The changes of rainfall pattern and impervious covers have increased disaster risks in urbanized areas. Impervious covers such as roads and building roofs have been dramatically increased. So, it is falling the ability safety of flood defense equipments to exist. Runoff coefficient means ratio of runoff by whole rainfall which is able to directly contribute at surface runoff during rainfall event. The application of accurate runoff coefficients is very important in sewer pipelines design.This study has been performed to estimate runoff characteristics change which are applicable to the process of sewer pipelines design or various public facilities design. It has used the SHER model, a long-term runoff model, to analyze the impact of a rising impervious covers on runoff coefficient change. It thus analyzed the long-term runoff to analyze rainfall basins extraction. Consequently, it was found that impervious surfaces could be a important factor for urban flood control. We could suggest the application of accurate runoff coefficients in accordance to the land Impervious covers. The average increase rates of runoff coefficients increased 0.011 for 1% increase of impervious covers. By having the application of the results, we could improve plans for facilities design.
This study is daytime and nighttime runoff image data caused by heavy rain on May 27, 2013 at Oedo Water Treatment Plant of Oedo-Stream, Jeju to compute runoff by applying Surface image velocimeter (SIV) and analyzing correlation according to current. At the same time, current was comparatively analyzed using ADCP observation data and fixed electromagnetic surface current meter (Kalesto) observed at the runoff site.
As a result of comparison on resolutions of daytime and nighttime runoff images collected, correlation coefficient corresponding to the range of 0.6~0.7 was 6.8% higher for nighttime runoff image compared to daytime runoff image. On the contrary, correlation coefficient corresponding to the range of 0.9~1.0 was 17% lower. This result implies that nighttime runoff image has lower image quality than daytime runoff image. In the process of computing current using SIV, a rational filtering process for correlation coefficient is needed according to images obtained.
Physically-based resampling scheme for roughness coefficient of surface runoff considering the spatial landuse distribution was suggested for the purpose of effective operational application of recent grid-based distributed rainfall runoff model. Generally grid scale(mother scale) of hydrologic modeling can be greater than the scale (child scale) of original GIS thematic digital map when the objective basin is wide or topographically simple, so the modeler uses large grid scale.
The resampled roughness coefficient was estimated and compared using 3 different schemes of Predominant, Composite and Mosaic approaches and total runoff volume and peak streamflow were computed through distributed rainfall-runoff model. For quantitative assessment of biases between computational simulation and observation, runoff responses for the roughness estimated using the 3 different schemes were evaluated using MAPE(Mean Areal Percentage Error), RMSE(Root-Mean Squared Error), and COE(Coefficient of Efficiency). As a result, in the case of 500m scale Mosaic resampling for the natural and urban basin, the distribution of surface runoff roughness coefficient shows biggest difference from that of original scale but surface runoff simulation shows smallest, especially in peakflow rather than total runoff volume.