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        검색결과 412

        1996.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        NGC 6716 is an intermediate-age open cluster in Sagittarius. In this paper, we present the new UBV CCD photometry of the stars in the cluster, which is deeper than previous ones. From the color-color diagram and the color-magnitude diagram, we derived a reddening EB- V = 0.17±0.03 and a distance modulus of the cluster, (V - Mv)o = 9.2±0.1. An age of the cluster is estimated as 8 × 107 yrs from the latest isochrone. Luminosity function and mass function of the cluster are derived. The gradient of the mass function of bright stars is a bit steep, Γ = -1.85±0.05, and there is no distinct bump and dip in the mass function.
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The typical Japanese house has the characteristics of open dwellings to make them cool in the hot and humid summer. And then the traditional town house 'Machiya', being built very closely to each other and walled up both sides, it has taken the open-oriented characteristics in itself. The purpose of this study is to clarify that the open-oriented of traditional 'Machiya' has been succeeded to the new 'Machiya' in the latest. The new 'Machiya' shows the open-oriented, taking the ventilative 'Huki-nuke' space of traditional 'Machiya' as the new spatial formal elements, in the changes such as scale material space organization. The characteristics of 'Huki-nuke' space are represented as follows ; 1. The facade of the traditional 'Machiya', which has taken on a semitransparent qualty, has been generally changed to the closing qualty except for the open parts of shop and garage. This facade of the new 'Machiya' has been taken to be in keeping with the existing town as much as possible. 2. A series of three rooms, composed of shop/living dining kitchen/room from the road, have been dispersed to every floors in a building with a very extensive scale. But this serial and linear type remains as the loosefit space, and the long dwellings of the upper stories are divided by type each dwelling unit. 3. 'Tori-niwa', which is a consecutive and penetrating space, connects the road with the rooms of dwelling and functions as the circulation of man thing energy, The new 'Machiya' changed to the multi-story, the corridor and the stair have been fumed up as the elements in the place of 'Tori-niwa' The 'Huki-nuke' space was locted in the hall, stairwell, living dining kitchen room, and so on. 4. The small court yard 'Tsubo-niwa' and back yard 'Ura-niwa' at the both ends of living spaces would be made a hole in a series of rooms and enclosed by the neighboring 'Machiya'. On the contrary the new 'Machiya' at present takes in the private and closing organization enclosing the innercourt. 5. The open-oriented 「In」 or 「Out」 is not brought out because of the delicate spatial formal configuration in the traditional 'Machiya'. But the open-oriented 「In」, all sides being closed by walls, is well brought out in the new 'Machiya'.
        1996.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        31 white dwarfs in 10 open clusters are examined, and their maximum mass and the upper mass limit of their progenitors are obtained as 1.22±0.02M⊙ and 7.2±0.4⊙ respectively, suggesting that the upper mass limit of white dwarfs is less than 8M⊙. The final mass of white dwarfs shows no clear correlation with the initial mass of their progenitors, and it is found that a deficient gap of initial mass exists between ~4 and ~5.2M⊙. This gap seems to correspond to the mass range for carbon detonation or deflagration. The total expected numbers of white dwarfs are 11~22 in Hyades with 7 known white dwarfs and 17 in Praesepe with 8 known white dwarfs. These known white dwrfs are all younger than the others in both clusters. But one known white dwarf in Pleiades is older one among 2~3 expected white dwarfs.
        1996.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present test results of time-series CCD photometry to investigate the photometric precision of the BOAO (Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory) 1.8m telescope. A well-known field of the old open cluster M67, which includes two pulsating blue stragglers and two W UMa type binaries, was monitored for 3.5 hours on February 22, 1996. We have collected 148 V frames and 3 B frames. Photometric noises which consist mainly of photon noise and scintillation noise, were lowered down to about 1.9 mmag for stars of 10.m5 in M67 with exposure time of 20 seconds. From the C-M diagram for M67, a number of observational properties were derived; E(B-V) = 0.03, (V-Mv)o = 9.6, Age = 4 Gyr. We obtained light curves for four known variable stars and confirmed their variational characteristics. The pulsating blue stragglers show a low amplitude (about 0.01 mag) of light variation.
