Purpose: This study aimed to measure the level of patient advocacy (the core attribute), nursing professionalism and ethical climate perceived by hospital nurses in Korea, and to identify factors influencing patient advocacy (the core attribute). Method: This study was conducted on 234 full-time nurses who had been working for more than 1 year at a general hospital located in a provincial city in Korea. Data were collected from November 15 to 30, 2024, using questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed using IBM SPSS/WIN 27.0. Results: Among patient advocacy, ‘safeguarding patients’ autonomy’ was explained by 30.0% by professional self-concept, patients, and professional identity in nursing, ‘acting on behalf of patients’ was explained by 34.0% by professional self-concept, role of nursing practice, patients, originality of nursing, and professional identity in nursing, and ‘championing social justice’ was explained by 36.0% by professional self-concept, patients, and managers. Conclusion: In order to improve patient advocacy of hospital nurses, it could be concluded that improving professional self-concept among the sub-factors of nursing professionalism and improving patients among the sub-factors of ethical climate are very effective. Therefore, nursing managers need to make managerial efforts to improve nurses’ professional self-concept and awareness of patients.
본 연구는 청년세대의 인권에 대한 접촉 수준과 인권 옹호 활동에 기 초해 인권태도가 어떻게 발현되는지 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 이에 국가 인권위원회 인권의식실태조사를 기반으로 20~30대 청년세대의 인권태도 를 비롯한 인권 관련 요인, 인구사회학적 요인, 이념적 요인들 간의 관계 를 실증적으로 분석하기 위해 핵심 변수의 기술통계, 변수 간 상관관계 분석 및 연구모형에 따른 다중회귀분석을 진행하였다. 이에 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 청년세대의 인권태도는 성별, 연령, 학력, 이념 등 인구사회학적 요인에 기반해서는 차이가 나타나지 않는다. 둘째, 남성 고학력 고소득의 보수적 성향을 지닌 집단에서는 인권에 대한 인지적 접 촉을 선호하고, 진보적이며 소득 수준이 높은 여성 집단에서는 인권에 대한 실천적 옹호 활동을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 이념과 인권 관련 요인이 상호 밀접한 연관성을 맺고 있는 것으로 나타났다.
This study supplements the literature by determining how restaurant innovativeness is linked to customer advocacy as well as considering self-image congruity as mediator of this relationship. A questionnaire survey of 385 restaurant customers was conducted in Taiwan. The results indicated that restaurant innovativeness is positively related to customers’ self-image congruity and customer advocacy. Customers’ self-image congruity is positively associated with customer advocacy. In addition, self-image congruity mediates the relationship between restaurant innovativeness and customer advocacy. The research contributes to literature by extend the relationships between restaurant innovativeness, self-image congruity, and customer advocacy. Restaurant managers should adopt approaches (e.g. innovativeness-related activities) for enhancing self-image congruity in customers.
This study aims to provide insights into ageing consumers’ content usage, content typology choices, and online brand advocacy. Consumers from Southern Europe aged 55+ were included in semi-structured interviews. The study reveals insights into online behaviours and proposes an online brand advocacy framework for ageing consumers, contributing to the literature and offering managerial implications.
The Net Promotor Score (NPS) is one of the most well-known metrics for measuring customer loyalty. Originally designed by Reichheld (2003), the measure asks participants to rate their likelihood to recommend the brand on a scale of 0-10, after which respondents are placed into a ‘detractors’ group, ‘passive’ group or ‘promotors’ group. While the measure has attracted much attention due to its simplicity and ease of use, there has equally been much criticism of its reliability, nomological validity and how it is connected to business outcomes. Therefore, the current study aims to understand whether the NPS can be used to identify brand advocacy, and secondly, does the NPS work in a care-based, low switching service context. The study included three unique contexts: at home care, residential care and disability care. In total, there were 611 participants, all of which were based in Australia. A questionnaire was developed and administered to each group and included both quantitative and qualitative questions to understand the consumer experience. The findings supported NPS as an effective metric in a care-based, low-switching context for identifying positive customer advocacy. The implication is that the NPS can be used to track organizational performance; and the extended NPS allows organizations to understand and encourage (address) positive (negative) advocacy. In addition, suggestions for an ‘earned advocacy score’ were provided which may offer a more effective way of understanding consumer experience, while providing clearer, more detailed and more actionable data. The current study provides much needed insight for brand and care organizations to understand how the NPS might be used effectively to facilitate better brand outcomes.
