Epitheli a l mesenchymal interaction(EMl) is well known to be essential in eznbryonic deve]opment. wound hea]jng a nd ca rci nogenes is. Th is study was a i med to design in vi tro model for the investigation of protein analysis in epithe li al a ncl mesenchyma l i nteract ion(EMI) . This stucly usecl oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line(YD-lOB) . 1'0 investigate the clifference 0 1' protei n ex press ion of cancel‘ cells influencecl by variable in vitro conditions. three different models were des ig necl ; Collagen gel- basecl ca ncer cell culture model devoid of fibroblasts(C) , Direct coτulture moclel(M2) composed of ca ncer cells beneath co ll agen gel embeclded with Swiss 31'3 fibroblasts ‘ and Indi rect co-culture model(Ml) with collagen layer betwecn cancel‘ cells and collagen gel with f lbroblasts Two-dimensional electrophoresis was performed to compa re t he diffe r ence of protein express ion pattern of ca ncer cells aznong three znodel systems. Protein identification was done by MALDI-TOF. As res ults ‘ pl'O te in express ion pat tem of cancel' cells was quite different between znonolayer cul ture and coll agen gel based cultu re. Aclditiona ll y. protein expression was different between culture models with fi broblasts and without fibroblasts a ncl between ind irect contact and direct contact of two cell types ‘ Among differentia l prot ei n spots. catheps in D WäS iuenLifï ed by MALDl• TOF Cathepsin D exprcssion was increased from C model to 11띠 and M2 model by West em blott ing. suggest ing that cathe psi n D expression may be activated by direct and indirect stimulation of stromal fï broblas ts F' rom these resul ts ‘ these models could be appropriate for EMI study and cathepsin D mi ght be incluced by fi broblasts s timulation
Survival of embryos largely depends on yolk processing during early development. Proteolytic enzymes, cathepsin B & D (ctsb & ctsd) are known to have some important roles in yolk processing of various fish species. Mature female red spotted groupers were injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to induce ovulation. The fertilized eggs and embryos were sampled at 0, 4 and 24 HPF (hours post fertilization). Survivals of each groups of embryos were checked at 24 and 48 HPH (hours post hatching). Transcripts of ctsb & ctsd showed the highest level at 0 HPF and relatively high at 4 HPF, but greatly decreased at 24 HPF. In bad egg quality group (BE, embryos survived until 24 HPH), transcript level of ctsb at 4 HPF were significantly lower than the transcript level at the same stage in good egg quality group (GE, embryos survived until 48 HPH) while no significant change of ctsb transcript level was observed at 0 or 24 HPF between BE and GE. Transcript level of ctsd was decreased at 24 HPF, but the difference was not as strong as the case of ctsb transcript. These results suggest that maternal ctsb transcript rather than ctsd transcript is likely to be involved in egg quality resulting in the difference of survival rate of embryos at early developmental period in this species.