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        검색결과 5

        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to the problems on BW (Bulky Waste) from SRF (Solid Refused Fuel) facilities in terms of operation andmaintenance, we investigated the characteristics of bulky waste about physical composition ratio, discharge type and ratio,etc. BW are 5.83% in MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) and composition ratio is as below; fiber (28.22%), plastic (19.18%),paper (17.95%), wood (17.02%), metal (11.49%), vinyl (3.3%), styrofoam (2.84%). Paper was mostly packing box, wood;chipboard, pieces of wood, branch, vinyl; big vinyl bag, plastic; home appliance, toy, big piece of plastic, fiber; clothing,mattress, sponge, styrofoam; pieces of styrofoam box, metal; broken metal stuff. BW has characteristics that is bulky andmainly consist of recycle waste compared with general MSW. We compare the composition ratios of only BW, MSWincluding BW and not including BW in order to extend to which variation in BW affects on physical composition ratioof general MSW. As a result of these researches, physical composition ratio between MSW not including BW and BWhas some difference but correspond closely with MSW including BW. This is because BW component ratio is so smallthat have little effect on composition ratio of total waste. Conclusively BW component and physical composition ratio,discharging type should be investigated for characterizing BW. But BW composition ratio needs not to be included onlyfor analyzing physical composition ratio of waste.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the authors applied a modified SRF product quality based on a mix of disposable plastic bags and bulky waste to estimate the mixing ratio which can be the energy efficiency of coal for fuel. This study was performed to find physical properties of bulky wasteand element analysis for the mixd disposable plastic bag. Also, SRF (solid recovery fuel) was tested to figure out, physicochemical properties by standard method. As the results, the physical properties of bulky waste shows 89.6% of wood. Then the author measured disposal plastic bag as follows : [3 : 7], [5 : 5], [7 : 3] quality criteria by the mixing ratio of bulky waste. The low calorific value was proportionally increased whenever the mixing ratio of disposable plastic bag was increased. Therefore, the author can surmise that the mixing ratio between bulky waste and disposable plastic bag was [6 : 4]. It shows 5,950 kcal / kg value as much as coal fuel.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The MOE (Ministry of Environment) had classified 4 types of solid fuels as RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel), RPF (Refuse Plastic Fuel), TDF (Tire Derived Fuel) and WCF (Wood Chip Fuel) in Korea at 2012. However, the MOE has reclassified, the solid fuels with SRF (Soild Recovery Fuel) and Bio- SRF. Since the qulity standard for SRF has moderated, it is easier and more economical to recycle the waste. In this study, investigation for the generating, collecting, transporting, and treatment system of bulky waste in Seoul were performed. Moreover, experiments conducted to the analysis of collected bulky waste for assessment of SRF. According to the report of waste -meter-rate system in 2010, amount of bulky waste from to Dongdaemun-Gu is similar to average emissions in Seoul, and have an important facilities of transshipment for bulky waste, so that is the reason to select Dongdaemun-Gu for this research. According to process of Dongdaemun-center, bulky waste is classified into four-case, as metals, sponges, woods, and inclusion. Because the potion of inclusion is the difficult material to recycle, the entire quantity generated has been incinerated in Dongdaemun-Gu. the incinerating cost for inclusion was about 300 million won in 2012. Thus, inclusion from bulky waste was taken the target material to apply for SRF. So selected as inclusion that was incinerated to apply the SRF fuel standard. This research was analyzed the change in characteristics related to bringing location and period in order to evaluate the potential of energy of bulky waste in seoul. As a results of evaluation, there is not any differences related to changes of location and period. In addition, the results of conformity assessment of quality standards. Assessment items were satisfied with quality standards without moisture content. Moreover, low caloric value that is the primary factor to apply SRF was about 4,000 Kcal/kg Which is the homogeneous energy to utilize as fuel. However, taking steps as shield system for control of increasing moisture content by rainfall would be required.