
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 280

        1997.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many farmers apply cattle slurry on grassland, often in excess of crop N requirements, resulting in groundwater contamination. Our research objective was the development of grassland management systems that reduce undesirable sideeffects on other compartm
        2023.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates in Upo wetland was identified, and the biological water quality was evaluated. In addition, through statistical analysis of current and literature data, ecological changes over time were evaluated for each wetland. Benthos were quantitatively collected in March, June, and September of 2020 and 2021, and 4 phyla, 5 classes, 16 orders, 42 families, 81 species and 3,406 individuals were identified. In the functional feeding group of Upo wetland, predators were dominant with 34 species (45.95%) and 1,504 individuals (41.84%). In the habitual dwelling group, sprawlers and swimmers showed the highest proportion in the number of species and individuals. Average biological indices in Mokpo and Upo were the highest and lowest, respectively, and it is considered that Mokpo maintains the healthy ecosystem for benthic macroinvertebrates. Community stability was high in Upo, and other wetlands are thought to be stabilizing. The ecological score of benthic macroinvertebrate community is considered to be more suitable index among three biological water quality evaluation indices for the environmental evaluation of Upo wetland. The evaluation results on changes in environmental quality showed that Upo has stable ecosystem without significant change, Mokpo and Sajipo have significant increases in some indices.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ecological disturbance plants distributed throughout the country are causing a lot of damage to us directly or indirectly in terms of ecology, economy and health. These plants are not easy to manage and remove because they have a strong fertility, and it is very difficult to express them quantitatively. In this study, drone hyperspectral sensor data and Field spectroradiometer were acquired around the experimental area. In order to secure the quality accuracy of the drone hyperspectral image, GPS survey was performed, and a location accuracy of about 17cm was secured. Spectroscopic libraries were constructed for 7 kinds of plants in the experimental area using a Field spectroradiometer, and drone hyperspectral sensors were acquired in August and October, respectively. Spectral data for each plant were calculated from the acquired hyperspectral data, and spectral angles of 0.08 to 0.36 were derived. In most cases, good values of less than 0.5 were obtained, and Ambrosia trifida and Lactuca scariola, which are common in the experimental area, were extracted. As a result, it was found that about 29.6% of Ambrosia trifida and 31.5% of Lactuca scariola spread in October than in August. In the future, it is expected that better results can be obtained for the detection of ecosystem distribution plants if standardized indicators are calculated by constructing a precise spectral angle standard library based on more data.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 대덕산・금대봉 생태계보전지역 내 분포하는 관속 식물상을 파악하여 식물분포를 밝히고, 향후 대덕산-금대봉 생태계보전지역의 주요 식물에 대한 효율적인 관리와 보전을 위해 수행하였다. 2017년 4월부터 2019년 10월까지 총 14회에 걸쳐 현지조사를 실시하였다. 대덕산-금대봉 생태계보전지역에 자생하는 관속식물상은 83과 245속 372종 4아종 45변종 8품종으로 총 428분류군이 조사되었다(Appendix 1). 이 중 한국특산 식물은 키버들, 참개별꽃, 진범, 갈퀴현호색 등 19분류군이며, 환경부지정 희귀 및 멸종위기 식물은 개병풍, 가시오갈피, 대성 쓴풀, 복주머니란으로 총 4분류군이 조사되었고, 산림청 지정 희귀식물은 19과 34속 34종 2변종 총 36분류군이 나타났다. 침입외래식물은 토끼풀, 달맞이꽃, 지느러미엉겅퀴 등 4과 8속 8종 총 8분류군으로 조사되었으며. 도시화지수(UI)는 2.5%, 귀화율(NI)은 1.9%로 나타났다. 본 조사지역의 양치식물은 7과 9속 7종 2변종으로 총 9분류군이 나타났고, 양치식물계수는 0.52로 나타났다. 대한약전 기준 약용자원식물은 16과 24속 24 종 2변종 1품종 27분류군이 확인되었다. 민속식물은 772과 175 속 216종 28변종 3품종 4아종 251분류군이 확인되었으며, 대덕산‧금대봉에서 출현한 428분류군 중 58.6%가 민속식물로 나타났다. 민속식물을 분류 별로 보면 가장 많은 213분류군이 식용 식물로 분류되었다. 약용식물은 161분류군이었으며, 향신용식물은 11분류군으로 나타났다. 환경부에서 멸종위기 식물로 지정된 대성쓴풀과 복주머니란 등의 희귀식물은 시급히 보호 및 보전에 필요한 대책을 마련해야 할 것으로 판단되며, 나도범의 귀는 북방계식물로 남한 내 자생지가 검룡소 1곳이 보고되고 있어 자생지보호의 필요성이 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        선박의 이동으로 유입된 유해해양생물은 해양생태계교란을 유발하고 있으며 주로 선박평형수와 선체부착생물의 형태로 유입되는 것으로 알려져 있다. 