        1996.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present results of time-series CCD photometry for 178 stars in the young open cluster M29 (=NGC6913). Total 1036 V-band CCD frames were collected for five nights between August 12 and September 13, 1994. The photometric precision is about 7.6 mmag for 9th-10th mag stars in M29 with exposure times of 30 seconds. From the dispersion diagram and the light curves, one detached eclipsing binary (HD194378) and two suspected variables are newly discovered. A ɤ Cas type variable, V1322 Cyg, which has been known as a member of M29, did not show any light variations during the period of present observations, indicating that it passed the steady phase without the eruption during our observing runs.
        1995.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Real time CCD differential photometry was performed for BT Cnc in Praesepe cluster from February to March, 1994. New 885 differential V magnitudes were obtained for thirteen nights. From the frequency analysis, we have detected two distinct pulsational frequencies of f1=9.7783c/d and f2=7.0153c/d. The first frequency is nearly equal to the previous result(Breger 1980), but the second one is much different. Our reanalysis of the previous data obtained by Guerrero el al.(1979) indicates that the previous result of f3=5.95c/d might be uncertain; it was not detected in the power spectrum. Also it turns out that our second frequency could not be fitted to the previous data and the reanalyzed frequency(f2=7.8813c/d) of the previous data was poor-fitted to our data. Therefore we suggest that the second frequency which might be newly excited in the nonradial mode, has been changed over the last eighteen years.
        1995.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The UBVIKC CCD photometry was performed in the central region(~ 20' × 20') of the extremely young open cluster IC1805. Member stars were selected in the (B-V)-(U-B) and (V-I)-(B-V) color-color planes. Applying recent stellar evolutionary models, we derived the age, age-spread, and initial mass function(IMF) of the cluster. IC1805 was found to be an extremely young(tage ~ 1.5Myr) and has a flat IMF with the slope of Γ=-1.0±0.2.
        1994.12 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1993.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The photometric evolution of cluster stars are examined for six synthetic clusters in the age range from 2.4 × 10 6 y r t o 7.6 × 10 8 y r by using the detailed evolutionary model calculation, and their results are compared with the observed integrated absolute magnitude and colors of 47 clusters. The reasonable agreements of the observed photometric parameters with the synthetic evolutionary sequences imply that there is a general form of time-dependent IMF including the noncoeval formation of stars and its detailed function is changed slightly with various environmental conditions of each primordial cloud.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        New photoelectric UBV Photometry of 112 stars in open cluster M35 field was obtained. The distance modulus and age of the cluster are 9. m 3 (725pc) and 8.5 × 10 7 y r s , respectively. The internal differential reddening within the cluster is apparent.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The initial mass functions (IMF) of 15 selected open clusters are investigated by making use of C-M diagrams and theoretical evolutionary tracks. Among 15 clusters 13 have peaks in their IMFs and it is thought to be not due to incomplete photometry but to intrinsic property. The mass where IMF peaks is about 2 M ⊙ and it is similar to that of the second peak in the IMF of nearby field stars. The mean slope of the IMF in the high mass part is 1.9 ± 0.6 with some variations among clusters. But there seems to be no correlation between the slope and physical parameters such as ages, diameters, and metal abundances.
        1988.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Combining the luminosity functions of main sequence stars in 3 associations and 22 open clusters, the initial luminosity function and mass function for these clusters are derived. For stars of m > 0.6 m ⊙ , they are well consistent with those for the field stars.
        1986.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A finite difference numerical model for tidal current for the region of wide open boundaries has been established. A special attention is paid to developing a new method to treat open boundary condition, Along the open boundaries, it is supposed to know the sea surface elevations. Therefore, it is possible to apply the continuity equation to find boundary velocity at each boundary point using the elevations and the interior velocities adjacent to the boundary point at every time step. After the velocities along the boundaries are calculated, they are used to find a solution for the interior region. At the next time step new boundary velocities are calculated using the solution. The whole process is repeated until the solution converses to the tolerable range. This model with 4 tidal components, N₂, S₂, K₁, and O₁, is applied to the sea off Kunsan, the west coast of Korea. The model converses after about a-day's run when the time difference at each step is 30 seconds. The velocities produced by the model with the developed boundary method show no instabilities in the domain of computation. In comparision with the observed velocities, the computed ones show a fair agreement.
        1986.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sixty-eight open clusters have been sampled in proportion to the age fraction of the number distribution of open clusters in Galaxy in order to find out the aging effect in number density distribution of member stars of the open clusters. The Ring method can be used to establish the number density distribution around the central regions of the open clusters. Their number density distributions have been classified to several types according to their shapes. They have been arranged to a serial distribution of A to F in age.