
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the status of the field application of the Science II career electives with the application of the 2015 revised curriculum up to the 3rd year of high school. This study focused on examining high school science teachers’ perceptions of the student-participatory class and process-centered assessment in Science II subjects, which are career-intensive high school science electives. A total of 192 science teachers responded to the survey questionnaire, and 12 teachers participated in interviews. In the in-depth interviews conducted to supplement the survey results, questions were asked about changes in the overall class, the status of student-participatory classes, and changes in the assessment of Science II subjects due to the emphasis on process-centered assessment. The main research results included teachers’perceptions of changes in teaching and assessment methods with the application of the revised curriculum, the degree to which the eight skills used in Science II classes develop the key competencies of science, and the teaching and assessment methods commonly used in Science II classes. Science teachers generally agreed with the purpose and necessity of introducing student-participatory classes and process-centered assessment, which are the core purpose of the 2015 revised curriculum. However, they had difficulties in practice due to the excessive content of Science II subjects. Problems were also encountered with securing objectivity and fairness during assessments and the operation of online science classes due to COVID-19.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Multimedia game contents is effective and efficient instruction media to support learning for students with development disabilities who have attention and learning difficulties. Many education game programs have developed to enhance learning fluency and learner’s interest. These programs also can be applied to students with developmental disabilities successfully. To this, education game program is designed to access all students including students with disabilities. In this study, to assess and suggest education game program accessibility, 6 education game programs were reviewed through teacher’s recommendation. Also These programs were rated 5 point likert scale by 30 teachers and special education specialists according UDL(Universal design for Learning) 9 guidelines. The results show that well designed education game program applied efficiently to students with developmental disabilities and it need to consider practices to enhance accessibility. Implications for further studies were suggested.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 高等學校 <漢文> 수업을 관찰하고, 관찰한 결과를 통해 드러난 ‘읽기’ 영역의 敎授學習 活動을 분석하는 것이다. 수업 시간에 이루어지는 다양한 활동에서 유의미한 읽기 교수학습 활동을 찾고, 이것을 분석함으로써 읽기 교수학습 요소를 발굴할 수 있다.이 연구에서 다루는 ‘읽기’는 2006년 발표된 개정 한문과 교육과정에 나온 ‘한문’ 영역의 중영역 중의 하나인 ‘읽기’ 영역을 의미한다. 필자는 고등학교 한문과 교실 수업의 면밀한 관찰과 기록을 위해 微視文化記述的 硏究 方法을 이용하여 수업을 분석한다.분석 결과, 이 연구에서 관찰한 수업에 드러난 ‘읽기’ 교수학습 활동은 ⅰ) 본문에 나온 字句를 익히기, ⅱ) 허사 등을 학습하여 문장의 구조를 파악하기, ⅲ) 문장의 해석을 위해 逐字的으로 풀이하기, ⅳ) 바르게 끊어 읽기를 위해 소리 내어 큰 소리로 따라 읽기, ⅴ) 문장을 익숙하게 보기 위해 반복하여 따라 읽기, ⅵ) 문장의 표면에 드러나지 않은 의미까지 파악하기 등이다. 이러한 활동을 통해 찾아낸 ‘읽기’ 교수학습 요소는 字句 學習, 構造 把握, 解釋, 聲讀, 復讀, 精讀이다.이 연구는 일상적인 교육 활동으로 여겨 으레 그러려니 생각한 수업의 교수학습 활동을 객관적으로 분석하여 한문과 교수학습 요소를 찾은 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 이와 같은 연구의 결과는 개정된 한문과 교육과정의 구체적인 실행 방안에 대한 논의의 기초 자료로 활용되리라 기대된다.