
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 485

        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To develop Taraxacum platycarpum extract (TP)-loaded particles for tablet dosage form, various TP-loaded particles composed of TP, dextrin, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), silicon dioxide, ethanol, and water are prepared using a spray-drying method and fluid-bed-drying method. Their physical properties are evaluated using angle of repose, Hausner ratio, Carr’s index, hardness, disintegrant time, and scanning electron microscopy. Optimal TP-loaded particles improve flowability and compressibility. Furthermore, 2% silicon dioxide gives increased flowability and compressibility. The formula of TP-loaded fluid-bed-drying particles at a TP/MCC/silicon-dioxide amount of 5/5/0.2 improves the angle of repose, Hausner ratio, Carr’s index, hardness, and disintegrant time as compared with the TP-loaded spray-drying particles. The TP-loaded fluid-bed-drying particles considerably improve flowability and compressibility (35.10° vs. 40.3°, 0.97 vs. 1.17, and 18.97% vs. 28.97% for the angle of repose, Hausner ratio, and Carr’s index, respectively), hardness (11.34 vs. 4.7 KP), and disintegrant time (7.4 vs. 10.4 min) as compared with the TP-loaded spray-drying particles. Thus, the results suggest that these fluid-bed-drying particles with MCC and silicon dioxide can be used as powerful particles to improve the flowability and compressibility of the TP.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        엽상형 해조류의 간접적인 건중량 추정을 위해 구멍갈파래(Ulva australis), 잎파래(Ulva linza), 개도박(Pachymeniopsis lanceolata), 방사무늬김(Pyropia yezoensis)의 형태적 특성과 생체량의 관계를 분석하였다. 시료는 2017년 2월부터 2018년 12월 까지 남해안 6곳에서 채집되었으며, 총 319개체가 분석에 사용되었다. 엽상형 해조류 네 종의 길이와 생체량에 대한 상대성장 지수는 0.28로 일반적인 1/4(0.25) 지수법칙에 해당하였다. 네 종의 엽체의 표면적과 습중량은 각각 건중량과 유의한 선형관계를 보였으며, 건중량의 94~99%를 설명할 수 있었다. 이 결과는 엽상형 해조류의 표면적 또는 습중량을 통해 개체의 건중량을 매우 정확하게 추정할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 이 방법론은 실험실 연구에서 건중량을 직접 측정할 수 없을 때 쉽고 빠르게 활용할 수 있으며, 추가적으로 소요되는 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있을 것이다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a high speed Rigid Inflatable Boat(RIB) with about 10 meters length is developed. Design speed of the boat is 30 knots (15.43 m/s) using 250 hp twin engines and main material is aluminum. Resistance performance related to the free running attitude as trim and sinkage are discussed and wave patterns are observed to make clear the relationship between the performance and wave characteristics using model test and CFD analysis. The results show that not only wave patterns but also free running attitude of the boat have a strong influence on resistance performance. CFD results including free surface give good relative tendency for effective power and the attitude comparing model test results. CFD analysis used in this study can be used at initial ship design stage of high speed boat.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라에서 다랑어 선망어업은 국내 원양산업 중 업종별 생산량 1위의 업종으로, 1980년대 중 후반부터 연구가 지속적으로 수행되어왔으며, 기술의 현대화 연구가 활발히 진행되어왔다. 하지만, 어선에 탑재되는 보조작업선들은 원양어업에서 중요한 역할을 맡고 있음에도 관련 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 보조작업선들 중 네트보트의 추진기를 프로펠러에서 워터제트 형태로 변경하고, 그에 따른 선형 변환을 통한 선체 부가저항 감소 및 운항성능을 향상하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 전산수치해석을 통해서 선박의 유체 성능 변화를 계산하였으며, 또한 기존 선형 및 추진기 변화 선형에 대해 모형선 수조시험을 수행하여 속도별 저항성능 비교를 수행하였다. 수치해석 및 1/7의 축소모형의 수조시험 결과, 기존의 네트보트 대비 45~58% 저항성능이 크게 향상되었으며, 이는 철망 제거에 의한 단순 침수표면적 및 선형개선에 의한 저항성능 향상을 확인하였다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라에서는 콘크리트 구조물의 미적외관에 대한 관심이 미비했으나, 2013년에 경관법이 개정되면서 콘크리트 구조물의 미적외관을 개선하는 노력이 의무화되었다. 이전 연구에서 콘크리트 폼라이너를 제작하기 위해서 대형 3D프린터를 개발하였다. 대형3D프린터로 제작한 폼라이너를 통해서 콘크리트 구조물 측면에 미적 패턴 또는 그림을 효과적으로 만들 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 1)적층출력방식(FDM)으로 3D프린팅된 시편의 비등방성을 고려하기 위한 시편실험를 수행하고, 2)유한요소해석 통해서 3)제작한 폼라이너의 안전성과 사용성을 검토하고 4)제작된 폼라이너에 제작 시 필요한 권장사항을 제시한다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 작업기의 디스크 헤로우를 이송장치에 부착하여 실내실험을 통해 토양의 물리적 특성(함수율, 단위중량), 작업기의 특성(주행속도, 디스크 헤로우 간의 간격)에 따른 경운 토양의 반전율 등을 분석하고자 하며, 작업시기의 적정 토양의 물리적 상태를 확인하여 농가의 기초자료로 활용하고자 한다. 