지하공간이용은 도심내 부족한 주거, 상업, 공업용지의 공급이라는 물리적 측 면과 경제적, 효율적 측면에서 그 가능성이 매우 높은 공간이며 다중이용시설 과 주거, 업무공간으로 수요가 증가 할 것으로 예상된다. 또한 최근에 발생한 우크라이나와 러시아의 장기 전쟁과 88년만의 폭우로 인한 서울의 인명피해는 사회적으로 지하공간을 대피 및 방재시설로도 활용할 필요성을 역설해 주고 있다. 대피·방재공간, 주거생활 및 업무공간과 관련하여 주거환경, 안전, 소방, 피난등의 시설을 갖춘 쾌적한 지하공간이 필요하게 되었다. 이러한 대피공간, 재해예방시설, 다중이용시설과 주거, 업무공간에 필요한 문제점을 파악하고 건 축법적인 해결 방안을 법률적·제도적 차원에서 접근하여 지하공간이용 활성 화 및 쾌적한 지하공간 환경이 조성되도록 개선점 등을 제시하였고 현실적인 개선사항으로 지하공간이용개발촉진지구 지정에 대한 것 등을 제안하였다.
As facilities performing the production, processing, preservation, and shipment of agricultural products; agricultural facilities are categorized into planting facilities and livestock facilities based on the management target. Agricultural facilities are set in farmlands, and facility users mainly complain about the legal or institutional restrictions on farm rather than their own facilities itself. From 2009 to 2012, the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) published the "Casebook of farmer Complaints on Farmlands" in order to help answer farmers' questions and support public workers' workloads. However, contents related to agricultural facility installed in farmland are currently not dealt with in particular. Among agricultural facilities, demands of property rights with livestock facilities have risen due to construction permissions, operational restrictions, and high initial investment costs; and relevant laws were revised and are now being executed. However, for planting facilities such as mushroom facilities, ginseng facilities, and greenhouses; farmer complaints related to property rights are constantly increasing because revisions to relevant laws are not being made despite the rising diversity of construction materials through technical developments as well as the rising scale of assets-i.e. mechanization, automation, and the application of New Regeneration Energies according to capital influx. In this study, the current state of relevant agricultural facility legislation were organized and their drawbacks deduced in order to propose improvements of Agricultural Facility Legislation. The result of interviewing with public workers and farmers show that agricultural facilities should be regarded as extensions of farmlands rather than as facilities built in land where development actions were being taken. Alternatives able to reflect these opinions were suggested through expert consultation.