
외국어교육연구 Foreign Language Education Research

이 간행물 논문 검색


제17호 (2014년 12월) 8

2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Articles in one domestic journal, English Teaching (ET), and one international journal, TESOL Quarterly (TQ) from 2011 to 2013 were surveyed in order to analyze current research trends and to suggest better orientation toward future research focusing on participants, research methods, target language skills, and research topics. The results show that university students have participated most in both of the journal articles, indicating that they are practically available to the researchers in higher educational settings. The proportion of quantitative and qualitative research methods was well balanced in TQ, while, in ET, more than 50 percent of the articles relied on quantitative research methodology along with a relatively larger proportion of mixed method research in ET. In terms of target language skills, writing has been studied most in ET and speaking in TQ, showing growing interest in productive language skills nowadays. As for research topics, articles based on socio-cultural factors have been published most in TQ and articles based on classrooms pedagogy in ET, which reflects that English learning is performed mostly in classroom settings in Korea. Pedagogical implications and suggestions are made based on the findings
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Rolle des Intellektuellen in der Gesellschaft in Bezug auf Alfred Anderschs literarische und mediale Aktivitäten in den späten 50er Jahren. Gut 10 Jahre nach Kriegsende 1945 hat sich Alfred Andersch mit den Themen von Verfolgung, Flucht und Freiheit des Menschen auseinandergesetzt, wobei das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Solidarität und Freiheit der Menschheit hervorgehoben wird. Andersch war ein überzeugender Befürworter für die engagierte Literatur. Sein geistiger Vater war der französische Romancier, Philosoph und Publizist Jean-Paul Sartre, der als Paradefigur der französischen Intellektuellen des 20. Jahrhunderts gilt. Andersch wurde von Sartres Philosophie und Literatur stark beeinflusst. Als engagierter Künstler hat er die Zeitschrift Texte und Zeichen herausgegeben und beim Süddeuschen Rundfunk das gesellschaftskritische Programm Radio-Essay geleitet. 1957 wurde sein erfolgreichster Roman Sansibar oder der letzte Grund erschienen.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Les locutions idiomatiques du français sont l’une des bêtes noires des traducteurs étrangers qui travaillent vers leur langue maternelle. Le traducteur ayant été d’abord un apprenant, la faute nous incombe logiquement, nous, acteurs du FLE, qui redoutons la manipulation de ces, bien nommées pour le cas, « lexies complexes ». Les traducteurs de langues romanes voire germaniques se débrouillent malgré tout grâce à bon nombre de référents culturels partagés avec l’Hexagone mais il en est tout autre des Coréens qui les négocient, à leur insu, littéralement. Pour éviter les contresens et pire les non-sens, c’est dès le niveau A1 qu’il convient d’opérer un enseignement-apprentissage progressif et raisonné de locutions idiomatiques. « Progressif » parce qu’avant de manipuler les locutions dites « en filigrane », il est nécessaire d’avoir au préalable acquis des compétences linguistiques et culturelles conséquentes (« Choses promises chômedu !» = chose promise chose due + promesses non tenues de diminution du chômage en France). « Raisonné » car la phraséodidactique abhorre l’universalisme ; une locution jugée « facile » pour un public ne le sera pas nécessairement pour l’autre (« C’est une vraie tête de cochon ! » sera limpide pour un anglophone mais sera interprété autrement par un Coréen).
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper studies psychological experience of reading narrative literary texts from the cognitive perspective. Vicarious experience through literary texts as construction of a virtual human world, generally understood as situation model in the cognitive process of text comprehension, can be grasped as readers’ mental simulation on the backgrounds, scenes, and the actions of characters. Readers, however, not only simulate the outside world in the texts, but also recognize the inner states of the characters such as motivation, intention, and emotion, which makes readers’ reading experience psychological reality. This empathic experience can be explained as readers’ retrieving personal experience from the long-term memory as direct resources for inferencing the overall situation in the texts. In that cognitive text comprehension is closely connected with human learning by both updating and reconstructing memory, mental simulation through narrative literary texts ultimately leads to readers’ personal growth by deeper understanding on themselves and broadening their horizons. Finally this paper suggests two educational implications on reading in foreign language education; the importance of empathy through reading literary texts in communicative situation, and facilitation of foreign language learning by connecting readers’ own experience with it.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aims at exploring the theoretical perspectives and research related to second language teacher identities. In particular, this paper focuses on the studies on the identities of English teachers in the Korean educational system. Major findings are as follows: First, based on the previous literature on teacher identities, teacher identities are defined as dynamic, multidimensional, and changing, as they continuously interact with individual, social, and cultural contexts. Second, it was found that studies have focused on (1) the meta-analyses of English teacher identities, (2) native-speaking English teacher identities, (3) the identities of non-native-speaking English teachers co-teaching with native-English-speaking teachers, (4) the identities of non-native-speaking English teachers including pre- and in-service teachers, and (5) teacher identity development through teacher education activities. Lastly, this paper brings up issues and suggestions on the formation and development of English teacher identities. It also offers directions for the future research on professional identities of second language teachers.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird versucht, das Berliner-Modell von Paul Heimann zu erläutern, um den Deutschunterricht von einem lernerzentrierten Gesichtpunkt aus aufzubauen und zu planen. Das Berliner-Modell möchte helfen, unter Berücksichtigung der je unterschiedlichen Bedingungen und Situationen zu sinnvollen Entscheidungen über das Warum, Wohin, Was und Wie in einer Gruppe zu kommen. Das Berliner Modell hebt sechs Struckturelemente hervor: Anthropogene und sozialkulturelle Voraussetzungen werden als reale Gegebenheiten bei der Unterrichtsplanung berücksichtigt. Sie beziehen sich auf vier Entscheidungsfaktoren Absicht, Gegenstände, Methode und Mittel. In diesem Artikel wird der Unterricht “Zimmer besuchen” mit den sechs Strukturelementen von dem Berliner-Modell je nach dem Lernprozess gelpant und analysiert. Bei der Unterrichtsvorbereitung muss der Stellwert entsprechendes Lernprozesses dem Lehrer klar werden
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This article presents the didactic possibility of using movies in the university teaching, most of all in the faculties of german studies. As like other forms of arts, films can be used as a serious object for learning and teaching. In this article I want to present a case study of film didactics, or a sustained image of a teaching situation with films - a set of circumstances that produces significant learning in students. The purpose of this article lies also in the transformation of the image of good teaching. It is argued that student-centered learning and discussion-based teaching with movies are possible and necessary.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this paper is to examine the theoretical backgroud of a phraseo-didactics in French as Foreign Language and to present concrete ways to develop it in an effective way. The teaching methodology for french phraseolgy is very critical to improve one’s communicative competence among Korean learners. In this regard, this article raised the following 4 issues: 1) To distinguish the type of french phraseology. 2) To examine the status of phraseology in Common European Framework of Reference. 3) To investigate components of phraseology which are divided into three parts: sociocultural component, linguistic component, pragmatic component. 4) To set up some issues for the teaching of french phraseology in Korean context. For an effective teaching, this paper need to more carefully consider the teaching lists, rages, time and various methods of french phraseological expressions.