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        검색결과 484

        2011.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have revisited the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey (ACSVCS), a Hubble Space Telescope program to obtain ACS/WFC g and z bands imaging for a sample of 100 early-type galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. In this study, we examine 51 nucleated early-type galaxies in the ACSVCS in order to look into the relationship between the photometric and structural properties of stellar nuclei and their host galaxies. We morphologically dissect galaxies into five classes. We note that (1) the stellar nuclei of dwarf early-type galaxies (dS0, dE, and dE,N) are generally fainter and bluer with g > 18.95 and (g-z) < 1.40 compared to some brighter and redder counterparts of the ellipticals (E) and lenticular galaxies (S0), (2) the g-band half-light radii of stellar nuclei of all dwarf early-type galaxies (dS0, dE, and dE,N) are smaller than 20 pc and their average is about 4 pc, and (3) the colors of red stellar nuclei with (g - z) > 1.40 in bright ellipticals and lenticular galaxies are bluer than their host galaxies colors. We also show that most of the unusually "red" stellar nuclei with (g-z) > 1.54 in the ACSVCS are the central parts of bright ellipticals and lenticular galaxies. Furthermore, we present multi photometric band color - color plots that can be used to break the age-metallicity degeneracy particularly by inclusion of the thermally pulsing-asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) phases of stellar evolution in the stellar population models.
        2011.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present the Korea Institute for Advanced Study Value-Added Galaxy Catalog (KIAS VAGC), a catalog of galaxies based on the Large Scale Structure (LSS) sample of New York University Value-Added Galaxy Catalog (NYU VAGC) Data Release 7. Our catalog supplements redshifts of 10,497 galaxies with 10 < rP ≤ 17.6 (1455 with 10 < rP ≤ 14.5) to the NYU VAGC LSS sample. Redshifts from various existing catalogs such as the Updated Zwicky Catalog, the IRAS Point Source Catalog Redshift Survey, the Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies, and the Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey have been put into the NYU VAGC photometric catalog. Our supplementation significantly improves spectroscopic completeness: the area covered by the spectroscopic sample with completeness higher than 95% increases from 2.119 to 1.737 sr. Our catalog also provides morphological types of all galaxies that are determined by the automated morphology classification scheme of Park & Choi (2005), and related parameters, together with fundamental photometry parameters supplied by the NYU VAGC. Our catalog contains matches to objects in the Max Planck for Astronomy (MPA) & Johns Hopkins University (JHU) spectrum measurements (Data Release 7). This new catalog, the KIAS VAGC, is complementary to the NYU VAGC and MPA-JHU catalog.