On February 26, 2016, PRC Law on the Exploration and Development of Resources in Deep Seabed Areas was adopted. As a landmark marine legislation, this law was formulated in line with the UNCLOS, the Rules of the International Seabed Authority, and the PRC Constitution. It opened a brand new era of marine development and utilization for China under the strategic background of maritime power. Facing the limitation and challenges about the ecosystem and risk prevention brought about by the UNCLOS and the Convention on Biological Diversity 1992, the maritime powers around the world, including China, have been making domestic legislation on the exploitation and protection of seabed resources beyond national jurisdiction. This paper introduces China’s policy for the exploitation and development of the ‘Areas’ in accordance with the UNCLOS, and makes a further interpretation on China’s related domestic legislations and practice.
Part XI of the UNCLOS lays out the legal framework for deep seabed mining activities in the Area. Several countries have already passed domestic deep seabed mining laws fulfilling their obligations under the Convention and the regulations promulgated by the ISA, established under the Convention. China passed its own deep seabed mining law in 2016. China’s deep seabed mining law aims at securing effective regulation of its sponsored contractors’ deep seabed activities and ensuring the contractors’ compliance with the rules and regulations issued by the ISA. China’s law pays tremendous attention to marine environmental protection during contractors’ deep seabed activities. This paper briefly describes the legal regime for international seabed mining, then illustrates China’s legislative actions, examines the key environmental provisions of China’s deep seabed law and analyzes the balancing of interests of multiple parties behind China’s emphasis on marine environmental protection during the exploration and exploitation of deep seabed minerals.
본 논문은 통합채광시스템의 동력학 해석을 다루고 있다. 통합채광시스템은 채광선, 수직양광관, 중간 저장 장소인 버퍼, 유연관, 자항식집광기로 구성되어 있다. 자항식집광기와 버퍼는 6자유도의 강체로 가정하였으며, 수직양광관과 유연관의 동적거동 해석을 위해 집중질량 매개방법을 이용한 이산화 모델을 적용하였다. 채광선에 대한 운동은 포함시키지 않았지만 경계조건을 통하여 채광선의 움직임을 표현하였다. 연약한 해저면을 주행하는 차량에는 연약지반 역학 모델을 적용시켰다. 수직양광관-버퍼, 버퍼-유연관, 유연관-자항식집광기의 연결에는 회전구속과 볼 구속조건을 사용하였다. 연성 동력학 모델의 운동방정식을 유도하기 위해 국부좌표계를 사용하였으며, 4개의 오일러 매개변수를 사용하여 각 시스템의 자세를 표현하였다. 통합 채광시스템의 운동 방정식 해를 구하기 위해서 증분-반복법을 적용하였으며, 시간영역 적분기는 newmark-β를 사용하였다. 통합 채광시스템의 동적 거동 해석을 수치해석을 통해 분석하였다.