선박평형수의 이동으로 인한 유해해양생물은 모든 선박에 의무적으로 처리설비를 선박에 설치하도록 강제화되었기 때문 에 상당히 감소되었다. 그러나 선체부착생물의 경우 현재 IMO 가이드라인을 통해 각국에 관리를 권고하는 수준이기 때문에 비 강제화로 여 전히 이동 위험이 존재한다. 특히 선체부착생물은 해양생태계 교란 문제도 있지만 에너지효율 저감에도 영향을 미치기 때문에 IMO 온실가스 감축목표 달성위한 하나의 방안으로 최근 주목받고 있다. 선체부착생물에 대한 관리의 필요성에 대해 국제적 공감대가 증가되고 있기 때문에 강제화 규제로 이어질 가능성이 높다. 따라서 본 연구는 선체부착생물 규제를 이미 시행하고 있는 국가의 사례를 중심으로 우리나라의 선체 부착생물의 관리 방안을 제시하였다.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the soil environment of urban neighborhood parks and to use them as basic data for evaluating the ecological functions of urban parks such as groundwater regeneration, flood control, microclimate regulation, adsorption and purification. The landscape design criteria were generally evaluated as advanced, and further monitoring and studies are needed to evaluate the various ecological functions. It is also necessary to improve the phosphoric acid and nitrogen contents, which tended to be low. In addition, continuous monitoring is needed to assess the proper soil environment according to the biological species, and to evaluate the ecological functions. The results of this study can be used to evaluate the groundwater recharge of urban parks. In particular, when the land of the neighboring park is used for various purposes, the level of access of the user may be increased. Therefore, factors that may adversely affect the user's health, such as heavy metals and organic matters, should be selected and selected as management criteria. In addition, follow-up studies considering fertilization standards suitable for trees and growth of introduced vegetation, etc. are needed urgently to improve the soil environment.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to identify the barriers of university and industry cooperation and to develop recommendations for the internal ecosystem of technology commercialization. The research method used is a survey of three categories of experts from 9 universities of Almaty (researchers, technology transfer managers, spin-off-owners). Despite the strong efforts of the government of Kazakhstan in building innovation infrastructure, there is a low level of innovation activity, less than 5% of university inventions are transferred into the industry. The results of the expert survey showed that the main barriers for cooperation between university and industry are: lack of resources to build university-industry links, lack of time due to high teaching load, poor qualification of technology transfer managers and lack of networking with industry. Based on the results of the expert survey, it is proposed to develop the ecosystem for the commercialization of university-based technologies, for which the following economic activities are important: human resources, financing, intellectual property management system, and intermediary infrastructure. The results of this study can be applied in developing the strategies and policies for universities, public research organizations, as well as for national R&D and higher education policies.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We measured the amount of precipitation, stemflow, and throughfall and concentrations of nine major inorganic nutrients (H+, NH4 +, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Cl-, NO3 -, and SO4 2-) to investigate the nutrient inputs into soil from precipitation in Pinus densiflora and Quercus mongolica stands from September 2015 to August 2016. The precipitation inputs of H+, NH4 +, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Cl-, NO3 -, and SO4 2- into soil were 0.170, 15.124, 42.227, 19.218, 14.050, 15.887, 22.391, 5.431, and 129.440 kg·ha-1·yr-1, respectively. The P. densiflora stemflow inputs were 0.008, 0.784, 1.652, 1.044, 0.476, 0.651, 1.509, 0.278, and 9.098 kg·ha-1·yr-1, and those for Q. mongolica were 0.008, 0.684, 2.429, 2.417, 2.941, 1.398, 2.407, 0.436, and 13.504 kg·ha-1·yr-1, respectively. The P. densiflora throughfall inputs were 0.042, 21.518, 52.207 27.694, 20.060, 24.049, 37.229, 10.241, and 153.790 kg·ha-1·yr-1, and those for Q. mongolica were 0.032, 15.068, 42.834, 21.219, 