Recently, the breakdown of online banking servers and the leakage of customer information give rise to much concern about the security of information systems in financial and banking companies in Korea. The enforcement of security for information system becomes much more important issue than earlier. However, the security reinforcement of information system is restricted by a budget. In addition, the activities' cost to secure information system from threatening are under uncertain circumstances and should be established by a human decision maker who is basically uncertain and vague. Thus, making the budget for information system is exposed to any extent of the risk for these reasons. First, we introduce brief fuzzy set theory and fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology. Then, the cost elements that comprise yearly budget are presented and the priorities among the cost elements are calculated by fuzzy AHP. The cost elements that are exposed to risk are evaluated from the both perspectives of the risk impact and risk occurrence possibility which are expressed as linguistic terms. To get information on the risk profiles-pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic-for each cost element, the evaluation is accomplished and the result is presented. At last, the budget ranges-minimum, mode, maximum-for each cost element are estimated with the consideration of the risk profiles.
This study is to develop and operate the R-FCE(Real-time Fuzzy Control Expert System) model on the SBR(Sequency Batch Reactors) type sewage disposal facility which is for the environmental problem of future and the effective treatment. It is the system that regularly handles the input, output information in real time by the Fuzzy control IF-THEN rule. Nowadays the water pollution caused by the increase of population and the industrialization already exceeds the purifying ability of nature and is getting worse. The sewage disposal facility needs an expert having wide experience and know-how because the quality or quantity of inflow water is so irregular that the process of sewage disposal is difficult. In the nation, however, the accumulation of technology is so weak because field-operators avoid the long-term duty. So the accurate and speedy decision or control of field are difficult in the case of emergency situation.
본 연구는 퍼지 TOPSIS법과 AHP법을 이용하여 IMO 정보관리시스템의 예비과제 우선순위를 평가하기 위한 것이다. 이러한 평가를 위해 먼저 24개의 예비과제를 추출하여 FSM법을 이용하여 대체안을 구조화하였고, 최종 4개의 주요 예비과제를 도출한다. 또한 평가항목간의 가중치는 의사결정자의 일관성을 유지하면서 평가가 가능한 AHP법을 이용한다. 그러나 AHP법은 비교대상의 수가 증가하면 쌍대비교의 횟수가 증가하고, 평가에는 수많은 애매성이 존재하기 때문에 최종 우선순위 선정에는 TOPSIS에 퍼지이론을 도입한 퍼지 TOPSIS법을 이용한다. 그 결과 IMO 기준정보관리, IMO 정보기준전달, IMO 통합데이터베이스, IMO 지식허브 순으로 구축되어야 하는 것으로 나타났다.