본 연구의 목적은 생태학의 관점에서 샤머니즘에 접근하는 것이다. 현대문명에 둘러싸인 현대인들은 자연과 분리된 채 살아간다. 샤머니즘은 고대 종교의 원형이며, 인간과 자연 사이의 평등사상을 담고 있다. 예를 들어, 종교적 지도자인 단군에 관한 서사는 하늘, 대지, 산, 나무, 그리고 비바람과 같이 생태환경을 포함하는 요소들로 구성된다. 현대인들은 산업화의 폐해로 인해서 환경파괴, 자연과의 분리, 그리고 인간성 상실을 경험하고 있다. 사실상, 현대 사회는 안락하고 풍요로운 삶의 관점에서는 발전해왔지만 자연 생태계는 보다 파괴되었다. 이러한 상황 속에서 현대인들은 물질문명으로 인해서 파생된 물질적 가치보다는 인간과 자연의 공생에 초점을 맞추어야 한다. 결론적으로 현대인들이 샤머니즘 사상을 필요로 하는 그것이 인간에게 산업문명의 발전이라는 명분으로 수행되는 자연의 파괴에 대한 새로운 대안을 제공해주고 있으며, 그들이 자기성찰의 시간을 통해서 과중한 업무와 지나친 스트레스로부터 정신적 치유를 경험할 수 있도록 하기 때문이다.
이 논문은 예이츠의 생태 시를 논의한다. 본 논문이 예이츠를 생태 시인으로 다루는 세계 최초의 논문 중의 하나가 될 것이다. 사실, 생태 시는 새로운 시가 아니다. 셰익스피어 같은 시인도 생태 시인으로 다루는 학자가 있다. 본 논문은 또한 마르크스나 페미니스트 비평의 길을 가고 있는 생태비평에 새로운 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 시는 정치적 슬러로건도 아니며, 그렇다고 전혀 쓸모 없지도 않다.
The essay attempts to rethink the widely acknowledged notion that the ecologial writing is a minium writing weapon to tackle the European writing and limit of modernity. Most of the intellectuals paying attention to decolonial theory have arrived in limited ideas about the recent decolonialism. As a result, the recent debates on decolonialism have been deployed under the assumptions that the so-called "troika of decolonial theory" advocated by Frentz Fanon, Edward Said, and Homi Bhabha. From the point of view, the essay thus purports to demonstrates that the unfamiliar theory ecology and ecological writing is widely helping to overcome the limit of established decolonial wiriting and interpretation of text. To do this, from a ecological viewpoint, the essay attempts to re-read the irish text and Irish decolonial poet Seamus Heaney's poem "Gifts of Rain," who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996.Heaney concentrates primarily on the origin and mother land of the conflict in "Gifts of Rain" through elegiac poems celebrating the identity, history, territory and tongue of his irish people. But his imagination and attitude of writing is based on not just a decolonial method and idea but a ecological preoccupation on his "Mother Land." He looks forward to finding out integrated moments in his land beyond the political, religious, and topological separations. From the viewpoint of the ecological attitude, he finally enters into the deterritorial region against its dichotomous and counter-discursive tendency in decolonialism. Roughly speaking, some say that this new writing and epistemological method is just a utopian thought, but his ecological writing suggests that this is the most effective and creative means of making a new writing code and poetics moving from silent spectator to speaking actor/actress in the world.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the development of Silhak as a Korean epistemology, to investigate the implications of Silhak in Korean society, and to discover further environmental implications. The main discussion of this paper concerns with the epistemology of environmental philosophy. Epistemology is based on the justification of certain knowledge and social philosophy. Epistemology, from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and logos (word/ speech) is the branch of philosophy concerned with theories of the sources, nature, and limits of knowledge. Since the seventeenth century, epistemology has been one of the fundamental themes of philosophers, who were necessarily obliged to coordinate the theory of knowledge with the development of scientific thought. It is a general belief that Western ideology is substantially embedded in Eastern ideology due to physical and metaphysical colonial involvement. We argue that ecological crisis may be resulted from western epistemological mechanical view, thus we suggests a Korean epistemology as an alternative. In this paper, we seek possibility of epistemological alternative of nature in the Korean traditional epistemology incorporating the epistemology of Sung confucianism and The Silhak.