20.294, 20.237, 24.288, 5.647, and 119.134 kg·ha-1·yr-1, respectively. Of the total throughfall flux (i.e., stemflow + throughfall flux) of the nine ions for the two species, SO4 2- had the greatest total throughfall flux and H+ had the lowest. The net throughfall fluxes of the ions for the two species had various correlations with the precedent dry period, rainfall intensity, rainfall amount, and pH of precipitation. The soil pH under the Q. mongolica canopy (4.88) was higher than that under the P. densiflora canopy (4.34). The difference in the soil pH between the two stands was significant (P < 0.01), but the difference in soil pH by the distance from the stems of the two species was not (P > 0.01). This study shows the enrichments of inorganic nutrients by two representative urban forests in temperate regions and the roles of urban forests during rainfall events in a year.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study suggested a vegetation restoration plan for a coastal area where the ecosystem conservation fund return project, targeting the whole area of Dalmaji-gil, located in Haeundae, Busan. After distinguishing if it would be a proper site for the operation of the ecosystem conservation fund return project by analyzing the ecological environment, human environment, and the current status of land owners, the target species for vegetation restoration was determined, and the facilities and programs were selected in accordance with the spatial division of the biosphere reserve. The basic direction is as follows. First, is the expansion of green space and the securement of life habitats downtown. Second, is the conservation of core areas by separating the conserved area from the space for use. Third, is the establishment of ecological resting space and the reinforcement of an ecological educational programs. The significance of this study is to suggest a vegetation restoration plan of a coastal area, fully utilizing the existing vegetation of the subject area, by suggesting the land use and flow planning, environmental improvement (vegetation restoration) plan, life habitats establishment plan, planting plan, and hydrologic plan, facilities, maintenance, and monitoring plan based on the basic direction. This study would provide useful basic data for ecosystem conservation and restoration in the Korean Peninsula, surrounded by the ocean on three sides.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study was to collect crucial data for the improvement of water quality and ecosystem conservation by analyzing water samples, sediments, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish in the Seosan reservoir. The average values of water quality parameters from 2001 to 2016 were a chemical oxygen demand of 10 mg/L, total nitrogen of 1.22 mg/L, and total phosphorus of 0.074 mg/L. Cadmium was detected in the range of 0.531–0.748 mg/kg in the reservoir sediment. Fish belonging to 6 families and 9 species were identified in the reservoir. The dominant species were Carassius auratus and Micropterus salmoides. Benthic macroinvertebrates belonging to 22 families and 28 species were identified. The ecological score of the benthic macroinvertebrate community was 15 inside the reservoir (St. 2). Micropterus salmoides, an invasive alien species, was determined to be the subdominant fish species based on the number of captures, and the presence of the invasive species, Sicyos angulatus L. and Paspalum distichum L. was confirmed among the land flora.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The comparison of demand and supply is needed for efficient ecosystem services planning. However, the gap between them cannot be analyzed as existing studies mainly dealt with only the supply of ecosystem services. This study compares the demand and supply of ecosystem services in Shiheung using environmental complaints and urban planning by semantic network analysis. As a result, ‘air’ and ‘water’ quality are magnified in demand, ‘energy’ and ‘water’ are crucial in supply. This result presents that citizen ask for the improvement of air quality in regulation services, although local government has plans for energy support in provisioning services. Periodic ecosystem services demand and supply monitoring will be the base of effective ecosystem services planning, which reduce insufficiency and surplus.