실험은 4가지 변수를 두고 진행하였다. 함수율, 작업 속도는 3가지 조건으로, 단위 중량은 일반적인 밭 흙 단위 중량 2.3kg/m3을 기준으로 높을 때와 낮을 때로 구분 지었으며, 디스크 헤로우의 간격은 30cm, 40cm로 구분하여 실험을 진행하였다. 이러한 4가지 변수를 두고 실험을 실시할 때 똑같은 조건으로 산포하기 위해 1m x 1m 면적의 프레임을 제작하여 일정하게 3회 석회가루를 산포하고, 경운작업 전․후의 석회가루 분포를 측정하여 반전율을 계산하였다. 반전율은 함수율별 분석 시 25%, 15%, 30% 순으로 측정되었고, 디스크 헤로우의 간격은 30cm 일 때가 더 높게 측정되었으며, 토양의 단위중량은 2.3kg/m3 이상일 때 더 높게 측정되었다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in peer to peer (P2P) sharing-service businesses such as Uber and Airbnb. In P2P sharing-service businesses, goods or services are provided by customers (peers) rather than by service firms, who act simply as an intermediary between customers. One customer acts as a service-providing customer (SPC), and the other as a service-receiving customer (SRC). P2P sharing-service firms have no direct control over an SPC’s quality of service provided to an SRC. Further, both SPCs and SRCs are customers to the firm, and therefore firms are concerned with the quality of service provided not only to SRCs but also to SPCs. In the P2P sharing-service context, particularly in the case of services serving the needs of diverse travelers (e.g., Uber or Airbnb), SPCs and SRCs can be people of different genders and races, which can cause them to feel socially distant from each other. Since SPCs are not professional service employees, they may not know how to cope with the social distance, which can result in uncomfortable service experience for both SPCs and SRCs. The more similar to the SPC an SRC feels, the more comfortable the SRC is likely to feel, which can lead to higher service satisfaction. Yet, few studies examined how such social distance can be reduced. This study is intended to fill this gap in the research. Specifically, we propose that an SPC’s form of address for SRC can moderate the effect of the incongruence in gender and race on an SRC’s perceived social distance. Theoretical Development Social distance refers to the level of acceptance people have of others outside of their own social group or class (Bogardus, 1928). It is a measure of perceived difference (or distance) between groups. In the context of the P2P sharing service, SRCs and SPCs can be from diverse social groups. When an SRC encounters an SPC from a social group that is different from theirs, the SRC can feel socially distant from the SPC. Immediate differences an SRC can identify upon meeting an SPC is demographic such as gender, age and race. In this study, we first propose that the difference (incongruence) in gender, age and race makes an SRC feel socially distant from an SPC. Social distance is closely related with similarity (Osbeck & Moghaddam, 1997; Liviatan, Trope & Liberman, 2009). In the context of mentoring, the higher the perceived and actual similarity a portage feels with a mentor, the higher the level of the portage liking and satisfaction for the mentor and with the mentoring service (Ensher, 1997). Matching gender and race between a mentor and a portage positively influenced self-reported grade point average, efficacy and confidence of a portage (Blake-Beard et al. 2011). Race was well demonstrated to influence social distance (Triandis & Triandis, 1960). Taken together, we conjecture that the effect of the difference in gender and race on social distance will apply to the P2P sharing service context and propose the following hypothesis: H1: The incongruence in gender and race between an SRC and an SPC will make SRCs feel more socially distant from SPCs compared to the case of congruence. We propose in this study that the form of address for SRCs by SPCs can influence the level of social distance SRCs feel because of the incongruence in gender and race. The relationship between forms of address and social distance has been proposed (Brown, 1965). Intimate terms of address is associated with intimate relationship. Intimate terms of address is inversely proportional to social distance (Keshavarz, 2001). Calling someone by the first name is related with friendliness (Brown, 1961). The use of first name is positively associated with closeness in