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        검색결과 9

        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        L-carnitine은 라이신과 메티오닌으로 생합성되며 골격근 과 심근을 포함한 다양한 동물조직에서 발견된다. L-carnitine이 포함된 식품으로는 양고기, 소고기, 돼지고기 등이 있고 근육발달에 도움을 주며 뼈를 강화하거나 대사작용을 도와주는 기능을 하여 영양 보조제로 많이 섭취하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 최근 L-carnitine은 제 2형 당뇨병, 골다 공증, 대사성 신경증후군 등의 다양한 질병의 약물로도 연구 되고 있으며 암에서는 치료 보조제로 개발되어있다. 하지만 대장암에서의 L-carnitine에 대한 효과 및 기전에 대해서는 명확하지 않고 연구된 바가 없기 때문에 본 연구에서 저자들은 L-carnitine의 효능을 인간대장암세포주 HCT116에서 규명하고자 하였다. L-carnitine은 세포 내 활성산소종 (ROS)를 높은 수준으로 증가시켜 세포 증식을 억제하였다. 또한, 세포 증식과 죽음에 관련한 단백질 ERK1/2와 p38을 유의적으로 활성화 시킨다는 것을 입증 하였다. 이때, ERK1/2 억제제(PD98059)를 처치하여 ERK1/ 2의 활성화가 활성산소종 발생 및 세포사멸에 중요하다는 것을 밝혔다. 따라서, 본 연구 결과는 L-carnitine이 대장 암세포주의 증식을 억제 할 수 있고 이는 대장암의 치료에 있어 잠재적인 치료 물질이 될 수 있음을 시사하며 이 과정에 관여하는 신호전달기전을 조사하여 항암의 치료기 전에서 활성산소종이나 ERK1/2, p38 단백질의 활성화의 중요성을 제시하였다.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cryopreservation of bovine embryos is used to efficiently implant surrogate mothers. It has been widely accepted that high lipid content in the oocyte interrupts its survival during freeze-thaw cycles. Serum component in the culture medium is thought to increase the embryo`s lipid contents. Conversely, L-carnitine stimulates lipid metabolism by transporting long chain fatty acids into the mitochondria. Objective of this study was to analyze the effect of L-carnitine supplementation in IVM medium and defined IVC medium on the development, lipid contents and the cryosurvival of bovine IVF embryos. 0.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0 mM L-carnitine was supplemented in IVM medium, respectively (IVM-LC 0.0, LC 1.5, LC 3.0 and LC 6.0). Development rate from the 2cell to the morula stages was higher in IVM-LC 3.0 groups than those of IVM-LC 6.0 (p<0.05). But there were no significant differences among the other groups in the blastocyst rates and lipid content results. When 0.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0 mM L-carnitine were supplemented in IVC medium (IVC-LC 0.0, LC 1.5, LC 3.0 and LC 6.0), development competence was not significantly different between those embryos. Lipid contents of embryos treated L-carnitine (IVC-LC 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0) were significantly lower than embryos of non-treated group. L-carnitine was supplemented 0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 mM during IVM and 3.0 mM during IVC (LC 0.0 - 3.0, LC 1.5 – 3.0, LC 3.0 – 3.0, LC 6.0 – 3.0) and cryosurvival of blastocysts confirmed after freezing-thawing. There were no significant differences on development, but LC 3.0 – 3.0 was significantly lower lipid contents than other groups. And LC 3.0 – 3.0 had better survival rates and hatched rates of blastocysts than LC 0.0 – 0.0. In conclusion, supplementation of L-carnitine in defined IVC medium decreases lipid contents. And L-carnitine supplementation improves cryosurvival and developmental ability of bovine IVF embryos.
        2017.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is the technique which generates embryos by transferring diploid nucleus into an enucleated oocyte, it has produced specific animals successfully in a variety of species. However, the developmental capacity of SCNT embryos is still relatively lower than that of embryos produced in vivo. Oocyte is a kind of lipid rich cells, its quality limits the efficiency of embryo production. L-carnitine is a co-enzyme facilitating the transportation of long chain fatty acids across the inner mitochondria membrane where fatty acids are used for generating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) via beta-oxidation. It also has antioxidant actions which may protect mitochondrial membranes and DNA against damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Whether L-carnitine is functional in bovine SCNT embryos are unknown. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the effects of L-carnitine on oocyte maturation and developmental competence of subsequent SCNT embryos. L-carnitine was supplemented during IVM, then intracellular ROS and GSH levels, mitochondrial activity, gene expression of COCs were analyzed at the end of IVM. SCNT embryos were produced subsequently, apoptosis detection and gene expression evaluation were performed in blastocysts. In the results, treatments with 1.5 mM and 3 mM L-carnitine significantly improved maturation rates (P<0.05). Treatments with 3 mM L-carnitine effectively induced improvement in nuclear maturation, intracellular GSH levels and mitochondrial activity, as well as a reduction in intracellular ROS levels (P<0.05). mRNA levels of CPT1A, ACAA1, ACAA2, AREG, EREG, SOD1, GPX4, GLUT1 and CDC2 transcripts were effectively up-regulated by 3 mM L-carnitine treatments (P < 0.05). Similarly, 3mM L-carnitine induced an increase in blastocyst developmental rates and an improvement in blastocyst quality (P<0.05). Our study indicates that L-carnitine treatment during IVM improves oocyte nuclear maturation and subsequent SCNT embryo development.
