8개가 있었는데, 책 1권과 자료집 1개를 추가하여 10개의 글을 3카테고리 즉 신학적 윤리적 에큐메니칼 논문, 복음주의적 논문, 그리고 생명봉사적 통전 선교 논문으로 분류하였다. 끝으로 이러한 생태계를 위한 생명봉사적 통전 선교를 한국교회가 어떠한 방식으로 했는가를 4가지 즉 윤리적선교, 종교적대화선교, 네트워크선교, 생명봉사적 통전선교로 구분하였다. 이러한 환경생태에 대한 생명봉사적 통전선교가 환경생태 위기의 시대에 한국과 전 세계는 물론 민둥산이 되어있는 북한 땅에서도 추진되기를 바란다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Over 1.4 million foreigners live in South Korea now. The number of marriage-related immigrants is 125,673 and that of children of multicultural family is 107,689. These facts are brand new ones during the last five thousand year history of Korea. Such a change challenges Korean people and Christians to rethink respectively about their identity. This article aims at describing the current situation of immigrants, especially marriage-related immigrant women and multicultural family, identifying tasks for immigrant mission in Busan, Ulsan and Kyungsangnam-do and searching for the immigrant theology. Methodologies used in the article are: literature study, interview with specialists in immigrant mission, social biography of marriage-related immigrant women, missiology of encounter with other and Post-colonial Feminism. In Busan, the researcher chose four church/mission center/Christian NGOs participating in the immigrant mission in 2009. And he chose five mission centers/Christian NGOs participating in the immigrant mission in 2010. He interviewed with 31 members of multicultural families and with 9 specialists in the immigrant mission. Ninety-nine marriage-related immigrant women responded to the survey prepared by the researcher. The results of the social biography of multicultural family and the surveys of marriage-related immigrant women are: first of all, recovery of ‘normality’ of the multicultural family, for the family has been represented by the mass media as ‘abnormal’ one with family violence: secondly, Christian faith contributes for them to accommodate to Korean culture and to overcome conflicts between husband and wife of multicultural family: thirdly, the international marriage initiated by commercial agencies is blamed as money- exchange-marriage but the reality of such a family life is similar to that of a marriage arranged by a go-between: lastly, marriage-related immigrant women are faster learners of Korean language and culture than migrant workers. Tasks for immigrant mission are: to strengthen the multicultural family by overcoming cultural conflicts, to support for their children education, to establish multicultural faith community, to encourage marriage-related immigrant women to get a job, to suggest education programs for Korean Christians and Korean citizens, and to prevent from religious conflicts through peace education among religious groups.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This articles is to represent a application of ‘A Migrants Mission of Korea Church’ to ‘Multicultural Society in Korean churches’ as a strategy of balanced church responsibility in the aspect of a ‘Migrant Mission.’ I mention that biblical perspective and analysis about a migrant based on Old Testament and New Testament. I appear that an migrant kinds and situation in Korea society. This study builds on a direction of missiological strategy and method in multicultural society. I suggest that mission strategies in Korea Churches should be request toward a migrant in Korea society. First, Migrant mission strategy would play positive roles in making their works maintain the identity and trait of Christian gospel in works of Multiculture missions which stress on social responsibility and then suggest concrete and modified alternatives for evangelism. Second, Korea churches can works wholistic mission for them; such as NGO service, medical service, family counseling, educational supports, and human rights. Third, Korea churches support and build on migrant churches, so they want to have themselves worship service, bible study in migrant churches. Fourth, We have could be connect with Social Welfare, Churches, Government, NGO Network, and Schools toward Migrant life and welfare.