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        검색결과 4

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to produce virtual models of women aged in their 60s and to implement the virtual clothing with jackets. We referred to 3D images of standard and obese body types from the 8th Size Korea and attempted to create avatars based on their images through the various trials. Final virtual models were made to reflect the appearance of women in their 60s. For the standard body type, a 3D image with average body measurements was selected. Based on numerous trials aimed at turning her image into an avatar, the auto-converted avatar on CLO 3D was slimmer than the woman in the original image, and hence it was not suitable for the virtual model. After blending, we converted the image into an uneditable avatar for which only the joint points could be moved, thereby creating an avatar that was identical to the original image. We also selected an image of an obese woman with a “beer bottle” body shape from the 8th Size Korea. We created an avatar that resembled her shape by also converting it into an uneditable avatar for which only joint points could be moved. To use these avatars in virtual clothing, we removed masks of avatars and made faces, hair styles, and skin tones representing women in their 60s. The moderately-sized classic jackets were smooth on both virtual models and fitted satisfactorily. This study demonstrated the applicability of virtual model production of various body types or ages in special clothing studies.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze two original forms of slacks for thesis to extract outward appearance of design original form applying design measures of the above through diverse research methods. The results of this study are as follow: In original form F, the original form of slacks sloper suitable to elderly women 65~69 years old was W/4+3.5+0.5cm in the front/back circumference of waist, H/4cm in the front/back circumference of hip, (H/4+1+3.8)/2cm in the position of centerline, 19cm in actual measurement value of hip length, 25cm in actual measurement value of crotch depth, (knee crotch circumference~bottom line)/2+10cm and 90 (side waist dot~ lateral malleolus length)cm in actual measurement. front dart position was 1/3 and 2/3 of front waist centerline and back dart position was 1/3 and 2/3 of back waist circumference. It was suggested that front dart quantity (length) was 3.5(11)cm, back dart quantity 3.4 (10.2)cm, side waist up quantity 0.7cm, back down quantity 1.5cm, front crotch width (H/4+1)/4-1cm, back crotch width (H/4+1)/4+4, front knee width 21.8cm, back knee width 24.4cm, front pant leg 20.8cm, and back pant leg 23.4cm.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to suggest a designing method with excellent body suitability by analyzing clothingwearing porosity, comparing and analyzing patterns, and evaluating outer appearances by designing a prototype of study applied with design measurements for categories that have influence on the outer appearance of clothing through diverse research methods, by comparing and analyzing bunka and new bunka style basic pattern, which are proportional basic patterns most frequently used in schools for educational use to design bodice pattern for elderly women in their late 60s. As for the process of this study, the first stage selected study subjects, measured bodies. The second stage compared patterns of bunka and new bunka style basic pattern and evaluated outer appearances that deduced important pattern designing categories to design upper-torso bodice pattern of elderly women. The results of this study are as following ; As a result of comparing and analyzing bunka and new bunka style basic pattern, overall evaluation of outer appearance was excellent for new bunka style basic pattern, and bunka basic pattern received better reviews for the width and depth of front neck. In terms of waist circumference, waist front length, bust point location and bust point-bust point, bunka and new bunka style basic patterns showed a significant difference. new bunka style basic pattern had 4.5cm larger front armhole depth than bunka basic pattern, so it was evaluated to have more appropriate front armhole length, bust point location, and bust point-bust point. Through observation for primary excellent categories and precedent studies, 7 categories of front neck width, front neck depth, front interscye, back neck width, back neck depth, back interscye, and back armhole depth were deduced to have relations to the extra room around arm holes and waist that affect pattern designing method and porosity and evaluations of outer appearance.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문에서는 20대와 60대를 얼굴의 측정치와 시각적 분석을 통해 얼굴의 비율과 불균형을 분석하였다. 얼굴폭과 얼굴길이의 비율이 20대는 1 : 1.34, 60대는 1 : 1.39로 나타나 60대 여성의 얼굴길이가 길며, 상안 부길이, 중안부길이, 하안부길이의 비율에서 20대는 0.85 : 1 : 1로 중안부길이와 하안부의 길이가 같은 반면, 60대는 0.84 : 1 : 1.06으로 하안부길이가 길고 상안부길이가 짧다. 얼굴의 균형감은 2˚이상의 심한 불균형인 경우 눈초리각도가 20대에서 8%, 60대에서 13%, 코각도가 20대에서 11%, 60대에서 29%, 구각각도에서 20대가11%, 60대에서 40%로 나타나, 60대의 불균형이 심각하게 나타났다. 이상과 같이 20대에 비해 60대의 얼굴이 전체적으로 길며, 그중에서도 하안부가 길게 나타난 것은 노화로 인해 얼굴이 변화됨을 알 수 있다. 또한 얼굴의 불균형이 20대에 비해 60대에서 많이 나타남을 알 수 있다.