
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2019.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        주자성리학을 국가의 기본 통치이념으로 건국된 조선조에서 임금은 그 모든 사회체제의 구심점이며, 그 시대를 대표하는 상징적 존재이다. 그러한 임금의 대표적인 의사표현 수단이 어필이다. 어필은 내용적으로는 임금의 개인적인 생각․사상 및 그 시대의 제반 요소가 담겨져 있고, 서체적로는 조선조의 서예사와 서예미의 흐름을 파악할 수 있는 척도이다. 그동안 어필 관련 연구는 일부 임금의 서체에 국한하여 부분적으로 연구되어 조선조 전체적인 관점에서 어필을 이해하기에 한계가 있었다. 본 논문은 임금의 서체에 대해서는 제외하고 『조선 왕조실록』에 기술된 어필에 담겨진 내용을 중심으로 세부적으로 분석․고찰하였다. 실록에 기술된 어필에 대한 내용 속에는 어필과 관련된 형식적인 내용에서부터 문화적․ 사상적․정치적 내용에 이르기까지 다양한 정보가 담겨져 있다. 일반적으로 임금이 써서 내린 글을 통칭하여 어필이라고 하는데, 실록에는 임금의 글씨에 대한 명칭을 다양한 용어로 쓰이는 것이 확인된다. 어필의 정치적․사상적 배경도 주자성리학적 세계관에 따라 王道政治를 근본으로 禮治思想을 절요처로 하여 왕도정치와 예치의 통합을 통한 ‘修己之學’과 ‘治人之學’적 요소의 조화로운 통일을 지향하였다. 어필은 서체적 의미 이외에 어필내용을 깊이 분석하여 살펴보는 것도 중요하다. 임금이 어필을 내린 사유를 분류해서 정의한다면 “임금이 국정운영의 투명성과 효율성을 확보하고, 종묘사직의 안위를 지키며, 선대왕 및 성현들의 유지를 존숭하고 이를 본받아 계승하며, 신하와 백성들과의 소통 및 교육적 효과를 높이기 위하여 임금의 입장에서 표현하는 형식적인 의사 표시 수단”으로 요약할 수 있다. 조선조에서 어필의 상징성은 지엄, 권위, 존숭, 공신력, 초권력적 성격을 띤다. 임금은 나라의 지존으로서 이러한 상징성에 의거하여 어필정치를 하였다. 이에 따른 어필의 효용성은 첫째 왕도정치의 구현의 수단, 둘째 행정적 통치의 구현 수단, 셋째 교훈․경계적 現示의 수단, 넷째 국방․외교에 관한 신뢰구축의 수단, 다섯째 특별권력으로써의 왕권 구현 수단 등으로 어필이 다양한 역할을 하였다. 위에서 살펴본 바와 같이 조선조에 있어서 어필은 임금이 나라를 다스려 나감에 있어, 임금 본인의 의사를 표현하는 직접적이고 형식적인 수단이었다. 이 어필 속에는 임금의 생각과 사상, 그리고 나라를 다스려 나가는 국정운영의 방향과 철학이 고스란히 함축되어 있다. 이 에 따라 어필의 내용을 세부적으로 고찰하여 어필 속에 담겨진 의미를 다양하게 도출하였다. 조선조는 임금중심의 사회였기 때문에 어필에 대한 정확한 이해는 조선조를 전반적으로 이해 하는 중요한 지렛대이다. 즉 어필은 조선조 이해의 대표적 아이콘이다. 따라서 이번 어필 내용에 대한 연구는 향후 조선조의 정치적 사회적 이해는 물론이고 특히 미술사, 서예사 등 조선조 미학에 대한 연구를 심화 시켜 주는 계기가 될 것으로 확신한다.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study would investigate the significance of Ondo I during the Joseon dynasty period centering around the structure and significance of Ondo!, an understanding of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty and examples related to Ondo! that appeared in the Annals. Ondo!, which has been with the Korean people for the past 3,000 years, which has a lot of meaning from a social welfare aspect as well as architectural significance. Tlu·ough The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, it was noted that during the Joseon dynasty period, Ondo! was used for students' health, for the practice of filial behavior and for Jost children.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is based on the 15th century’s architecture Mohwagwan and Taepyeonggwan and the architects behind it. The results were as follows: First, inline with Ming dynasty’s protocol, the King of Joseon marched with honor guard in front of his people. Therefore, the Joseon dynasty needed to match space was implemented and result in Mohwagwan and Taepyeonggwan. Second, King Taejong founded Mohwaru to share the role with Taepyeonggwan. He appropriately utilized Mohwaru as a place in manners before people enter the Seoul city wall. And He organized this architecture on the level of the palace. Third, Pak Jacheong was overseer the whole constructive process, from the selection of site, landscaping, construction, maintenance to civil engineering of Mohwaru. There are many difficulties, but he completed through the construction work owing to the protection of King Taejong. Forth, Hong Li worked with Pak Jacheong to build Taepyeonggwan and Mohwagwan from Taejong to Sejong. Supervisors in King Sejong times were required not only private capability but also understanding the Confucianism ritual. Hong Li was faithfully performed the role. Fifth, Sejong was recognized only an excellent ruler but he was also a great coordinator with a professional knowledge about architecture. These Sejong’s action fully can be seen as an architect.