본 연구에서는 Froude 수 1.0으로 운항하는 길이 약 10m 급 소형 고속선박의 에너지 효율 설계를 위해 선미부에 트림 탭을 부착하였고, 선저 면과의 각도에 따른 항주자세와 저항성능의 변화를 살펴보았다. 성능 해석은 CFD 해석을 통해 수행되었으며, 축척에 의한 영향을 보기 위해 모형선과 실선에 대해 각각 해석을 수행 후 두 결과로부터 예측된 실선의 성능을 비교하였다. 나선에 대한 해석 결과는 두 결과가 전반적으로 유사하였고, 트림 탭이 부착된 경우 선저 면과의 각도가 동일할 때 자세 변화량이 달라 전 저항의 차이로 이어졌지만 자세에 따른 저항 변화 경향은 유사하였다. 이로부터 축척 효과가 있더라도 저항 저감 경향으로부터 최적 항주자세를 찾을 수 있으나, 트림 탭에 의한 자세 변화와 실선 주위 유동의 특성을 알기 위해서는 실선에 대한 직접적인 해석이 필요함을 알 수 있다.
The planing hull is characterized by a large change in the posture according to the speed, and the shape of the propeller varies, so that the hull resistance varies greatly depending on the propeller used. Especially, the Savitsky system, which is widely used for estimating the resistance of planing hull, does not consider the characteristics of these propeller and ship bottom spray rails. In this paper, in order to investigate the difference in resistance characteristics between the propeller and the bottom of the propeller of 6m and 12m class propeller using propeller such as outboard or stern drive, A comparative test was conducted on resistance and attitude posture changes in the Circulating Water Channel of Institute of Medium & Small Shipbuilding. As a result of comparison test, it was confirmed that there is a clear difference in the attitude change due to the presence of the bottom floor spray rail and the change in resistance characteristics due to the installation of the propeller. However, attitude change with the propeller was found to be insignificant.
The displacement Deep-V catamaran concept was developed in Newcastle University(UNEW) through development of the systematic Deep-V catamaran series. One of the most important Deep-V catamaran launched to date is Newcastle University's own multi-purpose research vessel, The Princess Royal. The vessel was launched in 2011 and enhanced the Deep-V catamaran concept further with the successful adoption of a novel anti-slamming bulbous bow and tunnel stern for improved efficiency. It was however identified that the vessel has substantial amount of dynamic trim that limited the visibility of the captain. The dynamic trim also increased the wave-making resistance thereby preventing the vessel from attaining its maximum speed in certain sea states. This paper therefore presents the application of devices such as Trim Tabs, Interceptors, Transom Wedges and Integrated Transom Wedges-Tabs to control the dynamic trim and improvement of fuel efficiency of the vessel. All of these energy saving devices were fitted into a model for tests in Newcastle University's Towing Tank. Model test verification confirmed that the optimum appendage was the interceptors, they produced a 5% power saving and 1.2 degree trim reduction at 15 knots, and investigations of full scale trials will be scheduled with and without application of device to compare the improvement of performance.