A aggregate size distribution of soils is an important in successful crop production in reclaimed tidelands. The aggregate size distribution for this study were determined of 0.1mm, 0.25mm, 0.5mm, 1.0mm, and 2.0mm by wet sieving method. Agricultural activity, period of reclamation showed significant effects on aggregate size distribution in reclaimed tidelands. Aggregate MWD was greater in SS and KH(above 1.0m) than in YSG, GHD, SMG, and DH(below 0.5mm) reclaimed tidelands and tidelands. The percentage of aggregates less than < 2mm for SMG, GHD, and SM reclaimed tidelands and tidelands were ranged 8.9%, 36.7%, and 38.0%, respectively. The percentage of > 0.1mm aggregates for SMG, GHD, and SM reclaimed tidelands were ranged 9.0%, 26.0%, and 48.9%, respectively. Results indicated that aggregate size distribution of reclaimed tidelands and tidelands under various agricultural systems vary with reclamation period and soil type.
본 연구에서는 지형도, 해도, Landsat TM 영상을 이용하여 아산만과 천수만 지구를 대상으로 방조제 축조 후 의 간석지 면적을 추정하였다. 지형도를 이용한 방조제 축조 후의 간석지 면적의 산정 결과는 아산만 지구와 천수 만 지구 모두 일정한 경향이 없었으며, 이는 지형도의 제작시 항공사진 촬영시간의 조위를 감안하지 않은 결과로 평가된다. 해도의 분석 결과, 아산만 지구와 천수만 지구의 방조제 준공후 연평균 간석지면적은 각각 22.2 ha/yr, 5
The purpose of this study was to identify the controlling factors to construct tidal flat ecosystems having similar characteristics as natural ones. We transplanted the soil in a constructed tidal flat to a natural one and vice versa. Parameters monitored after these transplantations were silt content, organic matter, bacterial population and oxidation-reduction potential. Moreover, the relationship among silt content, organic matter and bacterial population was investigated by laboratory column experiment.
The silt content, organic matter, bacterial population and vertical profile of oxidation-reduction potential in the soil transplanted from the constructed tidal flat to the natural one changed to similar values to those in the natural one. On the contrary, all the parameters for the soil transplanted from the natural tidal flat to the constructed one changed to similar values as those in the constructed one. The silt contents in these two transplanted soils were in proportion to the organic carbon contents and bacterial population. Similarly, the bacterial population in laboratory column experiment increased with the increase in silt and organic matter contents.
It seemed to be important to select a place to enhance accumulative of silt and/or to maintain the silt content by hydrodynamic control of seawater in order to construct a tidal flat having similar characteristics as natural one.
포승통의 미사질식양토인 간척지에서 벼 건답직파재배 가능성을 구명하고자 서안벼를 공시하고, 간이온실에서는 시용 및짚의 양과 토양수분조건을 달리 하여 파종심도별 벼의 출아율을 조사하고, 실제 포장 시험에서는 산파후 로타리 복토 유무에 따른 벼의 입모 및 수량성의 차리를 비교 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 볏짚 처리(특히, 4ton, 6ton/ha)가 무처리보다 출아율이 높았다. 2. 헥타르 당 볏짚 4ton을 처리하고 파종심도가 얕을수록 출아율이 높았으며 초장도 현저히 커졌다. 3. 토양수분의 적습조건은 과습조건보다 출아율이 높았으며, 초장은 적습조건에서 파종심도가 얕을수록 커졌다. 4. 산파후 로타리 복토유무별 입모수는 로타리무복토(73개 /m2 )가 로타리복토(44개 /m2 )보다 많았다. 5. m2 당 수수는 로타리무복토가 로타리복토보다 많았고, 수량도 같은 경향을 보였다.