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        검색결과 24

        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite the rapid growth and potential for technology-based services from a technology and productivity perspective, the biggest challenges that managers often face are gaining customer acceptance and increasing usage of these new innovative services. In the B2C field, studies of self‐service technology show that the perceived risk is an important factor influencing the usage of service technology. Whereas research has explored different risk types that emerge in consumer settings such as functional and psychological risk, research on risk perception in B2B setting still lacks a detailed examination of the different facets risk can take on in technology-based service adoption. Some studies indicate that there might be different views and perceptions of the risk involved in technology-based services between customers and providers. Our study addresses this gap and aims to develop a holistic understanding of the types of risk customers perceive when using a technology-based service. We investigate what types of risk are emergent in technology-based service encounters and whether customers and providers perceive these risks differently. We conducted 49 qualitative interviews with providers and customers in two industries in four countries. Our study emphasizes the importance of functional and financial risks as expected in a B2B context, but also sheds light on the fact that business customers have personal and psychological fears that hinder them from using technology-based services. Most importantly, we show that gaps in the perception and evaluation of risk exist between customers and providers: customers doubt the functionality of technology-based services; they emphasize privacy risk as a main hindrance and worry about their own role in a service, whereas only few providers are aware of the customers’ fears.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The production method of micro sacrificial plastic mold insert metal injection molding, namely process has been proposed to solve specific problems involving the miniaturization of MIM. Two types of sacrificial plastic molds (SP-mold) with fine structures were used: 1) PMMA resist, 2) PMMA mold injected into Ni-electroform, which is a typical LIGA () process. Stainless steel 316L feedstock was injection-molded into the SP-molds with multi-pillar structures. This study focused on the effects of metal particle size and processing conditions on the shrinkage, transcription and surface roughness of sintered parts.
        2004.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To transfer educational research into practice, to sustain innovative practices, and to enable schools to implement curricular reform, leadership at each level-national, local, school, and classroom-is essential. The term "e-leadership" is used to connote a new style of leadership suited to the new electronic environment. This paper illustrates how the findings of an international comparative study informed the development of an international eleadership training program for educational leaders from governments and schools within the AsiaPacific region. First, case reports were developed for 17 4 information and communication technology (JCT) innovation projects in 28 countries. Second, the case reports were analyzed to identify key factors about the innovative classrooms and their contexts. Six key dimensions were found. Third, a workshop was held for participants from ten APEC economies to prepare ICT implementation plans, taking into account the findings from the case study research. This paper reports the major findings of the international comparative study as well as the lessons learnt from this research-into-practice experience, including the vital role of e-leadership at all levels of the education system.
        2000.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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