relationship (Brown, 1965). An empirical study in the healthcare context showed that most patients preferred to be addressed by the first name (as opposed to last name) (Gillette, Filak & Thorne, 1984). Taken together, we propose the following: H2: Intimate forms of address by the SPC for the SRC will reduce the level of social distance caused by the incongruence in gender and race. We propose that the level of perceived social distance influences the level of comfort SRCs feel with the SPC during the service delivery. The negative effect of social distance on the level of interaction comfort has been shown (Paswan & Ganesh, 2005). In the context of service encounters where customers feel cultural differences, psychological distance was shown to influence comfort negatively (Weiermair, 2000). Since social distance is a dimension of psychological distance (Trope & Liberman, 2011), we propose the effect of social distance on comfort as following: H3: Reduced social distance will lead to a higher level of comfort. The effect of social distance on comfort can vary by customers. In this study, we propose that the effect is moderated by the customer’s motive for the purchase of the P2P sharing service. There are largely four movies for customers who participate in collective consumptions (i.e., sharing service): economic motive, social motive, hedonic motive, and the motive to reduce risks and responsibilities (Benoit, Baker, Bolton, Gruner & Kandampully, 2017). Economic motives are associated with reducing expenses, and social motives are with meeting other people (e.g. more authentic travel) (Benoit et al., 2017). Hedonic motives are related with “accessing products that are exciting or normally out of reach” while motives to reduce risks and responsibilities are related with “no burdens of ownership, option to preview a product for potential purchase” (Benoit et al., 2017). According to a research in the context of P2P accommodations, cost saving, familiarity, trust, and utility are determinants of satisfaction with a sharing option. Thus, we propose that customer motives moderate the effect of social distance on comfort (Möhlmann, 2015). H4: The effect of social distance on comfort vary by customer motives for purchase. When feeling comfortable, people are more likely to trust, feel satisfied, and commit themselves, which can help improve relationship (Spake, Beatty, Brockman & Crutchfield. 2003). Comfort positively influences perceived service quality and satisfaction (Dabholkar, Shepherd & Thorpe, 2000). Comfort influences satisfaction positively (Paswan & Ganesh, 2005). In the P2P sharing-service context, SRCs’ evaluation of SPCs are carried out by reviews. Customer reviews of SPCs’ services are vitally important for both SRCs and SPCs. Reviews help other SRCs to identify desirable SPCs (Ert, Fleischer & Magen, 2016) and SPCs to receive feedback for their service quality improvement. Therefore, we propose the following: H5: Comfort leads to SRC’s intention to write good reviews. Data Collection Data will be collected from American consumers who have used Uber at least once in the past one year through an online scenario-based survey using a 2 (genders: male vs. female) x 3 (races: white vs. yellow vs. black) x 3 (forms of address: no address vs. first name vs. last name) between-subject experimental design. Hypotheses will be tested by an analysis of variance and a structural equation modeling analysis. In the analyses, the potential effects of trust, familiarity, community belonging, utility (Möhlmann, 2015) and age will be controlled. Implications Findings of this study will reveal the importance of reducing social distance that SRCs feel during encounters with SPCs. Of many possible ways to reduce social distance between SRCs and SPCs, the result of this study will show that SPCs’ use of appropriate form of address to SRCs is effective. Further, it will show that the effect of social distance on customer comfort can vary by the purpose of the use of the sharing service. These findings will offer P2P service firms insights on how to help SPCs offer more comfortable services to SRCs and as a result receive positive reviews from SRCs.