        2016.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of L-carnitine (LC) and nicotinic acid (NA) on sperm viability during liquid storage at 18℃ in miniature pigs. 10 μM LC and 30 mM NA, combined LC and NA (LN) were treated in fresh semen for 3, 7, and 10 days. In results, sperm survival increased in NA- and LN-treated semen on 7 and 10 days (p<0.05), mitochondrial integrity of live sperm increased in LN-treated semen on 7 days (p<0.05), but not NA-treated semen. In addition, we examined the acrosome reaction of sperm in miniature pigs. LC and NA did not influence on acrosome reaction of boar sperm. In conclusion, LC and NA effectively maintained the viability and quality of sperm during long-term storage in miniature pigs, suggesting that the combined LN may be useful for improving the semen extender for long-term liquid storage in pigs.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        L-Carnitine is an antioxidant for the transport of fatty acids in mitochondria and breakdown of lipids for metabolic energy. Some studies have suggested that carnitine improves sperm motility in mammals. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of L-carnitine on the characteristics in fresh semen of miniature pigs. The collected fresh semen was stored in modena B medium with L-carnitine (0, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mg/ml) for 10 days at 18℃. The semen quality of viability, acrosome reaction and mitochondria integrity was analyzed on 0, 3, 7, and 10 day of semen storage. The percentages of live and dying sperm were not different among treatment groups with different concentrations of L-carnitine during the storage period. In acrosome reaction analysis, when the sperm stored for 7 day, the percentages of live sperm with acrosome reaction were significantly (p<0.05) lower in 1 (9.0±0.9%), 2 (7.6±0.2%) or 4mg/ml (7.9±0.8%) L-carnitine-treated groups than the control group (0 mg/ml L-carnitine) (11.12±0.2%). However, there were no difference in percentages of live sperm with acrosome reaction for 3 and 10 days of storage with each concentrations of L-carnitine. When sperm was stored for 3 and 10 days, the percentages of live sperm with mitochondria integrity were significantly higher in 2 mg/ml of L-carnitine-treated group than control group (p<0.05). In conclusion, the L-carnitine has a positive effect on acrosome reaction and mitochondria integrity in liquid state of fresh semen in miniature pigs.
        2011.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effects of carnitine on atherosclerosis and steatosis of hypercholesterolemic rabbits induced by a high-cholesterol diet (HCD) containing 0.5% cholesterol and 2.0% corn oil were investigated. Male New Zealand white rabbits with hypercholesterolemia (blood cholesterol 1,000-1,500 mg/dl) induced by two-week feeding a HCD, were fed a HCD containing 0.008 or 0.075% L-carnitine for an additional eight weeks. Feeding a HCD for 10 weeks resulted in severe atheromatous change, covering 55.7% of the aortic walls, in addition to profound hepatic steatosis. However, carnitine supplementation resulted in recovery of the increased low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides and a decrease in the levels of high-density lipoproteins following HCD feeding, although the increased cholesterol concentration was not potentially attenuated. Notably, carnitine induced a marked reduction of the atheroma area and hepatic lipid accumulation as well as lipid peroxidation. The results of this study indicated that carnitine exerted anti-atherosclerotic and fatty liver-preventing activities through blockade of lipid peroxidation and regulation of lipid metabolism.
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was peformed to investigate effect of feeding experimental mixture containing chitosan, hibiscus extract and L-carnitine on body weight and lipid metabolism in rats. Forty-eight male rats(Charles River CD) of eight weeks old and weighing 336.5±2.3g were raised for five weeks with high fat diet(40% fat as calorie) to induce obesity. After induction of obesity, rats weighing 560.4±5.6g were blocked into four groups according to body weight and raised for eight weeks with diet containing either 0.09%(+1D group), 0.9%(+10D group) or 4.5%(+50D group) of experimental mixture. Aspartate aminotransferase(AST) and alanine aminotransferase(ALT), total protein and albumin were normal levels in plasma. Body weight gain and epididymal fat pad weight were lower in experimental mixture groups than control group However, weights of perirenal fat pad and brown adipose tissue were not significantly different among all groups. There was no significant difference in plasma and hepatic lipid levels among all groups. Liver citrate lyase and camitine acyltransferase activities were not significantly different among all groups, however, citrate lyase activity was tended to be decreased with increasing experimental mixture level in diet. Fecal total lipid and total cholesterol excretions were highest in +50D group, and triglyceride excretion was highest in +1D group. in conclusion, intake of experimental mixture containing chitosan, hibiscus extract and L-camitine was effective in reducing body weight and body fat, and its inhibitory effects might lead to obesity improvement.