이 연구는 한국어를 학습하는 외국인 학습자들을 위하여 인지언어학적 인 관점으로 접근하여 신체 관련 한국어 감정 관용 표현에 나타나는 은 유와 개념화의 방식을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 관용 표현은 그 언어를 사용하는 사람들에 의해 그 의미가 형성된다. 따라서 관용 표현을 생성 한 한국인의 개념화 방식을 알아야 한다. 이에 따라 분노와 불안의 근원 영역을 ‘온도/색깔/명암/전복/분출/경직’으로 분류하였다. 근원 영역이 ‘온도’일 때 개념적 은유는 ‘분노는 뜨거움’과 ‘불안은 차가움’이며 ‘색깔’ 일 때의 개념적 은유는 ‘불안은 죽음’, ‘명암’의 근원 영역에서는 ‘불안은 어두움’이라는 개념화가 일어나고 ‘전복’의 영역에서는 ‘분노는 뒤집함’이 라는 개념적 은유가 일어난다. 또한 ‘분출’은 ‘불안은 땀’이라는 개념적 은유를, ‘경직’은 ‘불안은 정지’라는 개념적 은유를 통해 감정 관용 표현 을 생성하였다. 본고는 신체 관련 한국어의 감정 관용 표현 통해 한국인 의 개념화 방식을 정리하였으며 이 연구가 한국어교육 현장에 기초 자료 로도 활용될 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다
This paper studies psychological experience of reading narrative literary texts from the cognitive perspective. Vicarious experience through literary texts as construction of a virtual human world, generally understood as situation model in the cognitive process of text comprehension, can be grasped as readers’ mental simulation on the backgrounds, scenes, and the actions of characters. Readers, however, not only simulate the outside world in the texts, but also recognize the inner states of the characters such as motivation, intention, and emotion, which makes readers’ reading experience psychological reality. This empathic experience can be explained as readers’ retrieving personal experience from the long-term memory as direct resources for inferencing the overall situation in the texts. In that cognitive text comprehension is closely connected with human learning by both updating and reconstructing memory, mental simulation through narrative literary texts ultimately leads to readers’ personal growth by deeper understanding on themselves and broadening their horizons. Finally this paper suggests two educational implications on reading in foreign language education; the importance of empathy through reading literary texts in communicative situation, and facilitation of foreign language learning by connecting readers’ own experience with it.
This study deals with the overall meta-cognitive aspects of ATC-Pilot miscommunications pertinent to cognitive human errors based on the previous literature research which it has been focused on the issue of the global aviation English use in regard with aircraft accident and incident. Especially, it addresses the concern over the ICAO aviation English language proficiency evaluation program which will be implemented globally in March, 2008. In addition, It presents the analysis related to the on-going English language proficiency level four test conducted for Korean civil airlines pilots and air traffic controllers.