
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The nutrient balances originated from livestock manure in Korea has not being include minor livestock species (e.g., horse, deer, and goat) since their manure excretion unit (MEU), nutrient excretion unit (NEU), and nutrient loading coefficient (NLC) are not known yet. In the present research work, the primary focus had laid therefore on securing domestic MEU for the specified minor livestock species which provides the basis for the computation of NEU and NLC. Moreover, the nutrient potential and economic value of composted manure from minor livestock was assessed on the basis of contents in the inorganic fertilizers such as Urea, (46% N) and Fused superphosphate (20% phosphorus pentoxide). The obtained MEU was found to be 10.52±5.48, 4.07±1.69, and 0.843±0.1 kg/head/day for horse, deer, and goat, respectively. In addition, the measured NLCs of horse, deer, and goat were [N, 0.7; P, 0.9], [N, 0.7; P, 0.6] (Both deer and goat were the same.), respectively. Consequently, the horse, deer, and goat manure have a potential of 3,840.1 ton N/year and 9,390.2 ton P/year as an inorganic fertilizer of urea and fused superphosphate. These findings may facilitate the development of more accurate nutrient budget taking into account both major and minor livestock and improve the manure management measures for land application.