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Judging by the volume of marketplace failures, it seems that consumer innovators make biased assessments about the value of the innovativeness of new products (Gourville, 2006; Mugge & Dahl, 2013). Research suggests that consumer evaluate offerings based on form (i.e. visual appeal) and function (i.e. utilitarian appeal) (Gourville, 2006; Talke, Salomo, Weiringa & Lutz, 2009; Mugge & Dahl, 2013). In relation to innovative new products, the consumer decision-making path is unclear and the optimal mix of continuity and discontinuity across form and function is unknown. The lack of information regarding how marketers should appropriate resources to maximise returns thus, is an issue that requires resolution. To help resolve this gap, we seek to address two important practical marketing questions in the context of innovative new product introductions: (Q1) What is the impact that discontinuity and continuity across form and function have on new product adoption, and (Q2) What if any, are the underlying mediating mechanisms for different markets? To address these, we collected data from participants based in the United States of America through an online experiment. The participants were presented with four products, comprising variations of a digital camera based of continuity and discontinuity across form and function. The findings revealed that the same product could lead to differing perception of value based on the participant being an innovator or an adapter. The differing perceptions were explained by differences in assessments of potential costs and benefits from the product. Based on the findings of the study managerial recommendations on targeting the right segment for the right product were offered.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study reviews the SERVQUAL model theoretically and statistically in relation to the nonlinearity of the perceived service quality. Perceived service quality measurement based on the SERVQUAL model assumes that consumers evaluate service quality by comparing their perceptions with their expectations. However, previous studies adopt linear factor analysis to discuss the SERVQUAL model. The present study assumes that consumers evaluate the service quality with a standard to admit the difference between their expectations and perceptions, and that their perceived service quality follows a nonlinear response. A nonlinear SERVQUAL model based on a nonlinear factor analysis model is proposed to understand the characteristics. The proposed model employs a threshold specification that represents the space in which consumers admit their discrepancy. The study extends a nonlinear factor analysis model to a nonparametric model in order to examine the functional aspects that from the perceived service quality. A nonparametric SERVQUAL model is adopted without any assumptions of the functional form. The empirical studies on the retail sector shows that the nonlinear model performs better than the linear model, and that the nonparametric model estimates the nonlinear function for perceived service quality. The results from the proposed model in our study provide insights in a consumer’s perceived service quality recognized as nonlinear and asymmetric. We conclude that the functional form for perceived service quality should be considered when specifying the measurement model for SERVQUAL. In addition, we discuss future work for a nonlinear measurement model and a nonparametric factor analysis.