양산단층이 지나는 한국 남동지방 지각의 QP-1 및 QS-1를 한국자원연구소가 설치한 9점의 지진관측소 자료를 바탕으로 확장 Coda 규격화법을 이용하여 구하였다 1994년 12월부터 2000년 2월에 일어난 근지지진에서 707개 지진기록에 대하여 1∼2, 2∼4, 4∼8, 8∼16및 16∼32Hz의 대역필터를 적용하여 분석한 결과, 각 관측점의 QP-1는 (7±2)×10-3에서 (5±4)×10-4으로, QS-1는 5±4)×10-4에서 (5±2)×10-4로 주파수가 1.5Hz에서 24Hz로 늘어남에 따라 줄어드는 주파수 의존성이 보인다. 이들 값의 지수 회귀선은 QP-1가 0.009(±0.003)f-1.05(±0.14), QS-1가 0.004(±0.001)f-0.75(±0.14))이다.
Physicochemical properties and sensory evaluation of Satsuma mandarin produced in Cheju were investigated . Fruit index(width/Length), soluble solids and acid content of Citrus unshiu marc. var. miyagawa(miyagawa) and C. unshiu marc. var.(okitsu) harvested at 1st December were 1.16 and 1.23, 12.12 and 12.01, 0.97 and 1.09, respectively. and the fruit of miyagawa was showed somewhat round in shape, compared to ikitsu. the taste of miyagawa seemed to be better than okitsu. However, compared to miyagawa, peel thickness was thinner, flesh ratio was higher, and firmness was higher as 0.502kg-force in kitsu. Nevertheless there were some differences among panelist groups in sensory evaluation , middle size of citrus fruits were favorable to most panelists, but except very small or very large size of fruits, there were not so much differences in okitsu. The panelists referred to somewhat flat-shaped fruits from that sensory evaluation score was increased to 1.3 in fruit index. nevertheless there were not so much differences in full-colored fruits, the citrus peel color of reddish yellow was more favorable than greenish or pale yellow color. the score was increased more linearly according to citrusfruit produced in optimum ciltivation area, and was prefered to thinner in peel thickness , Correlation between soluble solids, acid content , Brix/acid ratio and flesh ratio with sensory evaluation score were not showed significantly, it was different to with citrus juice. This data obtained in this experiments are supposed to be applied to the quality evaluation of Satsuma mandarin produced in Cheju .