The medium used for bottle cultivation of mushrooms is made according to a specific workflow; this includes mixing the raw materials, adjusting the moisture content, placing the mixture into bottles, and sterilizing and cooling the medium. Medium composition should be kept constant throughout the year. placed in the bottle, choice of materials, moisture content, weight of the medium, bulk density, nitrogen content, three-phase medium, such as suitable conditions. To achieve constant medium composition a comprehensive model has been established in accordance with the technology developed in the work process with respect to medium compositions piecemeal. By comprehensively applying the various methods to establish medium composition, our country can expect to grow at over four seasons and overcome the many difficulties in mushroom mycelial growth periods, cultivation periods, quantity, and quality.
목적 : 본 연구는 국내 노인보건의료 및 복지서비스 대상자의 누락 및 중복, 노인장기요양보험제도의 사각 지대, 지역사회 내 공공·민간 복지 서비스 산재 그리고 경도 장애 대상자 제외 등의 문제점을 해결하기 위한 한국형 작업 중심 지역포괄센터 모델의 구축 방안을 제시하고자 실시하였다. 연구방법 : 국내외 노인복지 서비스 관련 법제도 분석, 실태현황 및 문제점 그리고 선진국의 사례를 토대로 한국 실정에 맞는 작업 중심 지역포괄센터 모델을 개발하였다. 모델의 적절성과 국내 적용 가능성 및 효 과성을 확인하기 위해 전문가 내용타당도 검증과 포커스 그룹 자문을 통해 최종 모델을 개발하였다. 결과 : 작업 중심 지역포괄센터 모델은 의료연계, 재가급여 강화, 건강증진, 권익증진 및 주거안전 5가지 서 비스를 계속적·포괄적으로 제공하는 시스템으로 개발되었다. 내용타당도 검증결과 문항별 타당도 전체 평균은 9점 만점 중 7.16점으로 높게 나타났다. 결론 : 작업 중심 지역포괄센터는 지역사회에 거주하는 노인 및 고령자가 활동 및 참여를 통해 존엄을 유지 하면서 가능하면 오랫동안 정든 지역사회에서 지속적으로 생활하기(aging in place) 위해 필요한 의료, 예방, 주거 및 생활 지원 서비스를 제공해 줌으로써 삶의 질 향상에 기여할 것으로 보인다. 또한 작업치료사가 케어매니저 역할을 함으로써 지역사회재활 전문가로 인정받을 뿐만 아니라 이 분야로의 합법적인 진출의 시발점이 될 것으로 기대하는 바이다.
The psychosocial stress and musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs) have been one of major health problems for hospital workers. This study tried to understand the relationship between symptoms associated with MSDs and risk factors such as working posture, job stress, psychosocial stress and fatigue. A total number of 655 hospital workers participated in this study. Specifically, REBA was applied for evaluating working posture and a checklist prepared by KOSHA(Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency) was used for symptom survey. A questionnaire from KOSHA was also used for collecting data associated with job stress, psychosocial stress and fatigue. All these data were formulated and modeled by path analysis which was one of major statistical tools in this study. Specifically, path analysis for the data we collected came up with several major findings. The risk scores from working posture based on REBA had indirect effects via fatigue factor(MFS) as well as direct effects on symptoms. The factors associated with job stress (KOSS) and psychosocial stress(PWI-SF) had significant effects on symptoms. Specifically, indirect effect of job stress factors via fatigue factors(MFS) had bigger than that of direct effect of job stress on symptom.
The psychosocial stress and musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs) have been one of major health problems for hospital workers. This study tried to understand the relationship between symptoms associated with MSDs and risk factors such as working posture, job stress, psychosocial stress and fatigue. A total number of 655 hospital workers participated in this study. Specifically, REBA was applied for evaluating working posture and a checklist prepared by KOSHA(Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency) was used for symptom survey. A questionnaire from KOSHA was also used for collecting data associated with job stress, psychosocial stress and fatigue. All these data were formulated and modeled by path analysis which was one of major statistical tools in this study. Specifically, path analysis for the data we collected came up with several major findings. The risk scores from working posture based on REBA had indirect effects via fatigue factor(MFS) as well as direct effects on symptoms. The factors associated with job stress(KOSS) and psychosocial stress(PWI-SF) had significant effects on symptoms. Specifically, indirect effect of job stress factors via fatigue factors(MFS) had bigger than that of direct effect of job stress on symptom.
