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        검색결과 5

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate how the English speaking ability of Korean EFL college students was affected by their interactions with Talk-to-ChatGPT while taking an ‘English Interview’ class. Thirty pieces of English conversation scripts with thirty chatbot conversations created by five students were collected for analysis. Two online text analysis programs, Quillbot including word counter and grammar checker and T.E.R.A.(Text Ease and Readability Assessor), were used for data analysis. The findings of data analysis revealed that 1) The average length of the sentences and words spoken by the participants has increased through English speaking practice using Talk-to-ChatGPT, and 2) There was no significant change in text ease and readability, and coherence of students’ utterances through English speaking practice using a chatbot while there were differences depending on their English proficiency levels. 3) Students A, B, and D, who had relatively low levels of English proficiency, showed a slight increase in syntactic accuracy and semantic clarity in their English interview practice. Based on the study findings, pedagogical implications for the effective use of AI-based apps or programs in English speaking classes were presented.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the effects of using AI chatbots in Korean English education from a macro perspective. For this purpose, 19 experimental studies are selected to conduct a meta-analysis, synthesizing the results of 51 individual study cases. The results of this study are as follows: First, it is found that the overall effect size of using chatbots is more than medium size meaning that a chatbot is an effective tool to learn English. Second, in the aspects of linguistic competence and affective categories, each shows over medium sizes like the overall effect size. In details of the dependent variables, vocabulary and speaking in linguistic competence and motivation in affective categories, large effect sizes are shown. Third, the effect sizes are getting larger, as the younger the students are, the longer the experiment period lasts, and the more purpose-built the chatbot is. But the differences in the effect sizes in terms of these moderators (e.g., school level, experiment period, and chatbot type) are not significant. Lastly, it is suggested that follow-up studies are needed to collect a sufficient number of experimental study cases and subdivide the variables for performing a more detailed meta-anlysis.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chatbot-based services in online travel agency (OTA) are rapidly spreading in order to respond more agilely to consumers' needs based on the digitalization of the travel industry. Although AI chatbots use anthropomorphism to provide social experiences on behalf of humans, research results on its effects are mixed. Therefore, based on construal level theory, this study suggests the degree of anthropomorphism (low vs. high) of chatbots prime mental representations of different construal levels (low vs. high) and the fit between anthropomorphism and communication context (communication types and conversation types) has a positive effect on use behavior. This research method consisted of sentimental analysis for exploring use behavior of AI chatbots and two experimental studies (study 1 and study 2) to examine the hypotheses. The results of this study expand construal level theory and avatar research to provide an understanding of the anthropomorphism of AI chatbots.