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      검색결과 5

      2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study seeks to increase the satisfaction of elderly men when purchasing and wearing ready-to-wear clothes by designing a slacks pattern suitable for their body type, which is determined by analyzing their lower bodies using virtual avatars and 3D virtual simulation system. The study found the following. First, based on virtual visualization of the comparison slacks pattern, the waistline position was consistently the lowest scored question among the evaluation survey items. Interpretation of this dissatisfaction suggests that, because the front waistline falls below the abdomen, the lower body, and especially the abdominal shape, is unpleasantly emphasized. Second, by using a virtual simulation system, the study developed a new slacks pattern that considered the concerns of elderly men. The primary measurement changes were as follows: front waist girth W/4+1.5cm+0.5cm, back waist girth W/4+1.5cm–0.5cm, front hip girth H/4+2.5cm–0.5cm, back hip girth H/4+2.5cm+0.5cm. Third, the new slacks pattern’s appearance was evaluated more highly than the comparison pattern, confirming the new pattern’s appropriateness for elderly men. This study demonstrates how slacks and other clothing patterns designed in a 3D virtual garment simulator can be used to design more appealing clothing for elderly men, increasing the satisfaction of wearing ready-made clothes at older ages.
      2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The purpose of this study is to create a shirt sloper suitable for an elderly male body shape by producing virtual models using a 3D-virtualization program, making a torso prototype using the Yuka CAD system, and employing 3D simulation to virtualize and calibrate the model. First, the following three types of obese dummies are implemented through the CLO 3D program: Type 1 exhibits body fat in the lower body; Type 2 exhibits an obese abdomen; and Type 3 displays a balanced form of obesity. Second, for the design of the shirt pattern, the waist back length (measured value+1), back armhole depth (C/10+12+3+0.5~1.5), front armhole depth (back armhole depth 0~1), front interscye (2C/10‒1+0.5‒0.5), armscye depth (C/10+2+3.5+ 0.5), back interscye (2C/10‒1+1), front chest C (C/4+2.5+1), back chest C (C/4+2.5‒1), front hem C (C/4+2.5+1(+2)), back hem C (C/4+2.5‒1(+2)), cap height (AH/3‒5), and biceps width (Front AH‒1, Back AH‒1) are calculated. Third, the virtual attachment of the shirt pattern is resolved by increasing the front and back armhole depths, and the front and rear wrinkles are improved by adding a back armhole dart. The front hem lift and lateral pull caused by the protrusion of the abdomen are amended by increasing the margin of the chest, waist C, and hip C, with the appearance improved by balanced margin distribution in the front, back, and side panels. The improved retail pattern with an increase in the front armholes C was balanced on the torso plate.
      2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The purpose of this study was to develop slacks patterns for obese-schoolgirls aged 10~12 by using a 3D virtual garment simulation system. The criteria for subjects in this study were girls who had a BMI of over 25kg/m2. A total of 155 schoolgirls who met these criteria were enrolled. The results were as follows: First, by using 3D virtual garment simulation, a new slacks pattern considerate of obese-schoolgirls was developed. The basic numerical formulae were as follows: Front and back hip girth of H/4-0.5+1 and H/4+0.5+1.5, front waist girth of W/4+1+0.5, back waist girth of W/4+2+0.5, front crotch extension of H/16-0.5, back crotch extension of H/8-0.5, front dart amount of 1, and back dart amount of 2. Second, according to the new slacks pattern appearance evaluation, the new slacks pattern scored more highly than the existing pattern for silhouette and ease amount, confirming that the new slacks pattern is appropriate for obese-schoolgirls. Additionally, the new slacks pattern was evaluated allowing for the proper space length of the waist, abdomen and hips. This study is expected to serve as important basic data for ensuing studies that may utilize a 3D virtual garment simulation system with 2D patterns and for future 3D pattern production program development.
      2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study aims to compare the ease of men's slim pants patterns, and to analyze the fit and appearance through the 3D virtual garment system. The study selected four educational materials and one industrial pattern of slim pants for a total of five items. The CLO 3D Modelist program was utilized to carry out the appearance evaluation through virtual wearing and opacity, and a comparison was performed regarding the clothing pressure when the virtual model was standing and walking. The results of our comparison of the patternmaking for slim pants showed that pattern C pants had the greatest ease on the waist circumference, while B pants showed no ease. The C and E pants also had the most ease on the hip measurement. In the appearance evaluation, A pants received the most favorable results, followed by D, E, B, and C, in descending order. The clothing pressure appeared to be mainly red on the waist, crotch, and hem when standing in all pants, so the clothing pressure was high. While walking, the stress appeared to be different for the left and right parts of the body, and the most significant difference was observed on the thigh area.