
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        난지형 마늘 재배시 잡초발생 억제와 친환경 방제기술을 개발하기 위하여 생분해성 필름을 이용한 멀칭재배효과를 구명하고자 수행하였다. 멀칭 필름의 투광률은 흑색 PE 필름은 1.1%, 녹색 PE 필름은 26.1%, 투명 PE 필름은 86.1%, 생분해성 필름은 75.4%로 흑색 PE 필름의 경우 대부분의 광이 투과되지 못하였지만 녹색 PE 필름은 일부 광이 투과되었고 생분해성 필름과 투명 PE 필름은 투광률이 높았다. 지온은 무멀칭구에 비해 멀칭구가 높았고 투명 PE 필름, 생분해성 필름이 가장 높게 나타났다. 초장과 구중에서도 지온이 높게 유지되었던 멀칭구가 높았고 투명 PE 필름, 생분해성 필름이 가장 높았다. 멀칭재료별 소실상태는 멀칭 7개월까지 비닐 및 부직포멀칭구는 외관상 크게 소실되는 것을 없었으나, 생분해필름은 멀칭 5개월 이후 필름표면에 가로로 미세한 줄이 나타났고 쉽게 찢어지는 것을 볼 수 있었다.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chitosan and Algin are known as a natural polymers. Biodegradable films were prepared by solution blend method in the weight ratio of natural polymer(low, medium, high-Chitosan, Algin) for the purpose of useful bioimplants. The possibility of bioimplants, which were prepared from natural polymers as a skin substitute and food wrapping materials were evaluated by measuring biodegradability. This biodegradable films were inserted in the back of rats and their biodegradability was investigated by hematological change evaluation as a function of time to biotransformation. It was found that these values of biodegradable films give some good results with short period test.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gum is known as natural polymer. Biodegradable films were prepared by solution blend method in the weight ratio of natural gums(Xanthan, Locust bean, Guar) for the purpose of useful bioimplants. The possibility of bioimplants, which prepared from natural gums as a skin substitute was evaluated by measuring biodegradability. This biodegradable films were inserted in the back of rats and their of biodegradability were investigated by hematological change evaluation as a function of time to the biotransformation. Rats implantation test results showed that Guar induced increments of monocyte and basophil after 48 hours of implantation. And Locust bean showed increase of monocyte and neutrophile counts after 48 hours of implantation. And Xanthan induced decrease of monocyte and neutrophile at 24 hours after implantation. Guar and Locust showed high hemoglobin contents and hematocrit after 48 hours of implantation. Guar and Locust induced some suspects of incompatibility in the tissue after 48 hours, but three were little effects to the skin inflammation at 24 hours. These values of biodegradable films, which prepared from prepared from natural gums measured in this were some satisfiable results at short period with those of ideal skin bioimplants.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since single-use disposable plastic usage has steadily been increasing, recent trends in polymeric research point to increasing demand for eco-friend materials which reduce plastic waste. A huge amount of non-degradable polypropylene (PP)-based pots for seedling culture are discarded for transplantation. The purpose of this study is to investigate an eco-friendly biodegradable material as a possible substitute for PP pot. The blend of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) with poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) was used because of its good mechanical and flexible properties as well as biodegradation. After landfill, various properties of the blend pot were investigated by UTM, SEM, NMR and TGA. The results showed the tensile strength of the blend film rapidly decreased after 5 weeks of landfill due to degradation. From NMR data after landfill, the composition of PLA in the blend was decreased. These results indicate that the biodegradation of the blend preferentially occurs in PLA component. To investigate the effect of holes in pot bottom and side on root growth, a plant in the pot was grown. Some roots came out through holes as landfill period increases. These results indicate that the eco-friendly pot can be directly planted without the removal of pot.