PURPOSES : This study describes the experimental findings on the mechanical properties of calcium aluminate cement (CAC)-based repair mortars with or without natural cellulose fiber (NCF). Additionally, the effect of adding NCF to the reduction of fugitive dust in the CAC powder was examined.
METHODS : To produce mortar, four different levels of NCF (0.0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% by binder weight) were adopted, and the water-binder ratio was fixed at 0.485. The flow, strength characteristics, absorption, and surface electrical resistivity of the mortars were measured at predetermined periods. Additionally, SEM observations were performed to examine the microstructural changes and hydrates formed on the 28 day-mortar samples.
RESULTS : The addition of NCF led to a decrease in fugitive dust. Regarding the mechanical properties of the mortars, that with 0.5% NCF exhibited a better performance in terms of strength development and surface electric resistivity compared to those of other mortars. However, the addition of NCF was less effective in the enhancement of the absorption of mortars. Further, we discovered that the microstructures of the mortars with additional NCF were comparatively dense compared to those without NCF.
CONCLUSIONS : The appropriate addition of NCF can enhance the performance of CAC-based repair materials. However, further studies on the durability of CAC with the addition of NCF are needed to determine the optimal mixture.
PURPOSES : Experimental findings pertaining to the mechanical properties of calcium aluminate cement (CAC)-based repair mortars incorporated with anhydrite gypsum (AG) are described herein.
METHODS : To prepare the mortars, three different levels of AG were adopted and the ratio of water–cementitious materials was fixed at 0.50. For comparison, mortar composed of ordinary Portland cement was prepared. The fluidity, setting time, compressive and bond strengths, absorption and surface electric resistivity of the mortars were measured at predetermined periods.
RESULTS : The incorporation of AG increases the fluidity but decreases the setting time of the CAC-based repair material system. However, the AG in the CAC mixes does not effectively enhance the compressive strength of the mortars owing to the decreased formation of CA hydrates, such as CAH10 and C2AH8. Meanwhile, the mortar with 10% AG shows excellence absorption.
CONCLUSIONS : The mechanical properties of CAC based-mortars rely significantly on the amount of AG incorporated. However, further studies regarding the microstructure and durability of CAC-AG repair mortars must be conducted to obtain the optimal mixture.
본 연구에서는 칼슘알루미네이트 시멘트(CAC) 모르타르의 수화생성물, 강도, 흡수율, 표면전기 저항성 및 염소이온 침투저항성을 실험적으로 고찰하였다. CAC 모르타르의 성능은 보통포틀랜드 시멘트(OPC) 모르타르의 성능과 상호 비교되었다. 실험 결과에 따르면, CAC 모르타르의 주요 수화생성물은 C2AH8 및 CAH10으로 조사되었으며, 압축 및 부착강도는 OPC 모르타르에 비하여 우수하게 나타났다. 뿐만 아 니라, 표면전기 저항성 및 염소이온 침투저항성도 대체적으로 좋은 결과를 나타냄으로서, CAC의 우수한 성능도 확인하였다. 그러나, CAC 모 르타르의 흡수율은 초기재령부터 OPC 모르타르에 비하여 다소 크게 나타남으로써, CAC 경화체의 표면흡수 성능을 개선하기 위한 연구가 더 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 반면, CAC 및 OPC 혼용배합 모르타르의 역학적 성능은 CAC 모르타르에 비하여 대체적으로 다소 떨어지는 것으로 조사됨으로써, CAC계 경화체 제조시 주의가 요구된다.
On this study, a compressive strength with variation of oxide aluminum contents on calcium aluminate cement used for particular purpose due to good properties is analyzed. Thus, the results propose future research direction.
Concrete strength is not only an important factor in design and quality control, but it also represents the overall qualityof concrete. The use of admixture has been increasingly prevalent in the recent cases of concrete production as a meansto improve the functionality of concrete. Of particular note, fly ash is added in either the cement or the ready-mixedconcrete production stage with the general mixing ratio being about 15%; however, using fly ash slows down the initialhydration of the binding material, which can in turn cause a delay in acquisition of strength. In this study, calcium sulfoaluminate (C4A3S; CSA) was added to improve the initial strength of cement after the use of fly ash, and its effect instrength improvement was analyzed. The substitution ratios of fly ash were 0, 10, 20 and 30%, and the amount of CSAadded to improve the initial strength was 8% of the fly ash weight. The results of the experiment showed that adding CSA resulted in high calorific values at peaks 1 and 2 of hydration heat, and an X-ray diffraction analysis showed thatthe amount of unhydrated materials was higher with increasing substitution ratio of fly ash. An increase in CSA wasalso shown to lead to a higher amount of ettringite being generated in the early ages. In conclusion, addition of 30% flyash and 8% CSA led to an ettringite production that was 3 times higher than the mixing ratio of fly ash, which effectivelyimproved the initial strength. The same phenomenon was observed in the electron microscope analysis. Based on theseresults, it was determined that adding CSA in an amount that equaled to 8% of fly ash weight can promote the productionof ettringite, thereby improving the initial strength, which gets reduced by the use of fly ash.
In this stduy, Calcium aluminate cement (CAC) and Ordinarly portalnd cement (OPC) concretes were evaluated by electrical ion penetration and diffusion to assess chloride transport properties. Both methods used concrete specimens. Electrical ion penetration measured total charge passed concrete specimens at 28, 56, 91 days, and chloride profiles were shown to evaluate chloride transport with diffusion after immersing concrete specimens in 4M NaCl solution during 200 days.
To assess the steel corrosion resistance for Calcium aluminate cement and Ordinary portland cement against internal chloride ions, mortar specimens were cast, assuming aggregates are inert. Linear polarisation, half-cell potential and mass loss were chosen to measure the rate of steel corrosion.