The Assisted evidence of Shuo Wen Jie Zi(《說文解字翼徵》)was written by Piao Xuan Shou who is a famous scholar in Joseon Dynasty. This is South Korea's only remaining book that The author was first use of Chinese bronze inscriptions, Seal characters and drum-stone inscriptions to research Shuo Wen(《說文》). By this way, The author want to correct the mistake of Shuo Wen. So it is stand for that the philology researching reached new heights. However, there are still quite a few defects and shortcomings in the book, like follow blindly view of Xu Shen and wrong to knew Chinese bronze inscriptions. For the Chinese scholars, this book have some effects like “Stones from other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one”. As an example with 12 characters from Bronze inscriptions of Yu Tripod (《大盂鼎銘文》) that it had quoted in this book, and the current Academic research Can be checked with the view of correction Shuo Wen. So that this book can be evaluated and inherited.
성대의 ≪六書尋源≫도 한자의 형성화 추세에 주목하여 형성자, 특히 형성자 성부의 표의기능에 대해서 깊게 연구하였다. 성대가 이처럼 형성자의 중요성을 인식하고 연구하게 된 데 ≪익징≫의 연구 성과가 직접적으로 영향을 주었다는 기록은 없다. 하지만 한자의 성부에 연구의 초점을 맞추었다는 공통점이 존재한다. 향후 ≪익징≫과 ≪六書尋源≫사이의 전승 관계 연구를 통하여 한국 문자학 연구의 양상과 그것이 중국과 차별되는 특징을 살펴보는 연구도 필요하리라 생각된다.