This study investigates the wear degree of the shock absorber at the artificial knee joint due to bending degree of knee. As the stress distribution due to this angle is understood when the knee is bent, it can be shown how much and which configuration the wear of the shock absorber progresses in. On the basis of the analysis result, the stress applied at the shock absorber becomes higher and the equivalent stress becomes higher as the bending angle of knee is increased. The walking habit as the right attitude can be examined by applying the general joint as well as the artificial knee joint by using this study result
This study investigates area and size of stress part appeared when the continuous loads are applied at artificial joint. Upper and lower parts composed with polyethylene shock absorber and titanium alloy are applied with the loads. The configurations of stress distribution near the hole of support to fix the frame are investigated and secured as through this study. As the result of this study, the stress is concentrated from the edge end of upper artificial joint. The crack is initiated at this point. This analysis result is similar with the instance of tissue corruption due to the damage of artificial joint.
본 연구에서는 텅스텐합금강의 상부구조와 폴리에틸렌소재로 구성된 하부구조의 인공관절이 하중을 받았을때의 인공관절의 하중분포와 인공관절의 설치를 위한 지지구멍에 가해지는 응력분포에 대하여 유한요소해석을 통하여 결과값을 도출하였으며, 실물을 이용한 다음 실험을 위한 기초자료를 얻을 수 있었다. 이를 통하여 나온 해석결과의 하중분포는 텅스텐합금의 상부구조가 모서리 끝부분부터 하중이 집중되어 크랙이 발생하며 이는 의학계에 보고된 인공관절파손에 의한 조직괴사사례와 그 거동이 일치 하였다.