
외국어교육연구 Foreign Language Education Research

이 간행물 논문 검색


제12호 (2009년 12월) 9

2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Im Deutschen haben wir neben den verschmolzenen Formen von Präpositionen und bestimmtem Artikel auch die vollen, nicht verschmolzenen Formen von Präposition und bestimmtem Artikel. Für Ausländer gehören die Verschmelzungen von Präpositionen mit dem bestimmten Artikel zu den schwierigsten Problemen der Grammatik. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, die vorhandenen Untersuchungen über Verschmelzungen zu analysieren und dadurch herausgestellte Verwendungsweisen von Verschmelzungen und Vollformen auf einen literarischen Text anzuwenden.
2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Notre recherche porte sur la mise en valeur des sigles dans l’enseignement du français à destination des lycéens coréens. En effet, le programme officiel actuel vise au développement de la compétence communicative des apprenants, en mettant exceptionnellement l’accent sur l’enseignement de la culture dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères. Nous avons donc essayé de montrer la valeur didactique des sigles, en tenant compte des niveaux linguistique et culturel des apprenants coréens. Étant donné le grand écart linguistique entre le français et le coréen, le niveau du français des lycéens coréens est généralement médiocre. D’ailleurs, les élèves coréens ont peu l’occasion de prendre contact avec la culture française dans la vie quotidienne, de sorte que leurs connaissances sur la France et sa culture sont, dans la plupart des cas, faibles et superficielles. En somme, nous visons à munir les lycéens coréens de la compétence communicative de base, à partir des sigles qui sont doublement utiles à l’entraînement linguistique et à l’équilibre de la représentation de la France chez les élèves centrée sur son apparence médiatisée, riche et luxueuse. Ainsi, ils arriveront à communiquer d’une manière efficace avec les locuteurs français, en ayant un regard pertinent sur la culture française et les Français.
2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
L’imparfait de l’indicatif, dans l’enseignement/apprentissage du français, est très certainement l’une des étapes les plus difficiles dans la maitrise de ce tiroir verbal chez l’apprenant, certes mais aussi chez l’enseignant. En effet, ce dernier ne se borne souvent qu’à enseigner son versant temporel au détriment de son versant modal. C’est un choix malheureusement guidé par un bon nombre d’ouvrages FLE qui ne présentent que peu de ses valeurs modales voire parfois pas du tout. L’apprenant, l’autodidacte surtout, s’en trouve grandement influencé dans son apprentissage croyant reconnaître l’imparfait et l’une de ses valeurs alors qu’en fait le sens est tout autre (nous pensons par exemple à l’imparfait de l’imaginaire: Encore un peu et je tombais!). Partant de ces constats, il est dès lors urgent de revoir la manière d’enseigner cette partie de la langue française, aidé cette fois de manuels qui osent s’attarder sur toutes les valeurs modales de ce «temps», qui n’est pas, à vrai dire, que temporel.
2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper discusses the tradition of migration in Germany and its historical background. In particular we critically review the diverse types of migrants and the current situations in Germany. In the second part of the paper the relations among the migration, education and language policy will be dealt with. It is argued that teaching both mother tongue and German as a second language is an integral part of the education system contributing to the integration of the migrant children in Germany.
2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The ability to command fluent English has long been seen as a way of achieving status, power, and economic prosperity in Korean society. As English is increasingly established as a global lingua franca, this tendentious view of English as an almighty tool for personal success and international competitiveness has gripped the mind of Korean people more strongly, driving the entire society into English learning fever. It also serves as a driving force for such controversial agendas as the governmental policy of introducing English immersion programs in high schools, the proposal to adopt English as an official language, or the urge to lecture in English in college classes. However, boosting this idea that English competence is everything may result in the loss of the opportunity to cultivate humanistic knowledge and culture individually and the impoverishment of indigenous culture and national heritage collectively. Another often overlooked source for promoting this social myth is the discipline of English education itself, which has been professionalized in its emphasis on teaching and learning methodologies and techniques, particularly in EFL situations as in Korea. Predominant interest in how to teach rather than what or why to teach is likely to strip the study of a language of its expressive and aesthetic characteristics as well as critical or comparative thinking. The functionalism prevailing in the discipline of English education inevitably influences the nation's teacher training programs, whose overemphasis on techniques is likely to reduce English teachers to mere ‘teaching machines,’ or experts without souls.
2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper investigated the effects of Korean syllable structure on the acquisition of English consonant clusters on the basis of the speech data collected from a total of 8 Korean middle school students (2 females and 6 males). A total of 24 English monosyllabic words that formed 8 different quasi minimal triplets was employed and recorded. Each triplet consisted of mono-consonantal, bi-consonantal, and tri-consonantal words like pin, spin, spring or pin, pink, pinks. The three words at four triplets were differentiated by the number of consonants at the onset position and those at the other four triplets, at the coda position. Using a 5 point-scale scoring method, two native English speakers rated the speech data in terms of (i) intelligibility and (ii) the scoring of bi- and tri-consonantal words with three points being fixed on mono-syllabic words. The main finding was that the tri-consonantal words scored the lowest, bi-consonantal words were in the middle, and mono-consonantal words scored the highest. But, this general tendency held true only at the words dissimilar at the coda position. At the onset position, on the other hand, the mono-consonantal words scored the lowest. The in-depth analysis that followed the rating showed that a comparison of the words in terms of the syllabic intelligibility can be properly made only when each consonant comprising a syllable is intelligibly articulated on its own.
2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper observes how the third grade elementary English textbook does not provide target-like balanced language input. It proposes that the unbalance is attributed to the usefulness-based listing of communicative function expressions in the 7th National English Curriculum. The paper concludes that the problem is hard to resolve unless due and proper attention is paid to formal and structural aspects of the target language in designing national English curriculum and developing English textbooks.
2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper discusses diverse ways of improving college English education program based on previous studies. In particular, the discussion focuses on three issues: the goals of college English education program, the content of the program curriculum, and the implementation of the curriculum. The purpose of the paper is to assess the current state of Korean college English education, diagnose its problems and weaknesses, and suggest various measures for enhancing it. The importance of taking into special consideration the characteristics of the college and its students as well as the students’ own learning needs in designing any college English education program is underscored. Given that the curriculum of English education program is developed by each college rather than by the government, the information that this paper provides is expected to help colleges upgrade their English education program.
2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
It is time for German language teachers in Korea to strive for qualitative development. One of the tasks to achieve this is to develop German grammar books that explain the German language system in a way that suits Korean students. We should develop books on language learning, including German grammar, in accordance with the standard of the Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen. We should adjust the selection and order of the parts of grammar depending on the level of difficulty, frequency and the importance of communication. There should be beginner, intermediate and advanced levels in German grammar. In this paper, I have made suggestions for the beginner level. The task in the future is to implement and systemize these suggestions all the way down to the details of each part of speech. It is not overstatement to say that the strength of Korean students is their understanding of grammar. Instead of considering this strength as weakness, we should find a way to use it effectively in order to facilitate more qualitative German education.