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Protected horticultural complexes would increase crop productivity but would adversely affect the groundwater recharge function in the area because the impervious area would increase. Further, they would limit the movement of living beings, affecting biodiversity. Therefore, this study evaluated the groundwater ecosystem services provided by protected horticultural complexes in terms of consistent utilization of water. The estimated amounts of groundwater loss obtained through quantitative assessment of groundwater infiltration showed that a higher impervious area results in higher losses. We, therefore, predict a much higher loss if similar changes in land use are realized on a nationwide scale. A plan to promote groundwater recharge in impervious areas is actively being discussed for urban areas; however, this plan is not yet applicable to farming areas. We consider it is essential to develop groundwater infiltration facilities for horticultural complexes, infiltration trenches, permeable pavements, surface water storage facilities, water purification facilities, etc. Further research and development of groundwater infiltration facilities is important for consistent utilization of water and the improvement of ecosystem services.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Riparian management has become important as stream water quality as well as riparian ecosystem gain more public attentions. The objective of this study was to determine riparian widths based on the functions of nutrient removal and wildlife habitat protection and to apply for the Jinwee stream area as a preliminary case. Nitrogen and phosphorus filtration efficiencies were considered in water quality aspect, while the habitat radii of amphibian and reptiles were used for wildlife conservation purpose. In addition, observation of endangered species and human impact on wildlife disturbance in riparian area were also taken into account in determining riparian widths. The stream confluence zone was emphasized by doubling the riparian widths as the focal point for wildlife habitat conservation. As the results, three different levels of riparian widths were proposed depending on the major riparian functions and applied to the Jinwee stream section as the case study. The proposed method can be used to determine riparian width in other stream areas based on different functional focus, ie, water quality or riparian conservation purposes.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed business ecosystems in 4 case regions(Yeongdong, Seocheon, Sunchang, and Hadong) that carry forward the regional 6th industrialization. The analysis aimed to draw implications to build a healthy ecosystem for the sustainable development of the regional 6th industrialization. As a result of the analysis, 4 districts show different characteristics for their growth stages, and these results provide implications for policy directions for the development of the regional industry. The following basic direction was set for the sustainable regional 6th industrialization based on the healthy ecosystem. First, policy support should be differentiated by considering each region’s growth stage. Second, to improve the regional innovation capacity, it is needed to lay the foundation continually and strengthen diverse support for it. Third, a stronger and efficient implementation system is necessary for the regional 6th industrialization.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        가상현실은 현재 게임 산업에서 가장 주목하는 기술 중 하나다. 그럼에도 불구하고 가상현실 기술 자체가 극복해야 할 문제점과 시장가능성에 대한 의문으로 게임 산업에서 이에 대한 투자가 활발히 이루어지기 어려운 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 가상현실 게임 시장의 미래 가능성을 다각도로 타진해보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 과거부터 현재까지 국내의 게임시장 발전 양상을 살펴보고, 시나리오네트워크매핑(SNM)을 활용하여 이해관계자 구조를 통한 미래예측을 시도하였다. 그 결과는 장·단기적 미래전망을 제시하고 이를 바탕으로 가상현실 게임 산업의 핵심이 될 이해관계자들에게 필요할 활동과 전략에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다는 데 공헌점이 있다.
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