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Past service recovery research is dyadic in nature, focusing most prominently on bilateral relationships between the firm and the individual customer. However, customers rarely make use of services alone, thus creating a failure context where another customer (i.e., bystander) is socially present, and switching from a dyadic to a triadic perspective. A phenomenon, idiosyncratic to triadic relationships, is coalition forming, which refers to the temporary alliance among individuals to pursue a specific goal. In service recovery, customers may form coalitions to increase compensation likelihoods and service employees may form coalitions to strengthen their position against roaring complainants. Prior research suggests that relationship strength between people drives coalition forming, which can be explained by emotional contagion processes. Therefore, we seek to answer: (1) Are coalitions formed in service failure situations, and (2) do they follow predictable patterns? To answer our research questions we conducted a 2x2x2 experiment (N=1242), using video and photographic material to manipulate relationship strengths (high vs. low) between the complainant, the bystander, and the service employee. The trilateral dimension was incorporated as another between-factor by illustrating the eight different relationship-strengths versions in the perspectives of the three parties. Manipulations and variable measurement were checked successfully. T-tests confirm that the likelihoods of the complainant-bystander and the service employee-bystander coalition are significantly larger than zero (p’s < .01). Specifically, the likelihood-values ranged from 4.5% to 33.1%. For the complainant-bystander relationship, results reveal a significant and positive indirect effect of relationship strength on the complainant’s coalition forming intentions with the bystander, mediated by his emotional contagion with the bystander. The same holds true vice versa for the bystander’s coalition forming intentions with the complainant. Accordingly, data reveal a positive indirect effect of relationship strength on the likelihood of the complainant-bystander coalition, mediated by both party’s emotional synchrony (i.e., measured as the product of both party’s emotional contagion with each other). Likewise results were obtained for the service employee-bystander relationship, where relationship strength eventually increased the likelihood of the service employee-bystander coalition, mediated by both party’s emotional synchrony. Our results show that there is value in considering service failure and recovery situations from a triadic perspective, which so far has received considerable research attention outside service recovery, for instance in social-psychological domains such as family therapies.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research provides insight into how socialisation and learning aids consumers to form their ecological self. Past research establishes that ecological self, expressed as environmental identity, positively drives responsible consumption, but there is a lack of understanding of how consumers form their ecological selves and environmental identities. The aim is to provide a broader motivational structure that drives the formation of nature identity and its influence on responsible consumption behaviour. The ethnographic data uncovers the cognitive thoughts, affections, symbolic inferences and nature experiences of participants guiding the formation of the ecological self, attachment to nature and ecological worldviews, which then drives responsible consumption behaviour. The conceptual framework outlines the overall motivation driving ecological self and identifies emotional, religious and spiritual attachments to guide the development of ecocentric, theocentric and transcentric ecological worldviews. This research mainly contributes to theory development and social marketing efforts.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 2가지 선속에서 운항하는 선박의 선형 설계 자동화에 관한 것이다. 가장 기본적인 선박의 형상을 가지는 60 계열(CB=0.6) 선박을 대상선박으로 선택하여 연구를 수행하였다. 선박 형상의 향상 방향은 저항성능 향상의 관점이며, 특히 선박의 형상과 밀접한 관계를 가지는 조파저항성능을 향상하기 위한 선박 형상 설계 자동화를 수행하였다. 본 연구의 목적을 실현하기 위하여 최적화 기법과 저항 성능을 예측하는 기법 그리고 선형의 형상을 변경하는 기법을 접목하여 선박 형상 설계 자동화 소프트웨어를 개발하였으며, 개발된 소프트웨어를 대상선박에 적용하였다. 최적화 기법으로는 순차이차계획법(sequential quadratic programming method)를 사용하였으며, 조파저항성능을 예측하기 위하여 포텐셜기저 패널법(potential-based panel method)을 사용하였다. 선박 형상의 변경은 가우시안형 수정함수 법(Gaussian-type modification function method)를 개발하여 적용하였다. 개발된 소프트웨어를 사용하여 대상선박의 서로 다른 두 가지 선속에 대하여 설계를 수행하고 그 결과를 서로 비교하였다. 그리고 개발된 프로그램의 타당성을 검증하기 위하여 모형시험을 수행하여 구한 실 험값과 수치해석을 수행하여 구한 계산값을 서로 비교하였다.