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report the results of our study for ascertaining whether Ganui-dae built in the Josen Dynasty actually performed an astronomical role or not. The Ganui-dae was the first astronomical structure built as a part of the state astronomical undertakings by King Se-Jong. Our analysis was based on the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. At first we extracted the records regarding Ganui-dae from the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty and then classified them under six heads according to their astronomical meaning and historical significance. From this analysis we found that the Ganui-dae performed the actual astronomical role. In addition, the provisional offices and peoples mentioned in the records show the astronomical correlation. Generally, when taking into account the functional side of the records, the Ganui-dae was related with the observation. Therefore, the Ganui-dae was the space for the astronomical activity. In conclusion, the Ganui-dae was built for the purpose of the astronomical activity.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We tried to establish the history of outbreaks and control methods of ‘hwangchung’ in Joseon Dynasty, uncovering the biological reality of the ‘hwangchung’ (called hwang or bihwang) analyzed through the Database program on ‘the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty’ and ‘the Enrollment of Haegoeje’, two of the finest examples of classical historical records. The total number of articles on the outbreak of the hwangchung is 261 in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty and 65 in the Enrollment of Haegoeje. There were four peaks by hwangchung throughout the Joseon Era. Among them, the periods of King Taejo to King Sejong had the highest incidence. By comparing the number of records of the hwangchung from the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty with that in the Enrollment of Haegoeje during the same period, results show the former was less than the latter, 35 vs 65. However, both records were relatively inconsistent with each other. Insect pests in forests as well as in agriculture were included in the biological identities of the hwangchung in the Joseon Dynasty periods, which is in accordance with those of Saigo’s. The taxonomic identity could be confirmed in only 25 cases (9.5%) among the articles on hwangchung. It largely coincided with Paik"s opinion: 11 in armyworm, nine in moth larva, one in rice stem borer, two in migratory locust, one in planthopper and one in rice-plant weevil. Therefore, it is not reasonable to regard hwangchung as a migratory locust or grasshopper only. The number of reports on the occurrence of hwangchung in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty was 173 (66% of the total) and 47% of them were just simple reports, which means the report itself on the appearance of hwangchung was very significant. The reports on controlling insect pests were of low frequency, in 20% (34 cases) of the total reports, capturing insect pests or holding traditional ceremony called ‘Poje’. Among them, only one case related to the treatment of seeds to prevent the damage by hwangchung was published in the King Sejong period. There were 37 discussions about changes and management of government policies due to disasters by hwangchung. They were mostly about relief or tax cut to the people who suffered damage and about cancellation of recruiting people to military training, constructing castles, and so on. It seems that not only the people but also the king was influenced by the hwangchung. In the case of King Seongjong, he referred to the stress of the prevention measure of locusts in 10 articles. The damage also had an effect on abdication in the reign of King Jeongjong.