
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of combinations of tofu paste and non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) on the oil uptake reduction (OTR) of deep-fat fried cake doughnuts. OTR agents were tofu paste (from grinding tofu with deionized water, followed by passage through a 60 mesh sieve), and five neutral and nine anionic NSPs. A control doughnut (without tofu paste or NSP), tofu doughnut (with tofu paste) and NSP-tofu doughnut (with tofu paste and NSP) were prepared. The moisture and total lipid (TL) content, cross-section image, color characteristic, and specific volume were measured. The tofu and NSP-tofu doughnuts exhibited higher moisture and lower TL content than the control. OTR was 10.8% for the tofu doughnut, and between 13.2% and 41.2% for the NSP-tofu doughnut. The highest OTR (41.2%) was found in the NSP-tofu doughnut with a combination of tofu paste and sodium alginate (NaA). The specific volume of the NSP-tofu doughnuts with combinations of tofu paste with NaA (2.5 mL/g), locust bean gum (2.5 mL/g), and κ-carrageenan (2.4 mL/g) was very close to that of the control (2.6 mL/g). Considering the OTR and specific volume of doughnuts, the combination of tofu paste and NaA would be most effective in reducing the oil uptake of doughnuts during deep-fat frying.