
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this research was to investigate the anatomical location of muscles and their meat quality traits, including muscle pH, water-holding capacity, meat color, tenderness, and sarcomere length, of Korean native black goat(KNBG). Five male KNBGs of 18 months of age were slaughtered and four major muscles-longissimus dorsi(LD), psoas major(PM), semimembranosus (SM), and gluteus medius(GM)-were sampled to determine proximate analysis and meat quality traits. There were no significant(p>0.05) differences in chemical components among the four muscles. The water-holding capacity(WHC) of the four muscles was significantly(p<0.05) affected by muscle type, although the pHu and meat color were not significantly(p>0.05) different among the four muscles. The Warner-Bratzler shear force of PM(4.07 kg/㎠) was significantly(p<0.05) lower than that of SM(5.57 kg/㎠) muscle. In addition, the sarcomere length of PM(1.99 ㎛) was significantly(p<0.05) longer than that of SM(1.72 ㎛) and LD (1.76 ㎛). Results suggest that the lower shear force of PM muscle is due to its longer sarcomere length.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present research was designed to collect recipe of set up a standard recipe and analyze the nutrients of broiled black goat meat (a kind of native local foods in Busan and south province). The results of the study are summarized as follows. The recipe for goat(lamb) meat was recorded in Sanlimkyounggae and Jungbosanlimkyounggae between 1715 and 1827. The goat meat was explained as food for health, rejuvenation and recuperation Since late 1800, it has been utilized for such use. The flavor of broiled black goat meat is influenced by seasonings, fruit juice, heating treatment and cooker. And it also could be affected by the method of slaughter and the sex of the goat. There are lot of element in seasoning. Red pepper paste, garlic and ginger holdback the bad smell and make the taste better. Onion help to retain the water and improve the flavor. Starch syrup, sugar and sesame oil make the meat smoother, glossier and more tasty. The meat is usually roasted on grill over charcoal. It helps to remove or suppress the bad smell and make the taste better. Softness and scent of the meat depend largely on the way to butcher. Female goat meat tastes smoother and smells better. Fruit juice also improve the softness of the meat. Energy per 100g of the 'broiled black goat meat' is 170kcal. There are protein (23g), fat(2.4g), Ca(159mg), Fe(1.1mg) and so on. Amino acid is mainly comprised of essential amino acid such as cystine, lysine, leucine, and arginine. Fatty acid consists primarily of unsaturated fatty acid like oleic acid, linoleic acid.