
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The house fly (Musca domestica L.) strains were derived from the Yumenoshima III strain by selecting with cypermethrin and methomyl for 19 and 16 generations, respectively. The resulting strains, cypermethrin resistance strain (Cyp-R19) and methomyl resistance strain (Met-R16), showed high level of resistance by 12906 and 51 times, respectively, comparing with the susceptible SRS strain. The Cyp-R19 strain was resistant to synthetic pyrethroids such as deltamethrin, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, -cyfluthrin, showing > 11000, 1231, 103, 292 times higher values than the SRS strain, respectively. It was also resistant to 3 organophosphates and 2 carbamates such as fenitrothion, profenofos, pyridaphenthion, benfuracarb, methomyl, showing resistance ratios fo 51, 17, 49, 39 and 62 comparing to SRS strain. The Met-R16 strain was resistant to synthetic carbamate benfuracarb, showing 6 times higher value than SRS strain. It was also resistant to 4 organophosphates such as acephate, fenitrothion, profenofos and pyridaphenthion, showing > 40, 103, 19, 60 times higher value. It was also resistant to 5 pyrethroids and a pyrrole such as cypermethrin, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, -cyfluthrin and chlorfenapyr, showing 3030, 249, 4063, 34, 330 and 86 times higher values than the SRS strain. Cyp-R14 strain which was selected for 14 generations by cypermethrin and developed 11014 times higher resistance to the SRS strain was used in the dominance and linkage group analysis. Cypermethrin resistance inheritance was incompletely dominant in house fly as judged by the reciprocal cross between the resistant and susceptible strains. The linkage group analysis for the major factors responsible for this resistance was carried out by themale-backcross method, using susceptible multi-chromosomal marker aabys strain. The major factors for cypermethrin resistance were located on the 1st, the 3rd and the 4th chromosomes, and the effect of the 3rd chromosome was most prominent.
        1989.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pyrethroid계 살충제인 cypermethrin과 carbamate계 살충제인 pirimicarb를 공시하여 실내 감수성계통 복숭아혹진닷물(Myzus persicae)을 인위적으로 루대도태한 후, 저항성 발달속도와 정도를 조사하고, 이들 저항성 계통의 타살충제에 대한 교차저항성 유무와 그 정도를 검토하였다. 저항성 발달속도는 cypermethrin 20세대 도태계통에서 도태전에 비하여 20.5차 증가하였으나, pirimicarb 20세대 도태계통에서는 3.2배 증가에 그쳐 살충제 종류에 따라 큰 차이를 보였다. Cypermethrin 도태계통은 acephate와 pirimicarb에 대해서 , pirimicarb 도태계통은 acephate와 cypermethrin에 대해서 교차저항성을 나타내었다. 그러나 cypermethrin, pirimicarb 도태계통은 demeton-S-methyl에 대해서 비교우저항성을 나타내었다.