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        검색결과 6

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Park, Eunha. (2023). “Perceptions of “Hwanhyangnyeo,” “Wianbu,” “Yang-gongju” Through Example Sentences in Korean Dictionaries and the Internet Articles“. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 31(2), 29-58. This study investigated and analyzed examples of three terms found in dictionary entries and internet articles to examine the perceptions of war and women in Korean society. A preliminary examination of dictionary entries found that one dictionary’s referred to “hwanhyangnyeo” as a stigmatized term, used to expression hatred toward women even after returning home post the war. In the example sentences of “wianbu,” in the dictionaries, the phrase “other expressions” was commonly used, which precisely conveyed or demanded facts. Entries regarding “wianbu, Japan, and the government’s expressions” generally portrayed a negative view of “wianbu” victims and related issues. Further, concerning the example sentences of “yang-gongju,” in dictionaries, the most frequently used entry depicted it as an “expression of other people’s perception of yang-gongju.” Except for other expressions conveying factual information, two negative expression types related to “yang-gongju” were identified. When examining the usage of these expressions in internet articles, entries related to “the government’s response” were found to be the most prevalent. For “hwanhyangnyeo,” articles most frequently focused on “the history of ‘hwanhyangnyeo’.” Regarding articles containing “wianbu,” primary topic of interest was “the expedition of the Girl Statue in German.” Finally, articles concerning “yang-gongju” commonly referred to “the poor life of ‘yang-gongju.’”
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The history of the Japanese army’s exploitation of comfort women during World War II differs greatly from other history of violence in that it was transnational, transracial, and perpetual. The history had been silenced due to the aftermath of the Cold War, authoritarian governance, and the social stigmatizing by the patriarchal society. It was from the 90s that the history became a global agenda when Korean comfort women publicized their experiences of the abuse by the Japanese army. However, the Japanese army is in denial of their brutality, and many victims have deceased. Therefore, it remains as a crucial task of our generation to convert the history of comfort women into collective memory. Taiwan is suffering from a similar history of their comfort women, and the development of the Taiwanese literary narrative of the victims may inspire the Korean society. This paper explores four Taiwanese literature on comfort women- Chen Qian Wu’s 「輸送船」 and 「獵女犯」, Lee Yung Ping’s 「望鄉」, and Chang Ying Min’s 櫻- and illustrates the meaning of the evolution of the narratives regarding the Taiwanese society’s ideology. These novels depict the trauma of comfort women as the result of a combination of numerous oppressions including imperialism, patriarchy, and social classification. Furthermore, these novels describe the trauma of comfort women from multiple angles and in detail.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research was set out to prove the effect of horticultural therapy on the emotional stability and the depression of military sexual slavery by japan. The two military sexual slavery(A and B) by japan living in Daegu were continuously participated in this horticultural therapy program(HTP). The experiment was conducted 20 times from March to July, 2004. To prove the effect of HTP effect, emotional stability and the depression was diagnosed between pre- and post-program using the BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) and horticultural therapy evaluation table(KHY type). Also after horticultural therapy executing, the observation log was kept down via the horticultural treatment diagnosis table(KHY type). In the result of BDI evaluation, we could notice that the horticultural therapy program improved the emotional stability and depression of A and B subjects. In this study, HTP showed a positive effect in curing mental depression and activities. Therefore, HTP is useful in the rehabilitation of the military sexual slavery by japan.