The area around a certain airbase was affected by the noise of military helicopters, which seriously reduced the quality of the living environment in the surrounding area. In this paper, an automatic noise measurement system is set at 3 measurement points around the flight path of the 00 flight field. The fixed noise monitoring system is set up to measure the aircraft noise every day。 and selects the measurement site to facilitate the impact of noise caused by helicopter flight on the surrounding life. There is also a manual noise level measurement of the helicopter's maximum noise level for 7 days at 3 locations. Calculate the WECPNL value of 3 measuring points. Analyze the correlation between the aircraft noise evaluation unit WECPNL-Lden.
Of the daily noises, construction noises cause serious conflicts between a construction firm and residents due to their high sound pressure level and shocking, repetitive sound. While South Korea regulates construction noises on the basis of legal criteria to minimize the damage from the noises, the regulation only involves a weighted sound level (dB(A)), which is loudness, like other types of noises. However, since construction noises are characterized by very diverse spectra and waveforms, it has been indicated that they cannot be reflected only by physical loudness: SPLdB(A). In addition, the need to reflect acoustic psychological characteristics and meanings of human beings in evaluating construction noises has recently been indicated. This study aimed to use six Zwicker parameters to determine the sound quality and acoustic psychological characteristics of construction noises and analyze the correlation between physical indexes of construction noises, as found in literature review, and the Zwicker parameters. Loudness of construction noises were closely correlated with SPLdB(A); shocking noises were perceived as ‘loud, sharp, and annoying’ sound. The Zwicker parameters were most strongly correlated with loudness, followed by unbiased annoyance and sharpness, among the evaluation indexes; as for correlation with construction noises, ‘normal noises’ were closely correlated with loudness, ‘shocking noises’ were closely correlated with loudness, unbiased annoyance, and sharpness, and ‘fluctuating noises’ were closely correlated with loudness. Therefore, if loudness, unbiased annoyance, and sharpness were taken into account in terms of the sound quality in evaluating construction noises, it is expected to be useful to make and revise criteria for regulating the noises.
Noises in each construction field cause residents in the neighborhood to make complaints due to their high sound pressure level and repetitive, shocking sound. While South Korea regulates construction noises on the basis of legal criteria to minimize the damage from the noises, the regulation only involves a weighted sound level (dB(A)), which is loudness, like other types of noises. It is therefore necessary to make typology of construction noise sources and evaluation vocabularies with the objective of making criteria for regulating construction noises suitable for the South Korean situation. While research based on a survey has been conducted to make typology of construction noise sources and evaluation vocabularies, there have been lots of difficulties in using it to make criteria for regulation because no consideration was given to psychological responses of people. On the basis of the findings from literature review, this study aimed to make typology of construction noise sources and vocabularies through a psycho-acoustic experiment and analyze the psychological characteristics and meanings of construction noises more accurately. The respondents’ psychological responses to construction noise sources were grouped into three factors ‘normal, shocking, and fluctuating noises’ and into ― ― six factors ‘annoying,’ ‘loud,’ ‘confusing,’ ‘noisy,’ ‘alarming,’ and ‘boisterous’ in terms of evaluation ― ― vocabularies. Since the factor with the biggest eigenvalue drawn from the respondents’ psychological responses is most important, the most important influential factor in evaluating construction noises was ‘normal noises’ for construction noise sources and ‘annoyance’ for evaluation vocabularies. This typology is expected to be useful to make and revise criteria for regulating construction noises.
Assessment of noise exposed population is to check the environment noise level and social influence in order to reduce the risks such as annoyance and disturbance that are generated by environmental noise. Also, this method suggests the preferential noise abatement policy and action plan by accurately finding the area that the noise causes harmful effect to human health. Recently, a noise map, which can predict noise in comprehensive area, is used for the assessment of noise exposed population, breaking from the methods using existing measures. In particular, countermeasure for noise can be considered more effectively by using assessment methods of noise exposed population for specific noise level, area, and building types which are the main input factors in noise maps. In this study, we propose noise reduction ranking decision at ship construction and repair process due to noise map.
The object of this paper is to examine the noise generating mechanism at ship construction and repair precess. To accomplish the object; A noise generating mechanism of high noise machine, which is mounted in the ship construction and repair process, was investigated. The measurement method of the noise for the machine by ship construction were investigated. The noise at the 250 points of the manufacturing process machine in the 40 processes of the 3 factories, 3 business fields was measured. The database of the noise was built from the measurement data. The major sound sources and frequency range for the manufacturing process of metal material product machine was investigated.
There is a considerable amount of research on ship worker’s hearing loss caused by vibration and noise that comes from the ship’s construction. A further investigation that characterizes the sound that comes from building or repairing a ship is nonexistent or insufficient, however. To do this, a noise management plan is needed. It should include a generated sound process from the main sources of disturbance in the ship- building areas. And a soundproof measurement will identify the amount of noise reduction needed for a hearing- safe working environment. Finally, researchers in this study measured tests on the noise and the vibration process, and the noise caused by operations allowed for an investigation on the suitability of certain environmental conditions. Noise-related programs can be used to predict the noise distribution of the noise level characteristic. This can help identify and reduce the presence of sound interference through sound proofing measures.
무가선 저상트램은 친환경 고효율 교통수단으로서 저렴한 건설비, 도시 미관의 개선, 도시 주변 지역 활성화 및 승객 편의성 확보 등의 장점을 보유한 신교통 수단으로 10개 이상의 지역단체에서 도입을 검토 중에 있다. 이에 따라 무가선 저상트램 차량과 노면선로 및 도로교통과 복합된 신호시스템의의 개발, 인프라시스템 구축을 위한 연구가 활발히 진행 중에 있다. 무가선 저상트램 노면선로 중 도심지 구간에서는 레일이 노면에 매립되는 매립형궤도 시스템이 적용되고 있다. 매립형궤도 시스템은 소음 진동의 저감, 공기 단축 및 유지보수 최소화 등의 장점을 보유한 것으로 알려져 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 국내에서 시공사례가 전무한 매립형궤도 시스템을 설계하여 시험시공을 수행하였고 시공과정에서 발생한 문제점을 파악하였다. 또한 시험선 완공 후 진동과 소음을 일반 자갈도상궤도와 비교 측정하여 매립형궤도 시스템의 소음 진동 저감 성능을 정략적으로 분석하였다.