최근에 지속적 발전(sustainable development)은 환경 정책 분석뿐만 아니라 현대 환경, 생 태 경제학에 있어서 중요한 개념이 되어왔으며, 이 개념은 어업에 있어서 특히 중요한 국제적 이슈(issue)가 되고 있다. 어업은 갱생자연 자원에 입각한 산업으로서 지속적 발전의 길로 가야만 한다. 이것은 1982년 UN해양법 협약(UNCLOS), 1995년 UN 경계왕래성 어족과 고도회유성 어족에 관한 집행협약 (UNIA), FAO의 책임있는
A macroeconomic minimodel was simulated to analyze the effect of global exchange on the Korea's economy. The simulation results illustrate some of the consequences of public policy and some insight into current world problems. All computer simulation runs made under various conditions suggest that the Korea's system in the near future may be strongly influenced by the favorable availability of outside resources, while the national power and assets may be declined by indigenous environmental stock depletion. The borrowed capital allows the temporary money stock to increase and the national assets to grow faster and a little higher, as using up the environmental resources more quickly. Later, when the debt is paid off, the foreign exchange holdings may not go so high. For the environmentally sound and sustainable development, over 75% of total economic production should be invested to the natural resource management. Therefore, the economic structure of Korea should be transferred from the present industrial structure to social-economic structure based on ecological-recycling concept.
Sustainable development has been the key concept, both in economic policies and in environmental management. On the basis of an systems ecology perspective, this study suggests the sustainable development of Korea's natural environment and economic activity using the EMERGY evaluation. The total EMERGY use(7,730 E20sej/yr) in Korea is 81 percent from imported sources, fuels and goods and services. The ratio of outside investment to attracting natural resources is already large, like other industrialized countries. Continued availability of purchased inputs at a favorable balance of EMERGY trade, currently about 2.85 to 1 net EMERGY, is the basis for present economic activity and must decrease as the net EMERGY of purchased inputs including fossil fuels goes down. EMERGY yield ratio and environmental loading ratio were 1.23 and 20.30, respectively. The population level is already in excess of carrying capacity. Its carrying capacity for steady state on its renewable sources is only 2.2 million people, compared to 45.9 million in 1997. EMERGY sustainability index is therefore less than one, which is indicative of highly developed consumer oriented economies. Until now the development of a country has been achieved by the economic growth, but it can be sustained in the long run by the use of renewable resource systems, the efficiency of energy usage, and the transformation of the social-economic structure based on an ecological-recycling concept.
Sustainable development has been the key concept, both in economic policies and in environmental management since 1970s. In the view of systems ecology, sustainable resource use strategies are considered to be essential in achieving sustainable development. During the last three decades, the discipline of systems ecology has applied ecological energetic analysis to the evaluation of the contribution of natural environments to economic systems.
EMERGY analysis of main energy flows driving the economy of humans and life support systems of a city was made including environmental energies, fuel, and inputs, all expressed as solar emjoules. Total EMERGY use of Pusan was 3.89 E22 sej/yr, about 90 percent of it was purchased sources from outside during eleven years from 1985 to 1995. EMERGY flows from the environment were less than 10 percent. EMERGY yield ratio and environmental loading ratio were 1.10 and 10.45, respectively. EMERGY sustainability index is therefore less than one, which is indicative of highly developed consumer oriented economies. Development of a city has been achieved in the short run by the economic growth, but it can be sustained in the long run by the use of renewable resource systems.