The correlation between accident management plan and radiation emergency plan of Shin-Kori Units 3 and 4 was compared and analyzed from the point of view of the adequacy of facilities, equipments, organization and manpower which are necessary for the related emergency response. It was found the equipment of accident management plan and emergency response facility of radiation emergency plan had different technical contents and scope of application, so there was no risk of mutual conflict and overlapping functions. However, since the accident impact assessment code in accident management plan and computer program of radiation emergency plan were different, it was necessary to ensure the agreement or linkage of the evaluation between them. When a radiation emergency is issued in accident management plan, the composition and mission of the accident response organization were mostly consistent with the contents of the radiation emergency plan, but some corrections and improvement items were identified. Accident management plan specified that the disaster response safety center belonged to the emergency operations facility (EOF), but the radiation emergency plan did not mention it at all. The main tasks of disaster response safety center were the movement, arrangement and connection of mobile emergency response facilities, on-site construction of other emergency response facilities, and on-site road restoration. According to the accident management plan, the movement, arrangement, and connection of mobile facilities (i.e., mobile generators, mobile pumps, multi-purpose communication relay facilities), which were considered very important for the prevention and mitigation of serious accidents, were under the supervision of the disaster response safety center. It was stipulated that the operation was carried out with the cooperation of a regular emergency organization, and that the start, operation and stop of mobile equipments were to be performed under the supervision of the emergency operation team supported by the regular emergency organization. Since this organization structure and assignment of duties could not be confirmed in radiation emergency plan, it was necessary to revise and improve the radiation emergency plan for the successful operation of mobile equipments and to link them with the accident management plan.
Korea’s elevator industry is one of the world’s eighth-largest industrial sectors and the third largest in the world by new installations. This year, the number of elevators has exceeded 700,000, and the number of new installations is 30,000-40,000 every year. However, the news of elevator-related accidents is reported continuously through the media and the accident rate is not decreasing. In particular, among the recent accidents related to elevators, accidents related to elevator workers are increasing, causing social problems. This year, the National Assembly’s Environmental Labor Relations Commission’s National Auditors lost five lives a year and 12 elevator workers were killed in fall and stenosis accidents during the installation, maintenance and replacement of the elevators for about two years since 2018. It took place to adopt the representatives of four domestic elevator companies as witnesses. An elevator worker is a collective term for workers involved in the design, manufacturing, installation, replacement, maintenance, inspection, management, and supervision related to the elevator industry, and the related accidents are called elevator worker accidents. Analysis of elevator-related accidents in the past has shown that the fault of the user accounted for 70% of the total, and the fault of the worker accounted for about 2.5%, and the accident occurred to the user or the user due to carelessness of the worker during the lift-related work. Currently, elevator-related accidents are reported by the Korea Elevator Safety Agency under Article 48 of the Elevator Safety Management Act under the Ministry of Interior and Safety. If deemed necessary for the prevention and prevention of recurrence of an elevator accident, the cause and condition of the elevator accident may be investigated. However, the current draft law is limited only to elevators after installation inspection, and is separated from the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s data on accidents occurring in the manufacturing and installation stages related to the elevator industry. This study analyzes the recent safety accidents of elevator workers and prepares safety measures to prevent them through the risk analysis, and also draws out the problems and improvements of the current elevator worker accident investigation to find the elevator worker accident rate that is on the increase trend.
The number of elevators in Korea has surpassed 700,000 units in 2019, which is the 8th in the world by number of installed units and 3rd in the world by new units. The word 'lift' is a representative word, and the category includes elevators, escalators, dumb waiters, and moving walks. Those who live in the city will experience using elevators once or twice a day, and these elevators are becoming an indispensable means of transportation when using high-rise apartments or subways.
However, such a convenient elevator also has a lot of risks that threaten the safety of the user and actually cause many accidents every year. In particular, escalators (including moving walks), which account for as little as 5% of all elevators, account for 70% of all elevator accidents. According to Heinrich's chain of thought theory, accidents are caused by a combination of factors, which are divided into five stages: Stage 1: Genetic Factors and Social Environment, Stage 2: Individual Defects, Stage 3: Unsafe behavior and Unsafe conditions, Stage 4: Accident, Stage 5: Injury. Heinrich said that three of these five phases, unsafe behavior and unsafe conditions, require safety management and efforts to prevent accidents. In escalator accidents, the analysis of accident cases that have occurred so far will be related to unsafe behaviors and unsafe conditions, and the effective management of these causes of accidents will enable safer and more convenient use of escalators.
This study analyzed accident cases of elevator users, focusing on escalator accidents over the last 10 years (2010 ~ 2019), and safety management to prevent safety accidents of elevator users by analyzing the behavior of actual users and questionnaires of experts in related fields. The method was studied.
국내외적으로 “녹색성장”을 내세우지만 막상 산불로 인한 피해에 대하여는 간과하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 특히 산불로 인한 환경 피해는 치유도 어렵고 많은 시간이 소요된다는 점에서 산불예방과 신속한 진화의 필요성이 요구된다 할 수 있을 것이다. 인류가 산업화 사회에서 산불 발생을 원초적으로 방지하는 것은 불가능할 것이다. 따라서 적극적인 예방과 산불 발생시 신속한 초기 대응 및 진화체계 구축으로 피해발생을 최소화하여 산림자원을 보호하는 것이 우리의 사명이고 후세에 대한 의무일 것이다. 본 연구는 우리나라에서 발생하는 산불의 특성 및 대응방안과 제도적 측면을 검토하고, 산불의 원인 분석을 위하여 FTA분석을 실시하였고, 통계자료를 통해 연도별 극치자료의 빈도분석을 실시하였다. 산불을 더욱 효과적으로 예방하고, 대응할 수 있는 대책을 제시하였다.