This study supplements the literature by determining how restaurant innovativeness is linked to customer advocacy as well as considering self-image congruity as mediator of this relationship. A questionnaire survey of 385 restaurant customers was conducted in Taiwan. The results indicated that restaurant innovativeness is positively related to customers’ self-image congruity and customer advocacy. Customers’ self-image congruity is positively associated with customer advocacy. In addition, self-image congruity mediates the relationship between restaurant innovativeness and customer advocacy. The research contributes to literature by extend the relationships between restaurant innovativeness, self-image congruity, and customer advocacy. Restaurant managers should adopt approaches (e.g. innovativeness-related activities) for enhancing self-image congruity in customers.
목적 :본 연구는 재활 보조기기서비스에 대한 옹호중재의 관점에서 개인의 특성에 따른 지원절차 및 품목 을 통합한 매뉴얼을 개발하여 서비스 수요자뿐만 아니라 제공자에게도 보조기기서비스의 세부절차와 내 용에 대한 이해를 돕고 재활서비스 현장에서 활용할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 설계되었다.연구방법 :국내 11개 지역별 보조기기센터와 관련 행정기관 4개소를 대상으로 방문, 전화, 홈페이지검색 등을 통하여 매뉴얼, 제공절차, 관련법령 등에 관한 자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 자료를 토대로 기관과 지 원분야에 따라 대분류, 중분류, 소분류로 구분한 후 각 분류에 맞추어 보조기기서비스 통합 지원절차 매 뉴얼을 개발하였다. 개발된 매뉴얼은 개인의 특성에 따른 서비스 흐름도와 제품정보로 구성하였다.결과 :개발된 재활 보조기기서비스 통합 매뉴얼은 먼저 지역별 보조기기센터 및 관련 행정기관의 지원제도 로부터 서비스를 제공받을 수 있는 모든 과정을 하나로 통합한 통합지원절차 흐름도와 공공기관별(전국 보조기기센터, 보건복지부, 국가보훈처, 고용노동부, 미래창조과학부) 지원절차 흐름도로 구분하여 개발 하였다. 또한 제품정보는 지역별 보조기기센터의 보조기기목록과 행정기관별 지급 가능한 보조기기목록 으로 분류하여 제공하였다.결론 :본 매뉴얼은 국내 재활 보조기기서비스 지원절차와 제품정보를 통합하였기 때문에 재활 보조기기서 비스 수요자나 제공자들에게 신속하고 정확한 서비스 제공이 가능하며 향후 작업치료 관점에서 보조기 기서비스에 대한 독립적 옹호중재의 역할을 기대한다.
본 연구의 목적은 인권 침해와 관련한 게임 기반 스크립트 중재가 초등 장애아동의 언어적‧동적 자기옹호의 습득과 유지에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위함이었다. 지적장애 초등학생 4명을 대상으로 대상자간 중다 간헐 기초선 설계(multiple probe design across subjects)를 사용하여 게임에 기반한 스크립트 중재를 실시한 결과, 도움 요청하기, 의사표현, 폭력의 대응하기의 영역에서 연구 참여자 모두 언어적 자기옹호와 행동적 자기옹호의 긍정적 향상이 나타났으며 그 효과가 유지되었다. 또한 네 학생 모두 행동적 자기옹호보다 언어적 자기옹호에 있어 더 높은 효과가 나타났다. 본 연구는 기존 자기 결정의 하위 요소로만 다루어지던 자기옹호에 대해 인권 요소와 침해 사례를 기반으로 독립적인 자기옹호의 프로그램을 구조화하였다는 점에서 후속 연구에 유용한 정보를 제공한다.