This study focused on developing a comprehensive strategy for effective missions in North Korea in light of holistic mission. North Korea is a closed nation which calls for some practical mission strategies to be evangelized according to divine providence. Both the work of Holy Spirit and the work of the missionaries are essential to extend the kingdom of God in North Korea. First of all, this study pointed out the importance of developing a comprehensive mission strategy. The mission strategy is based on the concept of Missio Dei (God’s Mission) and the perspective of God‘s kingdom. In other words, both ecumenical and evangelical approaches are needed for a holistic mission in North Korea. This study found out six mission strategies as follows: First, rebuild churches in North Korea through the existing house churches. Second, focus on the people who have escaped from North Korea for freedom. Third, encourage NGO (Nongovernmental Organizations) missions. Fourth, carry out missions in cooperation with the North Korea Christian Federation. Fifth, pursue peaceful unification between North and South Korea. Sixth, carry out missions through Koreans who are living in China. Extending God’s kingdom in North Korea can be possible when some practical mission strategies are well developed and effectively applied. The mission strategies as well as the church’s ministries need to be contextualized so that the Gospel message can be meaningfully communicated to the people. As a result, a lot of true disciples of Jesus Christ can be produced. God will be glorified when many people in North Korea experience becoming a Christian. All Christians in North and South Korea need to arise and shine God‘s light to the world. “Arise, Shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” (Is. 60:1).
Purpose - This study aims to identify the priorities of medical service quality improvement by customer satisfaction characteristics and potential customer satisfaction improvement (PCSI) index based on the dualistic quality classification of Kano Model (1984) for Comprehensive Health Screeening Center in General Hospitals and Centers only for Comprehensive Health Screening and suggest a direction for future improvement.
Research design, data, and methodology - Through advanced research on health screening medical service quality, this study set four service quality factors, including tangible, human, process and supportive factors, and 39 measurement items. Based on these items, the study used 117 questions, which consist of dualistic quality factors, customer satisfaction coefficients, positive and negative questions for PCSI index and questions for current satisfaction. 300 effective samples were collected for adults in their 20s who experienced health screening service in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do and Incheon within the past two years. Collected data were input in the quality evaluation duality table to categorize quality factors and calculate customer satisfaction coefficients by Timko(1993). The study also analyzed PCSI index in comparison with current satisfaction and identified priorities in quality improvement.
Results - It was found that the most urgent factors to improve the quality in both groups were adequate waiting hours and emergency response for complications, which are process factors classified as unitary quality. It is urgently needed to improve the quality as the PCSI index was high in supportive factors (complaint response team) as attractive quality in Comprehensive Health Screening Center in General Hospitals and in process factors (prevention of infection) as unitary quality in Centers only for Comprehensive Health Screening. As the PCSI index was low in space use as a tangible factor, it was found that the current level can be maintained instead of improvement.
Conclusions - To improve the health screening medical service quality, it is required to focus on process factors (adequate waiting hours, emergency response for complications, prevention of infection) and supportive factors (complaint response team) among service qualities perceived by users. It is proposed to ensure continuous efforts to manage and reinforce priorities as a direction for future improvement in health screening service.
본 논문에서는 연구대상 지역의 150 mm 주철 상수관로의 첫 번째 파손으로부터 일곱 번째 파손사건에 대한 비례 위험모형을 구축하였다. 모형의 구축과정에서 공변수의 위험률에 대한 비례위험 가정을 검사하여 이를 위배할 경우 시간종속형 공변수로 모형화하였다. 그 결과 첫 번째 파손에 대해서는 관로의 제원 및 연결 방식과 급수인구가, 그리고 두 번째 파손 사건에 대해서는 급수인구의 영향이 시간에 따라 변하는 것으로 나타났다. 각 생존시간군의 기저위험률에 대한