In order to investigate influence of moon light to the fishing of Pacific saury stick-held dip net fishery in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, casting number, catch and CPUE were analyzed between the full moon and the new moon phases. Based on analyses of data taken from 8 vessels during 1992~2002, casting numbers at the full moon phase and the new moon phase were 110.3 and 121.0 times, respectively, and the first was lower than the latter by 8.8%. Catches of the full moon phase were higher than the new moon phase by 12.5% and CPUE expressed in ton/day and ton/haul were also higher by 31.5%, 26.1% respectively.
꽁치봉수망 조업시 어선의 집어등에 의한 수중환경의 변화를 밝혀 광 환경이 꽁치의 어획에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위한 기초 단계로 수중 조도를 측정하여 꽁치가 분포하는 어획 수층의 광 환경을 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 공기중에서 홍색 백열등과 할로겐등의 방사조도는 둘 다 1,052nm의 파장에서 최대치를 보인 후 감소하는 경향을 나타내었고, 600nm이하의 파장에서는 할로겐등이 홍색 백열등에 비해 방사조도가 약간 높게 나타났다. 공기중 조도는 좌현 선미에서 가장 높았고 선수에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 조사해역에서의 집어등 불빛의 수중투과 특성은 50m 수층에서 각각 0.31x, 0.61x 이하로 나타났으며 일반적인 꽁치어장의 특성을 가진 어장에서 볼 때 , 꽁치가 집어되는 수층의 조도는 0.51x 이상인 것으로 보인다.
The saury stick - held dip net fishery of Korea in the Northwest Pacific Ocean began in 1985 with 3 vessels. Since then the fishery has grown so rapidly year by year that the number of vessels increased to 34 and the catch to 40 thousands Mff in 1993. In the present study, the monthly situation and the movement of the fishing ground for the pacific saury in the Northwest Pacific were investigated and the monthly optimum fIshing tempertures were estimated, from the relationship between the catch and the sea surface temperature. In the beginning of the fishing season, June to August, the fIshing ground is formed in the very wide range, mainly in the northward area of the front meandering, as the parcific saury migrate northward. In the main season, September to November, the ground is formed in the southward area of the front, off the east coast of Japan. Andd then, the fishing season ends in December with the ground coming near to the east coast of Japan. The monthly optimum fishing tempertures showed 11~13℃. in June to July, 13-17℃. in August to November, and 15~ 17℃. in December in general. The profIles of water temperature were much different in accordance by net casting position in the fishing ground, regardless of season. So, the MLD and CPUE was analyzed to find out the relation between the water temperature and the catch. Then, it is found that the CPUE shows over 0.7Mtr/haul as the MLD 40~70m.40~70m.